Firstly I'd like to apologize for the delay. Covid times have not been the best for me and hence I was away from these forums, but I'm hoping I can increase my activity soon.
My subs are placed on each front corner and I sit about 14-15 feet from them. They gain a triple room mode and due to them being on the breadth of the room, with a little change of delay a day distance the bass reproduced has been shown in my posts earlier.
The concept of dual is very different to what you understood. Duals (or quads) are used to balance out subwoofers and not to increase the sound. Balancing means giving similar bas at multiple listening positions.
I do feel the FVX12 will be a decent buy and will be able to hit reference levels. If you go the FV15HP then you'll probably never drive them to their max limits, but the day you want to, you'll have plenty of headroom. Eventually it comes down to personal preferences and budget.
I know of people who've put 3 FV25 HP in a room smaller than mine. Their bass is berserk. While its good, I just found it too much for personal taste. I mean for 5-10 minutes its fun, after that its disorienting.
It's a rectangular 23x13x9 room, windows on one side and gypsum sheet on the other side till about half and brick wall on the other half.Good what is ur room size ? Can u post the placement of your dual subs with a simple sketch.
My subs are placed on each front corner and I sit about 14-15 feet from them. They gain a triple room mode and due to them being on the breadth of the room, with a little change of delay a day distance the bass reproduced has been shown in my posts earlier.
So I'd like to give a disclaimer where I heard the FVX12 and FV15 HP and I just found the FV15 HP would be too big for my room. The woofers pump out huge amount of low frequencies which travel very easily through the walls to you neighbors and eventually they will start complaining.I am also considering Rythemic sub to buy. Probably considering 15" sub over dual 12" sub. My room size is 16*10 .
Or Would single 12" sub be sufficient ? . I am looking for deep bass.
I do not prefer to go for dual sub , as per my audition of dual subs before , i did not feel much difference . Only slight difference hearing sound both sides ..thats all. Otherwise single sub was sounding good. Also I need to spend double the amount for dualsInstead i would prefer 15" sub which would go further deep ... Please suggest.
The concept of dual is very different to what you understood. Duals (or quads) are used to balance out subwoofers and not to increase the sound. Balancing means giving similar bas at multiple listening positions.
I do feel the FVX12 will be a decent buy and will be able to hit reference levels. If you go the FV15HP then you'll probably never drive them to their max limits, but the day you want to, you'll have plenty of headroom. Eventually it comes down to personal preferences and budget.
I know of people who've put 3 FV25 HP in a room smaller than mine. Their bass is berserk. While its good, I just found it too much for personal taste. I mean for 5-10 minutes its fun, after that its disorienting.