@sash,... and others... I had a talk with the Grandview north india authorized dealer (new delhi Tilik nagar), (
Abhi Projection) and I was heading for a surprise. Grandview fixed frame is wayyyy to expensive. Liberty is a bit cheaper. Then they have their own brand called Regent, which is a little bit more cheaper than liberty. This is all fixed frame I am talking about. Manual Pull down is so very cheap, for what ever reason. This is how I was given the price ..
Fixed Frame
1. Grandview 120" : 48000, 133" : 52000
2. Liberty 120" : 23500 there is no 133" option. Next is 150" 70000
3. Regent 120" 20000, 133" 23000
Manual Pull down
1. Grandview 120" 15000
Why is manual pull down so much cheaper then fixed frame

.... there is a huge difference. 15K and 48K ... damm ....
anyway Grandview is out of question for me. Liberty there is no 133" so Liberty is also out. Left is Regent, no idea how good is that. Going by the dealer's word, the quality is more or less equal to Liberty. SO lef is Regent 133" for 23000. I dont want to go for 120" since I have the space for as big as 135"
Grandview anyhow he says is good for a high end projector like
Pana AE8000. for Mid level projector like mine Liberty or Regent will suffice ....
The price includes the transport cost plus the installation cost. He also says the guy coming to install can also help in installing and calibrating projector...
Comments please ....??