PLease help me outtt.....!!!!

I did some research on speakers last week....
here are the details

I was at ProFx, Atria mall...
i chked out..

Polk Monitor 50 (18K)and RTi 50 (35K)....with a denon AMp....I found it OK sorts..nothing special..... many people on this MOnitor 50...but I think Sub Woofer is a must with those speakers....bass is quite ordinary.....

I was really disappointed....may be the AMP was the problem....

2. Then came couple of HTiB...with Denon 1908 (35K)

ProFx one.... a decent setup..5.1 setup..for 39000/-
Focal...5.1 satellite speakers... for 49000/-

I liked the latter....bass was gud...and the quality was the best.....

Polk Audio...Bookshelf (monitor 30) with their Sub....AVR was again DEnon 1908....
quite a decent setup....for 30K odd....

Then I went to JBL shop....

One thing...I wud like you guys to know....

Their atitutde SUCKSS BIG TIME!!!!!!....

It was like thy are doing a favour to giving me the Demo....

there I auditioned...

1. JBL e30 (18000) with HK AV247 (35000/-) plus...JBL Sub 140....(12.5K)

The setup was quite gud...I liked it....:p
But only thing was the AVR....It is out of budget....

2. JBL ES 80 (45K) with same AVR 247 .....

quite nice... i liekd it....but then both out of my Budget....:rolleyes:

Then I went to SOnodyne....
there I auditioned

Sonus2605 with Sonodyne AVR....ok sorts.........

But when the the SOnus were connected to CA 540R V3...thy sounded so different....
I liked it ..It was very decent..:D
(setup aound 55K)

SO my Long story Short.....

1.. I am looking for ....Fronts BS or FS( for time being) with AVR with HDMI( as I am

planning for LCD)...

2. Budget...50 to 60 K

Speakers...30K and remaining AVR....


Dear Sameer...

As you have done, aren't you litteraly confused...:confused:

Anyways, yes the reason behind the JBL people behaving like tht is, tht there major portion goes for theatre setup, PA systems, and other commercial stuff...
As they are into AV, so have launched these things, but really are not much bothered about the sales...

I dont how right i am, but this is what i have observed in last 2.5 yrs...

Any comments...???

Anyways, Yes i do agree with you sameer, for Polk Audio, Monitor 50...
but dont you think except of bass, they are quite good...
I have purchased a pair for my relatives, running it with AVR 1508, and am satisfied for that budget...
Anyhow i got a price so never bothered again...

There i setup the Monitor - 50, with AVR 1508, a Panasonic - 42PV70TH, and a Sony DVD Player...with the cables as Monster S-16...
The final amount came to Rs.1,21,000 inclusive all what i charged them...
The market price for the complete stuff is approx., Rs.1,35,000...

What say...???
Hi guys...

My 1st purchase...:p

@ designer AUdio, Tardeo
I bought DAC OFC Speaker cables...16 guage...2300/- for 50m.

The owner gem of a person...

he gave me fantastic auditon of Wharfedales went on for more than hour and half...great guy...

abt products...
daimonds 9.5 (25K) were gud...
but I thoguht...the bass interfere too much and hence the mids and highs were not tht clear...thts just my opinion...
But i am stil considering it will help me to buy Sub @ later stage....

then i auditioned...
Diamonds 9.2 (12.5K)...
gud speakers...bass is gud enough for bookshelves....
I played "Luka chuppi(from RDB)" song...and the tabla was just fantastic...better thn diamonds 9.5....
i am planning to pair it up with SUb sw150 (16.5K)...

Throughout the audition the music was played thru some Yamaha AVR very old model..some 3 -4 yrs old....

May be (please correct me if wrong)...VX661 will drive those diamonds 9.5 better...

I also heard Quad 12L1....
vocals were fantastic...but it lacks bass....may be the AVR was not gud enough to drive thm....

My dilemma...

is there any other Amp which can drive those Diamonds better...
which other brand gel well with daimonds other than Yamaha? onkyo?denon?

please let me know....

Thanks in advance...

PS: i am planning to audition MS Avant series, MA bookshelves and Mission 33i...or anything else ...
please suggest....

again budget...

AVR....25k to 30k
Believe one of our members (Homiyar) is selling his Quad 99 power amp which should be the best partner for Quad 12L speakers so please take a look at that.
Hey Thanks Particleman for reply..

But if you read my complete post...I am luking to build a Home theatre...5.1 setup....

so can you please guide me accordingly....
Thanks once again......
If you want 5.1 speakers for 30k or so, you should consider the Wharfedale Diamond 9 HCP bundle which gives you 9.0s for front/rear, front and SW-150 sub. It would be a compromise. Instead 9.1 for for front/rear, 9.CM center plus the same as before would be better.

I think the AVR you heard must have been Yamaha 2600 which is a pretty good AVR. The speakers are rather warm so you would need a lively amp to partner with them. Kshitij would be the best person to recommend. The Onkyo 605/606 seems to have the most features in an AVR at a decent price.
If you want 5.1 speakers for 30k or so, you should consider the Wharfedale Diamond 9 HCP bundle which gives you 9.0s for front/rear, front and SW-150 sub. It would be a compromise. Instead 9.1 for for front/rear, 9.CM center plus the same as before would be better.

All for 30k:eek: must be raining speakers in Mumbai!!! LOL.
Hey just an update about Wharfedale pricing...

By 2nd or 3rd week of June, price hike of 10 to 20% is expected n all Wharfedale products...:(

Also who is the dealer for Mordauntshort and Monitor audio in Mumbai...

I am planning to audition Avant i and Bronze bookshelves....

please help me with the delar...

Thanks in advance.............:cool:
For Monitor Audio the dealer is Nova Audio:
You should contact Sanjay Thakur @ 26007700. He is quite helpful.
The showroom is at Carter Road in Bandra (West). Ask for "Crepe Station" restaurant close to the sea-face, near the large Cafe Coffee Day. It is in that building on the 1st floor.

For Mordaunt Short the dealer is FX Entertainment:
Fx Entertainment
Their dealer Sharper Image is near Doordarshan Studios in Worli:
Sharper Image
B/2 T.V. Industrial Estate,
S.K.Ahire Marg,
Mumbai 400 018
Phone number is 24915886.

Good luck.
There are quite a few dealers in Bandra so you may wish to look around. The Jamo shop is at:
M/s Cinerama Pvt. Ltd,
Asuda Kutir Co-operative Society Ltd.,
245/Water Field Road, Bandra (W),
Mumbai - 400050
Ph.: 24955055

The JBL store is also close by but I don't have the address.

Another helpful dealership for a great audition is Boomarang at Juhu, not too far from Bandra:

Janki Das House, Near Prithvi Theatre, Juhu, Mumbai-49.
Tel: 26194452, 9820194171
If you want 5.1 speakers for 30k or so, you should consider the Wharfedale Diamond 9 HCP bundle which gives you 9.0s for front/rear, front and SW-150 sub. It would be a compromise. Instead 9.1 for for front/rear, 9.CM center plus the same as before would be better.

I think the AVR you heard must have been Yamaha 2600 which is a pretty good AVR. The speakers are rather warm so you would need a lively amp to partner with them. Kshitij would be the best person to recommend. The Onkyo 605/606 seems to have the most features in an AVR at a decent price.

Get the Wharfedale HCP and a pair of diamond 9.1 to pair with a Yamaha RXV661 and you will have a pretty good 7.1 ht setup! or you can even wire up the 2 speakers from the HCP as the front 'presence' speakers.

I believe Mridul is right, I have already heard something on similar lines, in addition the Re vs the $ has lost about 7% in the last couple of months.
Even in US some prices have gone up - Theil and Bryston, Ayre, etc, up almost 15% to 20%
Price of copper and Aluminium has gone up significantly in the last 2 years adding to manufacturere woes.
Frankly, on some of our products especially Usher and Odyssey, its going to be quite a challenge to maintain the present pricing that we have



As per the price hike...

Not only Wharfedale...

But, all the Audio/Video Equipments prices, are expected to rise by 10-20% facing the new cess, increase in dollar rates, etc...
Thanks guys for replies...

Yes I agree, Wharfedale HCP is gud enough for the money we spend....Absolute VFM...

But are there any other options...which I can go for (budget 30k)..

I am ready to build HT step by Step....:cool:
right now i can go for just Fronts with receiver( 30 K)....

please sugges...

Thanks in advance....
Now that imo, would be the best idea!

A good entry level AVR (dare I mention future proof also) in the likes of Denon, Onkyo, Marantz etc. will eat up your entire budget as of now. But its worth the investment.
Hey Unleash_me...

entire budget means...30k or u sayin 60k::eek:

If its 30K...can you suggest me sum gud AVR (future proof) in that budget.....
The obvious one that pops out is the TX-SR605, am sure if you look around a bit you can find one in your range. Heard someone finding it for cheap in Chennai elsewhere in the forum.

Another option is to look out for used stuff, not really a bad idea imo.

All the best.
Hey Unleash_me...

entire budget means...30k or u sayin 60k::eek:

If its 30K...can you suggest me sum gud AVR (future proof) in that budget.....


I would rather go with Denon - 1508, for that budget...
Quality vs Price....

Club them with MS Avant 903i, bi-pole system...
Later on you can use those bi-pole as your side speakers in your 7.1 setup...

Denon - 1508 - Rs.24,499 (MRP)
MS Avant 903i - Rs.12,800 (MRP)

Total Rs.37,299, for a descent startup...and future proof too...

And then you can go for a pair of Wharfedale 9.1 speakers, to be used as your Rear Speakers...approx Rs.13K...

That will complete your 4 speakers, the rear and side speakers...

Then search for good center speaker and Floor Standers club them and complete your 7.1 channel, slowly and gradually...

Think of it, i think this suits well...


Mridul Goel
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FWIW, I am in the process of building my system in the same way. I have gone with CA 540R V3 and Quad 11L2. 30K + 25K when I purchased in Jan 2008.

My next plan is to add a (musical) sub somewhere around this year end.

Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.