Right now I am listening to ...

Anyone likes Doug McLeod's version of the blues? His CDs (from Audioquest records, the same audio cable and Dragonfly DAC guys) are not easy to get but they're extremely well recorded, besides being good music.
Ladies and Gentlemen - The Best of George Michael. I keep coming back to this album.
I have same album. It has most of the songs from 'Listen without prejudice' Another one of my favourite. Probably an underrated album. By the way if I remember correctly this two cd album doesn't have 'Waiting' and 'something to save' from LWP, which are good listen too.
Something to save
I have same album. It has most of the songs from 'Listen without prejudice' Another one of my favourite. Probably an underrated album. By the way if I remember correctly this two cd album doesn't have 'Waiting' and 'something to save' from LWP, which are good listen too.
Something to save

Listen Without Prejudice was way too 'progressive'so it didn't enjoy the commercial success it deserved. That it was dark didn't help matters. But it's my favourite George Michael album.
Agree with you Joshua.
'Praying for time' was often played on Mtv Classics. Introduce in mid 90s, Mtv India has changed. But whatever short life it had, it was good. I think in the early morning they used to broadcast Mtv classics. Good memories. :)
Listening to Dominic Miller - Shapes. This guy is a classical guitarist, a propah classical guitarist, unlike neo-classical shredders (think Yngwie J Malmsteen or Alex Masi on the electric guitar) and has been playing for Sting since 1990. This album is mostly instrumental classical (e.g. Bach's Air on a G String) but also has some vocal numbers (Ave Maria in collaboration with Sting and Placido Domingo). There is also a collaboration with the trumpet maestro Chris Botti. Another highlight is Sting's The Shape of My Heart.

The album is unhurried and deliberate. His guitar tone is airy with lots of acoustic reverbs and at times eerie, especially Bach's Prelude No. 3 for Clavier (with Botti on trumpet). In fact he sounds so eerily like Botti, that I thought if Botti played the guitar he would sound this way:)
Usher day...



Recent trips to fingerstyle guitar land have been extremely rewarding. Preston Reed, Don Ross, Michael Hedges - all stellar players. A great discovery has been Steve Tibbets who can make the guitar sound anyway he wants.
Right now I am listening to... nothing!

I don't think I have played music in the house for a week! It happens like that sometimes. I've been out to plenty of live music, though :)
Right now I am listening to... nothing!

I don't think I have played music in the house for a week! It happens like that sometimes. I've been out to plenty of live music, though :)

Thad, that happens to the best of us I suppose! Some days are "dry" days when nothing flows between the ears ;)! Live music scene is kinda dead in Hyd. Howz it where you live?

Right now I am listening to...String Cheese Incident - Song in my head (and a worm in the ear!). Stellar playing by their guitar slinger Bill Nershi.

all, what are your cool music/musician discoveries of late? Rock on...
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