Rythmik Subwoofer Owner’s Official thread

Actually Group buy is closed last month, however you can coordinate with Mr. Santosh ( prosonics B’lore) directly
Group buy people have you received your subwoofers.how many days it took from the time of booking.
Yet to receive the subwoofer. Seems some unexpected holidays and shipping delays are holding it up. Hope to get it soon.
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I have auditioned Rythmik F12SE and REL HT 1508 recently. Though these both are not comparable but still my pick will be REL 1508 amongst these two. I felt the REL gave much better quality of bass as compared to Rythmik. The power which REL sub put down (Maybe because it is 15 incher) cannot be matched by Rythmik F12SE. Even in terms of build quality REL looked much superior to me

One area where Rythmik excelled was in its ability to dig lower. REL didn’t dig that deep surely but was effortless in mid bass region.
Nice review however I felt that rel 1508 vs rythmik f12 is not an apple to apple comparison however vs the f15hp would be more like to like. I also think that the rel would be costlier too.
Nice review however I felt that rel 1508 vs rythmik f12 is not an apple to apple comparison however vs the f15hp would be more like to like. I also think that the rel would be costlier too.
Yeah surely f15hp would be more like to like comparison to HT1508. It is actually very difficult to audition these higher end subs. I don’t have idea about price of f15hp but people have been quoting me 1508 almost 10-12 % less than FV15HP.
Well the ballpark prices should be rel around the 1.5 l mark and rythmik around 1.4 l in India. However us mrps are 1799 for the rel and 1350 for the rel
Judging quality a speaker or specifically sub-woofer could be a tough job, since two comparisons usually are done with audition at two different locations and time. Also with different gears including the acoustical impact and seating distance. Finally, we cannot ensure if both sellers have fine tuned their demo setup perfectly.
Found this below forum discussion on similar topic-
Rythmik subwoofers have received a price hike once again. Now the FV25hp has a Mrp or Rs.402000/- which is 2k more than the SVS PB16ultra, I don't think the Rythmik is a good value any more in our country.
This is really surprising. If you are interested, you should call the dealer and ask for the real prices. These look too inflated.
Sadly it seems all subwoofers have priced their good here more than 2x the USD price. I'm in half-minds importing a sub. With shipping and imports it would still be cheaper.

Both Rythmik and SVS have horrible pricing here.
Sadly it seems all subwoofers have priced their good here more than 2x the USD price. I'm in half-minds importing a sub. With shipping and imports it would still be cheaper.

Both Rythmik and SVS have horrible pricing here.
One year ago, the Rythmik was selling for good price but within an year, the price got hiked multiple times and now its no-more a Value For Money product in India.
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