Ridiculous Vinyl Pricing - India re-sellers

join the bandwagon of streaming services. An ocean of untapped music lies there for you to explore which Vinyl can never touch.

Stereo HiFi Rig: Stereo: Cambridge Audio Cxn v2 + Cyrus6+ ASI Live line power cable + ASI Live line Reference IC + Townsend Isolda speaker cables + linn Keilidh speakers
join the bandwagon of streaming services. An ocean of untapped music lies there for you to explore which Vinyl can never touch.

Stereo HiFi Rig: Stereo: Cambridge Audio Cxn v2 + Cyrus6+ ASI Live line power cable + ASI Live line Reference IC + Townsend Isolda speaker cables + linn Keilidh speakers
IMHO, While streaming is very convenient, the pleasure of physically owning and browsing through your music collection is unmatched 😊
I do not understand this new generation’s preference for streaming. I mean , for outdoor trips , sure … but at home , with your painstakingly tuned rig, and your favourite musicians on the shelves on those shiny blacks , with (preferably ) multiple pressings from different masterings and different lacquers and stampers , just drop the needle , turn on , tune in , drop out. Nothing comes close.
I do not understand this new generation’s preference for streaming.
I'm not from the new generation, so I don't know if I quality to reply, but I am completely medium agnostic.
I have a good investment in vinyls, and it'll grow further. But cannot deny the convenience of streamer or CD. I use any of the 3 of them as per mood and convenience. Whenever it's a group listening with friends and family, it's almost always vinyl as it brings in a sense of occasion that is unmatched.
And guess what, many of my old vinyl songs are not available on streaming even.
So horses for courses.
I'm not from the new generation, so I don't know if I quality to reply, but I am completely medium agnostic.
I have a good investment in vinyls, and it'll grow further. But cannot deny the convenience of streamer or CD. I use any of the 3 of them as per mood and convenience. Whenever it's a group listening with friends and family, it's almost always vinyl as it brings in a sense of occasion that is unmatched.
And guess what, many of my old vinyl songs are not available on streaming even.
So horses for courses.
Since you quoted me (I’m not sure why , since my comment was not addressed to anyone specific ) , being in this hobby for over two decades now , I’m a little bit aware of the wealth of albums / singles that are still available today at dollar bins on vinyl that have not been digitised.

Yard sales and Pop and mom stores in small towns in US will often throw up surprises in terms of rare records / albums , and most of these earlier generation owners / fellow buyers can tailor fit recommendations for you if you care to share your preferences (like a human version of your Spotify playlist algorithm). Apparently, they listened to music and not their gear. :)

Anyway , on topic , after almost a decade of vinyl revival , reseller pricing will continue to shoot up as this a seller market now for older analog pressings, and reissues will come at a premium in India where everything is imported.
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