I listened to a different Mahler 1st (stimulated by previous posts). Christoph Eschenback & Houston Symphony Orchestra. It was laid back and lacking in dynamism. Instead of turning the volume down towards the finale, I found myself turning it up. However, yes, it is worth hearing the same story told a different way for a change

I then turned to the Bruno Walter version. For two minutes, I was marvelling at micro-detail and stuff I was sure I had never heard before. Well, I have never heard
any of it before at half speed!
What had happened: the previous recording was 24/96, this was 44.1. Somehow, my system got confused and was piping 44.1 into 96 without resampling. :lol:
I restarted stuff, and was soon confirming that yes, the Walter recording is more involving, more magical, more intriguing in its detail than the Eschenbach.
Sideline conclusion: it's the recording, not the sample rate, that counts!
Anyway... I think I have at least one other version. Maybe another A-B listen tomorrow
And maybe I'll try listening to more music at half-speed!