PS3 gets a price cut! Better than gaming PC?

Is PS3 (now reduced price) better option than medium/high end Gaming PC?

  • PS3 is better VFM

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • Gaming PC is better than Console's

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • High investment, high running/maint. cost but high eye candy as well on PC

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
May 9, 2007
Hi Guys,

Sony has announced world-wide price reduction for their PS3 consoles. In India the new prices could be around 16000 as compared to 20000 for their 160GB model.

Is it a good time to buy on these now and connect with your big led/lcd tvs or still go on an assembled gaming PC (around 50-60K) incl. 12K Graphics card that eats equal power and you get to play on your small screen.


I made the jump from my gaming rig to a PS3 last year coz the PC started consuming more dough than the cost of a PS3. Plus if you want a hassle free gaming experience then a gaming console is the only way out. Ofcourse the Blu ray and media playing capability of the PS3 are also excellent.
Yeah at the current price point and given how costly the current gen graphics cards are and the overall investment (psu's n cpu's) it needs, i feel ps3 console are more VFM.

i5 based pc costs anywhere bet 50 to 60k. Better to build a standard i3 pc for 24*7 downloading/movies/music and ps3 for games, and you would still be left with some change in the pocket. Of-course graphics professionals and other hardcore OC's have i5/i7 options.

Nice to get others opinions on the same.

Is a ps3 or any gaming console better than a gaming pc = No

PC way ahead of any console in terms of graphic processing and can support resolutions much higher than full HD,however consoles are a cheaper one box hassle free solution.
I have both and I prefer the PC for cross platform titles. Graphics are way nicer on the PC. Plus they are cheaper to boot. A PS3 game is 2500 rupees compared to the same title releasing on PC for 500-1000 rupees.

The lack of antialiasing on the PS3 sticks out like a sore thumb. Most games run at 1280x720 and as a result look terrible on a big screen TV. The only game that I really play on the PS3 is GT5 since it has no equal on the PC.
@reignofchaos - Exactly!

Hi Guys,

12K Graphics card that eats equal power and you get to play on your small screen.

Not really, I play my PC games on my 40" TV, which is connected to my PC as secondary monitor, with the Xbox wireless controller :D

Experience wise I don't feel any difference between the consoles & the PC!
RoC makes a good point. The PS3 is a cheaper option but running costs are much higher. Buy enough games and you will spend a neat amount :)
Hi Guys,

Sony has announced world-wide price reduction for their PS3 consoles. In India the new prices could be around 16000 as compared to 20000 for their 160GB model.

Is it a good time to buy on these now and connect with your big led/lcd tvs or still go on an assembled gaming PC (around 50-60K) incl. 12K Graphics card that eats equal power and you get to play on your small screen.



Price is tempting for consumers who want to experience hi-def gaming and coupled with the blu-ray/networking capabilities, it is certainly going to go main stream now!

It is absolutely the right time to buy the console and especially for us who are big time into AV stuffs.

However, we must realize that a gaming console can never or should be compared to a PC which is always superior. It kinda depends on what you want out of these end of the day. To me, I enjoy gaming in a 'sit back relax mode' and always prefer a controller in the hand. I have also experienced gaming on high end PC rigs and that is a different animal altogether.

btw, I work for the video game industry as Art director/ Producer and currently producing 2 PS3 move titles :)
People who think PC is only for gaming would feel its expensive. But gaming is just one feature of a PC and hence the bigger price is justified. Also it can easily be upgraded by adding a graphics card, RAM etc. Also now we can assemble a great gaming PC for 25-30k + a monitor or TV. Also each PS3 game costs 2.5k which is exhorbitant.
So this thing does not do 720p even? And no anti-aliasing?

I know that 1280x1024 SD content looks bad on my 1080p 24" monitor.

Not worth IMHO in that case.

Almost all games barring GT5 are 720p and 99% have no AA.

AA as a technical standard is mostly done and it depends on the kind of game engine that is used. You would have obviously noticed difference in the smoothness levels among different games. The best example of AA is 'God of war 3' and if you take a close look at the environments, they look absolutely smooth without any jaggies. Other good examples are MGS4. UC2, Heavenly Sword.

Ofcourse, we cannot expect AA like we control on a high end PC where it can be cranked all the way to 16X!. But on a console counterpart, there are so many trade offs done and also not really the concern as they all are natively rendered at 720 or 1080P :)
AA as a technical standard is mostly done and it depends on the kind of game engine that is used.

Oh really then how come the same game in XBOX360 has better anti-aliasing?

PS3's anti-aliasing is mediocre and that is not because of the game engine it is rather because of the PS3 console itself.

The best example of AA is 'God of war 3' and if you take a close look at the environments, they look absolutely smooth without any jaggies. Other good examples are MGS4. UC2, Heavenly Sword.

If these games look smooth to your eyes with no jaggies i guess you dont understand what is AA or you have not played a proper quality game in pc, out of all these games you mentioned only MSG4 looks digestible in terms of AA.

I have almost 30 ps3 titles and all suck in AA, it is just as simple as that and it become more apparent when you display on a larger TV, in my case a 50" HDTV.

Almost all games barring GT5 are 720p and 99% have no AA.

MSG4 is full HD as well.
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Console vs. PC is not a fair comparison. It's a no-contest. The PC will annihilate the console everyday of the week and twice on sundays.

It's not even correct to mention both in the same sentence. The console is no match to the superiority of the PC. It will lose on all dimensions, in all contests and comparisons.

The PC is the mighty Overlord. It is the supreme Commander and the undisputed Master of the Gaming world. All consoles bow down to the awesomeness and glittering majesty of the PC.

The PC has always been the King of Gaming and in all likely hood will remain so for centuries to come. The Core i7 will smash to pieces any processor inside the console. The ATi/Nvidia graphics card will shatter to pieces any graphics processor of the console.

But there is nothing like 2 or more players playing together on a larger screen on a console. The PC is for the loner and the console is for the man who is social.

The PC will make you virtual friends, the console will make you real friends. :ohyeah:

I would have written more but i'm kind of tight on time right now :lol:

P.S: Take all of the above lightly :yahoo:
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