prometheus tvc matching

There is a AP in G'gn who has two Prometheus pre-amps. One of these, a much modded Apollo, is for sale. However, I have been having issues owing to which I have not been able to audition it. So, does not seem to have my name on it.

He had done a lot of research before buying his pre.
Well guys,I had to bump this thread as the Usher Mini Dancer1s has been installed .The Ushers are settling down nicely and have mated quite well with my denon pma2000ivr + denon dcd700ae and are sounding smooth,sweet and reasonably detailed, a definite upgrade from my earlier deftechs (BP7004) .Luckily it there is a tonal match, the brassy top of the deftechs is gone(the tweeters are doing the job) and surprisingly great bass too( a bit heavy though for my room size 12x14).CONSIDERING THAT WITH BOTH THE AMP AND THE CD PLAYER IN PURE DIRECT MODE, IM GETTING SMOOTH,SWEET AND REASONABLY DETAILED SOUND , I HAVE DECIDED TO POSTPONE THE PROMETHEUS FOR NOW AND ENJOY THE SOUND....

There is a AP in G'gn who has two Prometheus pre-amps. One of these, a much modded Apollo, is for sale. However, I have been having issues owing to which I have not been able to audition it. So, does not seem to have my name on it.

He had done a lot of research before buying his pre.

What is the reason given for the sale?
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