Right now I am listening to ...

Thad, that happens to the best of us I suppose! Some days are "dry" days when nothing flows between the ears ;)! Live music scene is kinda dead in Hyd. Howz it where you live?

For a music lover, I'm astonishingly fond of silence!

The carnatic live music scene in Chennai is very much alive and well :)

Right now I'm listening/reliving a wonderful concert I attended back in June...

Palghat Raghu Remembrance Day: Carnatica Brothers

U2 - Achtung Baby
Im listening to my YES record (90125)

Current song: Changes

I used to have the cassette of this album also but they ruined it..... It was "SR" (Spectral recording) and didnt sound as good to me than if it wasnt..... (The record is thankfully not)
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