Just curious as my experience differs. What was the source? The only 'possible contention' against using USB seems to be the common USB/Ethernet implementation on Pi; when source accessed over Ethernet and USB output to a DAC - however many folks on CA confirmed this to work fine too!
In my case, I use a USB HDD as source and output to a USB DAC - I don't find any noise what so ever or my system is not resolving / ears not realizing enough
I thought I could word it better.
I moved to PC playback a few years ago and since then its always been about tweaking and finding the best s/w or h/w to improve things.
I got the Pi and used it in a similar way. Try various s/w - Moode, Rune, Volumio, etc. and see what works best.
Chromecast Audio came on the market and I immediately had a couple sent over from the US. With the CCA "I had to find" another way of getting audio to it from both the Pi and/or the PC. CCA is 100% wireless so needs a media server that's also wireless and that led me to the discovery of MinimServer.
Now here is another attempt to word things better.
With Pi + MinimServer + CCA it's not as much about I heard things different or even heard things better, but it's about "unhearing" things. In other words the lower noise floor eliminated a lot of the PC noise that was a part of the audio stream. Its not something you can hear, but more of unhearing.
A better way to describe it is "a veil has been lifted". Its like you can hear things more clearly.
There is no way to explain or put it in words unless one hears the difference and honestly none of us have really heard what lower noise floor does unless one has already achieved galvanic isolation in their setup or one has gone wireless. Electrical noise is always part of the audio stream and we've just not heard a system that eliminated it, most of us don't even own something like that. The Pi however lets you achieve that.
So it's not really about hearing things more clearly or more detail and dynamics. All of that is achieved, but because of elimination of electrical noise.
In simpler terms here are the benefits I've observed.
1. My speakers disappeared. Seriously they cannot be placed. Its like sound comes from everywhere or the band is playing live.
2. It has raised the bar on my existing system. I've been auditioning, but now I need to go 4-5 times the price to really perceive an improvement over my existing system. Obviously all upgraditis on hold, and enjoying the music for now or till when I can allocate $12000 or $15000 for upgraditis.
3. I'm rediscovering my music. I constantly hear new things - even in music I've heard for years. Its as if something that was covering all of that detail has been removed. Again its not about more detail - it actually is more detail - but think of it as removing a heavy blanket that has been covering your speakers. That's a different type of improvement than from hearing $100,000 speakers.
I know a lot of folks diss wireless, but one really needs to hear without electrical noise to really hear how much better their existing systems and speakers perform. That typically involves a lot of cost with the likes of power conditioners, cleaners, LPS, etc.
The USB Regen is a similar device. Folks using it will be hard pressed to actually describe what it does. In reality it does not add anything, it actually eliminates noise from the music stream and that gives the benefit of listening to music without the electrical noise we've been hearing for all of these years. It also puts folks in a hard place as everyone actually hears music with electrical noise so how can one even describe the elimination of something as improving SQ by leaps and bounds.
A veil lifted is a better description. I still know I'm not doing a good job... but its hard to explain something that needs to be "unheard". It would be easier to describe hearing additional detail or dynamic range, but eliminating electrical noise and achieving galvanic isolation is not hearing more, its actually hearing less and that's hard to describe or the benefits of achieving it.