TOSHIBA REGZA 32RV600E - Rs. 26750/-
Bought this 32" FHD LCD (no LED) from grey market for 29.5K
Latest model. Cannot even find the remote code for harmony!
Awesome pictures from Blu-ray!!
(saved traveling & Hotel/Snacks)
And sometimes in the evening post job ..drinks!!!:cheers::cheers:
BTW thanks for phone confirmation. Also I have a strong feeling that there are "Packets of good prices" developing in places like Thane ,Andheri ,Vashi of IT peripherals..!!
Purchased Panasonic Plasma 42V20D and Oppo BD83 (used). Paid @ 60K for TV from Panasonic brand shop, which includes 'couples watch' (yet to receive) through scratch card. TV was delivered on 18th Feb evening and installed by the Panasonic Service engineer on 19th Feb'11 morning. Got the TV wall mounted although a stand also is provided inthe cartoon.
Everybody in the family loved the PQ with Blu Ray play with viewing distance at 7-8 ft. The colours are natural and view angle is also very good. The TV will be used for HD content only, no plan to play DTH in this TV. For DTH we have a 26" Samsung HD Ready TV in drawing room.
Which LCD?Company?
Purchased Panasonic Plasma 42V20D and Oppo BD83 (used). Paid @ 60K for TV from Panasonic brand shop, which includes 'couples watch' (yet to receive) through scratch card. TV was delivered on 18th Feb evening and installed by the Panasonic Service engineer on 19th Feb'11 morning. Got the TV wall mounted although a stand also is provided inthe cartoon.
Everybody in the family loved the PQ with Blu Ray play with viewing distance at 7-8 ft. The colours are natural and view angle is also very good. The TV will be used for HD content only, no plan to play DTH in this TV. For DTH we have a 26" Samsung HD Ready TV in drawing room.
Purchased Panasonic Plasma 42V20D
Purchased Panasonic Plasma 42V20D and Oppo BD83 (used). Paid @ 60K for TV from Panasonic brand shop, which includes 'couples watch' (yet to receive) through scratch card. TV was delivered on 18th Feb evening and installed by the Panasonic Service engineer on 19th Feb'11 morning. Got the TV wall mounted although a stand also is provided inthe cartoon.
Everybody in the family loved the PQ with Blu Ray play with viewing distance at 7-8 ft. The colours are natural and view angle is also very good. The TV will be used for HD content only, no plan to play DTH in this TV. For DTH we have a 26" Samsung HD Ready TV in drawing room.
grrrrrrrrrr , tell us whats inside the box :licklips:
Purchased Panasonic Plasma 42V20D and Oppo BD83 (used). Paid @ 60K for TV from Panasonic brand shop, which includes 'couples watch' (yet to receive) through scratch card. TV was delivered on 18th Feb evening and installed by the Panasonic Service engineer on 19th Feb'11 morning. Got the TV wall mounted although a stand also is provided inthe cartoon.
Everybody in the family loved the PQ with Blu Ray play with viewing distance at 7-8 ft. The colours are natural and view angle is also very good. The TV will be used for HD content only, no plan to play DTH in this TV. For DTH we have a 26" Samsung HD Ready TV in drawing room.