PS3 firmware update to enable 3D


Active Member
May 2, 2011
I am given to understand that PS3 firmware 3.5 enables 3D play.
I have PS3 with system version 3.6, but it does not play 3D. Does it mean system software is different from the firmware? Is there any limit on PS3 models (mine is 80Gb model) for this upgrade? Thanks for any suggestion.
What is the error? Though I've never tried 3D blu-ray (simply because I don't have a 3D TV), I've heard about problems with PS3+3D.

On a different note, I'm not sure about your receiver, assuming you've got an HDMI 1.4 cable, your TV still isn't 3D. So how would you figure even if it did happen to play? :rolleyes:
The Sony Centre technician told me that it would simply exhibit two images offset slightly. It is the emitter in the TV and 3D goggles that synchronise to give you the stereoscopic effect. So even in normal TV one should get the fuzszy two image video, if the technician were to be believed.
The technician was right. You need to provide more info on what the problem is and what your setup is.
I have PS3 (old 80gb version). Recently I upgraded to firmware 3.72. But contrary to what I read when I load 3D bluray movies, it says that I need to play it in an appropriate firmware upgraded player. This means the problem is in PS3 itself and not in HDMI cable or of course TV. Am I missing any patches for 3D?
I have PS3 (old 80gb version). Recently I upgraded to firmware 3.72. But contrary to what I read when I load 3D bluray movies, it says that I need to play it in an appropriate firmware upgraded player. This means the problem is in PS3 itself and not in HDMI cable or of course TV. Am I missing any patches for 3D?

There are no other patches for 3D. PS3 updates are cumulative, and cover all previous patches.
From an earlier version of firmware(3.4 or below I think), I went to 3.55 and then to 3.72. From what you say, if the 3D was introduced in 3.50, it should not matter since later firmwares carry backward compatibility?

Could it be the case of older PS3 hardware such as my PS3 batch not being able to support? Does any one know of such an information?
well as far as i know only the new PS3 slim (160 and 320 GB versions) can play 3D blurry after the firmware upgrade...guess you have the 80 GB "fat" (non-slim.!) model...
Hmm. I guess we all do that, don't we?

I didn't for the first few hours. :D I was appalled at the quality. After that it was all good. (Please see sig for more.)

In disease diagnosis, they talk of Zebras and Horses. Look for the horses before you look for the Zebras (See this: ).

Which is why the obvious question.

How about your TV? Does it support 3D?
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I didn't for the first few hours. :D I was appalled at the quality. After that it was all good. (Please see sig for more.)

In disease diagnosis, they talk of Zebras and Horses. Look for the horses before you look for the Zebras (See this: Zebra (medicine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).

Which is why the obvious question.

How about your TV? Does it support 3D?

Thanks mate; all in lighter vein!
Yes, I do have a fairly admissible set up as given in my signature (Sony Bravia 40").
well as far as i know only the new PS3 slim (160 and 320 GB versions) can play 3D blurry after the firmware upgrade...guess you have the 80 GB "fat" (non-slim.!) model...

Could be the reason. Has this been documented anywhere?:sad:
Thanks mate; all in lighter vein!
Yes, I do have a fairly admissible set up as given in my signature (Sony Bravia 40").

I looked around at quite a few places. but I can'tfind a spec sheet for your TV
I looked around at quite a few places. but I can'tfind a spec sheet for your TV

I wouldn't worry about it. The transmission is very fine as the logo, warning etc. of 3D bluray was played alright in 2D which it is supposed to. then it starts talking about incompatibility of the player for the 3D material. The fault seems to be on the PS3 side and definitely not on the TV. As said before I am not hoping to get the 3D effect on a 2D TV, but just to get the 3D (two images shifted a little in relation to the other) on the screen, so I will know that PS3 works well with 3D material.
Looks like I need to get a 3D player!
With the connection between your TV and PS3 being HDMI, the PS3 recognizes that your TV is NOT 3D enabled, so it cannot output 3D. Probably that is why it cannot playback 3D videos. I doubt that the 3D is enabled only on the Slims. Otherwise, there would have been a big uproar amongst the Fat PS3 users.
I wouldn't worry about it. The transmission is very fine as the logo, warning etc. of 3D bluray was played alright in 2D which it is supposed to. then it starts talking about incompatibility of the player for the 3D material. The fault seems to be on the PS3 side and definitely not on the TV. As said before I am not hoping to get the 3D effect on a 2D TV, but just to get the 3D (two images shifted a little in relation to the other) on the screen, so I will know that PS3 works well with 3D material.
Looks like I need to get a 3D player!

I have a PS3 Fat 80GB and 3d works fine. Your TV has to support 3D, else PS3 will not output 3D. When you first connect a PS3 to a 3D TV, PS3 asks you about the screen size of your 3D TV. If you like the Parallax, then you accept the default presented, else you can set it as a multiple of your TV screen (I use 5x).

Bottomline, you need a 3D TV, else the output player will not output it.
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I have a PS3 Fat 80GB and 3d works fine. Your TV has to support 3D, else PS3 will not output 3D. When you first connect a PS3 to a 3D TV, PS3 asks you about the screen size of your 3D TV. If you like the Parallax, then you accept the default presented, else you can set it as a multiple of your TV screen (I use 5x).

Bottomline, you need a 3D TV, else the output player will not output it.

Thanks throwing a lifeline! I have seen PS3 3D menus, but mine still continue to be PS3 2D menu. Here is where I am perplexed on whether the firmware is installed properly or not. However on settings I am able to confirm that it is 3.72. Could you give your PS3 model/serial number?
I realize this is a year old thread, but if anyone reads it, its important to realize that the PS3 does not tell you that you have a 3D TV as stated. When you first hook it up it will say 1080P HD was detected. Only when you put a 3D movie or content into the PS3 will it say 3D was detected, ect...

You dont get 3D from your PS3 unless you are playing something that is already 3D. Your TV may be capable of making a 2D input into 3D, but the PS3 does not.

So if you want 3D from the normal PS3 menu, you have to tell your TV to make it 3D.
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