Questions on power cable and their effect on equipment

I just swapped murthys power cable with power cables supplied with lyrita of those days where i felt sound had more bass, why not try this swap, and golly, bass is reduced considerably, and coz of this much more perceived clarity.

I'm a believer.

Btw, I had come on forum just to post this experience.. saw this thread and well.

I think Lyrita cables are single core... Any observations on your comparisons...recommendations at entry level?

P. S. Both cable had their pluses, not dissing either
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I just swapped murthys power cable with power cables supplied with lyrita of those days where i felt sound had more bass, why not try this swap, and golly, bass is reduced considerably, and coz of this much more perceived clarity.

I'm a believer.

Btw, I had come on forum just to post this experience.. saw this thread and well.

I think Lyrita cables are single core... Any observations on your comparisons...recommendations at entry level?

P. S. Both cable had their pluses, not dissing either

The interesting point here is about how bass can affect midrange and if the bass is not reproduced well it can ruin the midrange. the corollary to this is when the bass is reproduced well it will enhance the mid range.

I have found everything in a system from placements to cables to isolation having an impact in the sound including power cables. Power overall is an element we need to get right First before evaluating any thing else . Power , since that is the "blood" of the system, whether its done with Power cables, Dedicated lines, conditioners is upto you and will be pretty specific to your system & room and on another system it may show a different effect.
I have had two very different experiences with power cables.

I bought a pair of Cardas Clear PCs sometime back and put them into my Coincident 300b mono blocks. The difference was night and day better. It was stunning, I became a believer that a PC is the most important cable in the system.

Second: Same PCs
After upgrading from Coincident 300b mono blocks to a Nagra 300b stereo amplifier, there was no difference between using a Cardas PC and a stock PC. It was a big shock.

Third (bonus experience):
I tried the Cardas PC with my recently acquired Shindo preamp. It sounded worse.
Shindo pre/power are famous for only accepting their own cable that looks like an ordinary stock power cable and is free.

My understanding now is that it is very system-dependent, and better the quality of your amp/preamp the smaller is the effect of a PC and vice-versa.

Now finally, here's a shocker.

I have a power strip/passive power conditioner made by Acoustic Revive.
Based on my second and third experience, I decided to get rid of it and removed it from the system to photograph and sell it, and suddenly my system was unlistenable. The harmony was gone, the instruments were suddenly playing independent of each other and not together with the music. I put the AR power strip back into the system and boom! it all came back together again, it was again so surprising that I called my non-audiophile GF to listen and even to her it was very clear that the AR power strip was doing something special.

The AR power strip has no active electrical/electronic parts!!
Try a good isolation transformer.
Says the snake oil cable manufacturers "We are the borg of the cables. Resistance is futile"

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