sam9s NEXT NAS Project! powered by Synology DS413j!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2009
Hi Friends,
sam9s is back with another project, this time with a Synology's prebuilt NAS DS413j. Before I move ahead I must tell, I am grateful and blessed that Synology team themselves have trusted me and given me, this opportunity to write a review for one of their elite home NAS products, DS413j. I am also thankful to them for sending me the Unit to review and I hope my this attempt will land true to their and reader's expectations.

Synology DS413j; is a prebuilt HOME NAS, specifically catering to the general home public, who intend to have a complete multimedia sharing experience with the ability to have a storage data store. Not only that; it goes ahead a step further and also provide some of the advance features for those who want to ooze out some extra from their NAS.

Synologys DSM Operating System covers almost every aspect a consumer could ever expect from a NAS. Its feature set exceeds expectations and gives, user the complete control and flexibility they need over any application, package or service they run. To name a few of the packages/services available are..... Media Server, Audio Station, Photo Station, Download facilities, Mail Server, Surveillance Station via IP cameras and much more.
Synology NAS redefines the definition of a conventional NAS, infact calling Synology NAS a conventional NAS is not even justified. A complete storage and multimedia management system, seems to be a more appropriate definition.

Like my previous review on UNRAID NAS, this time as well, I will break it into parts, to cover as much as possible. And agin like the previoua review this also will be a long long write up, so relax, take a back seat and enjoy the ride .... :D




The DS413j is the successor to DS411j. Synology didnt actually release a 2012 variant of this 4-bay NAS and so there is no DS412j. If you arent familiar with Synologys naming system its very intuitive - Disk station (DS) Number of bays (4) Year of production (13). The variable at the end of each of the product range such as + or j symbolize - Performance (+) Entry Level, storage focused (j) or no symbol for a mixture of the both performance and storage. The OS that runs on the unit is called Disk Station Manager (DSM) and the current stable version is 4.1. A Beta 4.2 version release is also out now which have some extra features added, and few changes done to the look and feel of the dashboard as well. I shall discuss those separately.

The unit I would be reviewing is DS413j, which is an entry level aimed at Home or small business users.

**********HARDWARE SPECS**********

CPU Frequency: 1.6GHz
Hardware Encrypted Engine
Memory: DDR3 512MB embedded
Internal HDD/SSD: 3.5" or 2.5" SATA(II) X4 (Hard drive not included)
Max Internal Capacity: 16TB (4X 4TB HDD) (Capacity may vary by RAID types)
Hot Swappable HDD
External HDD Interface: USB 2.0 Port X 2
Size (HxWxD) : 184 X 168 X 230 mm
Weight: 2.23Kg
LAN: Gigabit X1
Wake on LAN/WAN
System Fan: 80x80mm x2
Wireless Support (Dongle)
Noise Level : 18.9 dB(A)
Power Recovery
AC Input Power Voltage: 100V to 240V AC
Power Frequency: 50 / 60Hz, Single Phase
Power Consumption: 31.56W (Access) ; 7.68W (HDD Hibernation)
Operating Temperature: 5C to 35C (40 to 95F)
Storage Temperature: -10C to 70C (15 to 155F)
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% RH
Maximum Operating Altitude: 6,500 feet
Certification: FCC Class B, CE Class B, BSMI Class B
Warranty: 2 Years


This is how I will try to break my complete review ....


1. Installation
2. A brief explanation of the services under control panel
3. Multimedia Features.
(Audio Station, Photo Station, Video Station, Media Server, Download station)


1. Personal Cloud and Backup
a. Synology's own Backup and restore
b. Cloud Station and Quick Connect
c. via other 3rd party apps like Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier (available in DSM 4.2) or Crashplan

2. File sharing
3. Performance Testing


1. Accessing your NAS services from internet (outside your LAN)
a. VPN
b. Port FW
c. FTP
d. WebDAV
e. via Mobile.
f. Synology DDNS services

2. Getting the most out from your NAS.
B. Other 3rd part packages

3. Securing access to your NAS from internet

For people who would not be using their NAS from outside their home/LAN i.e from internet, PART 3 becomes void and they can skip it entirely if they want. For most of us, part one and two is what most people will be interested in.

Let's start ...

@@@@@@@@@@ - PART 1 :: Installation and Introduction to Multimedia Features- @@@@@@@@@@​

Installation for synology is one of the most simple, straightforward, I have ever come across while playing with different NAS OS.

**********HARDWARE INSTALLATION**********

For complete hardware installation of the drives into the product follow the below link.

Few snaps of my 413j HDD installation....






**********SOFTWARE OS INSTALLATION**********

OS installation believe me, I presume must be the most simplest of all NAS out there. Best part of synology disk manager software installation is that is does not rely on any external media to get it installed, i.e. you don't need any, CD, DVD, USB drive to install the NAS OS, unlike most of NAS OS out there. You just install the HDD, plug in the NAS, make sure its connected to the internet and let Synology Assistant detect and install the OS. This is how it goes .....

1. You first install all the Hard drives.
2. Plug the LAN cable so that the NAS is connected to the internet
3. Plug the power cord and switch on the device
4. Open browser from any computer connected to same network as your NAS
5. Go to
6. Web Assistant will be launched on your web browser. It will search and find your Disk Station within LAN. Status will be not installed. Check out the below snap as to how it looks



7. If for any reason you do not have internet for that moment or web assistant does not work, synology has provided an installation disk to get DSM installed. (Of course in that case you do need an optical drive)

For details on how to go about installation for Linux and Mac OS refer the link below....

**********VOLUME CREATION - Understanding Basic RAID/SHR**********

During DSM installation, synology assistant will ask and confirm the following things.

A. Admin account user name
B. Password
C. Server Name
D. If you want to create Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR) (More on that later) ... and
E. If you want to use your router DHCP for IP or use manual configuration ration (DHCP recommended if you have a router)

For the point D, I unchecked that option as I wanted to see what all RAID configuration did DS413j offer.

After DSM installation is complete, you need to go to your browser and put the below address to access your NAS console ...

http://Synology_Server_IP:5000 (your ip will be your internal ip. something like (192.168.x.y))

This would present you the login screen,


Put the admin user ID and password that you created during installation and you will get to your NAS console ...


First thing we need to do is to create a volume on the HDD installed. For that click on the TOP LEFT corner and choose STORAGE MANAGEMENT from the drop down. This would present you with the storage manager screen. Under Volume TAB click on the create button. This would launch the volume creation wizard.


Now QUICK option is if you want to choose synology own Hybrid Raid (SHR). Custom option will provide you the option to choose more conventional RAID


SHR is synology own RAID management system, which is good enough if you do not want to go in to the details and intricacies of RAID technicalities and just want a 1/2 disk failure protection with maximum performance.

I shall not go in to the details of conventional RAID system (an all together different topic) but I will suggest, do Google and see which RAID option you might want to go if SHR is not what you want . My suggestion is....... for a less than or equal to 4 HDD and with one disk fault tolerance protection Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR) is good enough.

For a quick intro on RAID refer the below table below.



Also there is a very nifty, neat tool for RAID calculation at synology website. Very helpful in deciding which RAID to go for. Do check that out.

Synology Network Attached Storage - RAID Calculator

I opted for SHR and below is a snap, how it looks after the volume creation.


That completes the basic hardware and software installation ......


Let check out what do we have stored in our NAS.

Clicking the top left corner opens the main menu ........


Here we have all that our NAS offers, it's like the configuration menu for Disk station, plus whatever we would install like Audio, Video station, the applications would be added here, we can drag drop the icon to have it on the DS desktop as well.

Before we move on to configuration NAS for basic operations. Let first see if our network is set correctly.

We need to go to control panel => networks.


Manually configuration DNS. You ISP would take care of this automatically so you should be having the DNS ip there already. You can(should) change the server name to your liking.

Proxy Server ::

There is no proxy server so that is left blank.



1. Get network configuration automatically :::

Here are few things that need to be understood.

Your NAS should always have the same ip, coz if it changes you will have hard time accessing it. Ideally the DHCP from your router provides an internal ip to all your connected machines in your LAN.

There are two ways to deal with it.....

FIRST ::: The one that is common practice amount all online reviews :::: is Uncheck the first option, use manual configuration and provide a static ip. like for example 192.168.x.y (This is not what I follow)

SECOND ::: What I follow is called DHCP reservation under router configuration. This method tells my router to reserve an ip for each device connected on my LAN and provide the same ip every time either the router reboots or the device reboots/connects to the LAN.

The first option is what most follow, but if you are ok with opening up your router configuration and using DHCP reservation, I'd suggest that.

My router is Linksys E2000 and I can access the configuration page by going to, then under Basic Setup ..... under DHCP reservation we can reserve DHCP. check out the snap.



Tunnel is a way to access internet on IPv6 which is of less use as of now...

Lets start to analyze everything under CONTROL PANEL

**********CONTROL PANEL**********


We will discuss most of it .. for the sake of easy lets use the groups under which these features are listed.

A. File sharing and privileges
B. Network Services
C. System
D. Application Settings

File Sharing and Privileges


1. The very first thing is to create Users, this is useful if you want to provide access to your family and/or friends inside or LAN or even from internet. When you go in to the USER dialogue box, you will see admin and guest already there and are pretty self explanatory.

Let create a user. Instead of snap shots I have prepared a small video that shows the same.

Notice that there were no shares to control access to as we have not create those yet. Plus when we checked the option that mail should be sent to the user when the account is created, the system gave us the option to set up mail service for the same. I clicked no as we will discuss that later in detail.

Shared Folders

2. Lets create Shares. The most important aspect for your NAS is where you store all you data. Again created a small video for the same. After you create a user you can assign rights to what share the user has the access to and few other security settings .

Creating Share DS413j.wmv - YouTube

You must have noticed "Windows ACL" while creating the share, that is for advance users and we shall discuses it later.


3. Next comes enabling file services. let go in to Win/MAC/NFS.

Under this section, All I did was Optimize CIFS database operations and rest was left unchecked. MAC file service was disabled as I do not have any Apple machine. NFS was enabled to provide access to Linux system.

IMP NOTE :: For XBMC to access the shares over NFS, you have to do some setting on synology and on the command line as well. Else XBMC does not see NFS shares. Will discuess the details in PART 3

win mac nfs - YouTube


FTP as most of us would know is the file transfer protocol that we can use to transfer files, using apps like CuteFTP or Filezilla. Click on FTP and under general tab click on enable FTP and if you want FTP connection on secure layer then choose FTP SSL. (More on SSL in PART 3 under securing your NAS)

Once FTP is enabled you can check if it's working by going to your browser and typing

ftp://<<your internal ip address>>:21 , e.g.

and you should get the login prompt, put your admin credentials and you are in.




Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is, in layman terms a file transfer method that works on HTTP. It's similar to the old FTP, but has specific advantages over FTP. We will discuss WebDAV in PART 3 under "Accessing your NAS from outside "internet""

Directory Services

Synology Directory Server provides Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that offers account integration and authentication support for LDAP-enabled applications. For the sake of simplicity we would not be discussing this feature in this review. But if you are interested all information is available on synology website.

Network Services

Web Services.

Web services provides you to create a website with web pages on the Synology Disk Station. The Synology Disk Station provides the default shared folder, " web ", for you to store web page files that are used to build your website. If you want to use it, you can enable web station, personal website under web applications, it's also advisable to enable everything under PHP settings (EXCEPT customize PHP openbase_dir) if you have PHP pages in your website. I have used this feature extensively and have created my own website to share my multimedia services that I have created on synology disk station.

But how to create a proper website and go about this using synology disk station cannot fall under the scope of DS413j review.

NOTE IMP :: I will be creating another thread to discuess my Website that I have created using Synology Services. This would provide you an idea as to how we can use synology's web services to share our multimedia applications


DDNS is the one of the most IMP and cherished feature I can think of that has been natively provided by Synology on their Disk stations. If at all you are the type of person (Like ME .. :) ) who loves to access his NAS from outside your lan, i.e. internet, DDNS is something you will love. This also becomes important if you have created your website, using the web-services discussed above.

The problem with most of our ISPs is that they provide Dynamic external IP to our machines, that changes on occasions. The only way to access your NAS from outside is via your external IP, and so its imperative that it should remain constant at all times to have proper access from internet.

Two ways of doing this ...

A. Either you get a static IP from your ISP (Airtel charges 5000Rs/year for the same)

B. Or Use DDNS method, provided by lot of online services. The most prominent being ....

Free Dynamic DNS - Managed DNS - Managed Email - Domain Registration - No-IP

Managed DNS | Outsourced DNS | Anycast DNS

What these services provide, is that you can create a hostname, say like for e.g., and map that hostname with your external dynamic IP. Now whatever your dynamic external ip is, your hostname will always point it to your machine. The only thing that we need to take care of is, when the external IP changes it should get updated at the website where you have created your hostname (e.g. This is where the DDNS service that synology offers comes in to action. It updates your hostname, that you have created, at whatever you choose), with the current, present external IP of your machine.
So the result is, whatever your external dynamic IP is, your hostname will always point towards your home machine, so you don't have to remember or check your external IP. All you need to remember is your hostname that you created (

Of course.... to have proper access we also have to have port FW, but that is something we shall discuses in PART 3.

To summaries, if at all you want to access your NAS from internet, you need to do the following steps ...

A. Choose any DDNS service provider, I recommend, you can choose or any one listed under the service provider drop down menu.
B. Create an account there and create a hostname. (Creation of one hostname is free)
C. Open and enable DDNS on your disk station, choose the service provider.
D. Choose the hostname you created at the service provider
E. Put your credentials and apply, thats it. (of course port forward also need to be done, which we will discuss in PART 3)

Now when ever your external IP will change, Synology DDNS service will update your hostname you created at or which ever. Check the snap below ...



Quick Connect is a way disk station provides that can help you provide access to your Disk Station via the Internet without setting up port forwarding rules. This though sounds cool, for a person who does not want to mess with router settings to set up port forward, in practicality it was not as effective as I might have expected. Plus there are only couple of applications on DS that support Quick Connect.....listed below.

DS File both on http and https
File Sharing
Cloud Services.

NOTE :: DS Photo and DS Audio added in DSM version 4.2

To use quick connect navigate to Control Panel=>Quick Connect. Choose the services, and click apply. As soon as you click apply, you should see a quick connect ID generated and status changed to connected. Click on customized Quick Connect ID and put anything you want. This would be the ID, different apps and services will use quick connect to access it via internet.


But as I said it's not as effective as one might expect, as once you create a quick connect ID, sometimes it takes quite a few attempts to connect a service from Internet. Sometimes it would not connect at all.

If you ask me using DDNS services and port forward is the one I would suggest if you want to access your NAS from internet effectively. It is much stable than using the Quick Connect method provided by Synology.


Firewall as the name suggest is a simple firewall provided by Synology DS and more of less works exactly like a regular windows firewall. You can create rules to allow/deny any port or IP. You can limit speed for connected connections form particular IPs .....


Auto block is a nice feature, which blocks IPs with too many failed login attempts. This seriously comes in handy when you open your disk station to the world of internet via port forwarding. Any malicious login attempt to your internal network will be blocked after particular failed login attempts. Very handy if you ask me


Terminal enables the TELNET and SSH services, to your disk station. Telnet comes in to handy to configure some integral settings or install few packages or codes which are not natively provided by synology. More on this will be discussed under PART 3.


SNMP is a standard TCP/IP protocol for network management. You can use SNMP to monitor network availability, performance, errors and issues. Usually SNMP monitoring is used for a huge and complicated network, but since the protocol is provided, you can use the services for your network management.

As an example I used OpManager (Network Monitoring Software | Network Performance Monitor | Network Management Software - ManageEngine OpManager) software just to see and have a feel of, as to how SNMP works. Below snaps will provide a small example as to what SNMP can do.





This is already covered, during the starting of this tutorial .....

DSM Settings

Most of the things are self explanatory, You can change the login style of DSM, You can change the default port, automatic log out time period for DS .....etc.etc. Just sharing so that you know, what all Synology offers.


Regional Options

Options, to set time, Language ..etc


Notification is the place where you can set up, if and how your DS notifies you in case of any trouble, issue or simple task completion.

I did not try the SMS notification since no provider for our country was provided, but mail notification works perfectly. All you need to do is have SMTP server and port details for the mail service you want to use, like I prefer Gmail, so under SMTP server I have and port is 465. Put your primary and secondary email (primary should be the Gmail one) Choose any sub prefix and send a test mail.

If everything is ok you should get a test mail from DSM. You are now ready to receive notifications from your Disk station

Advance TAB let you choose which notification you want to receive from DS.



Power management might be another major reason for opting for Synology NAS. The power consumption of synology NAS is amazingly low and you can make it even lower by setting out various options here under POWER.
The first three tabs (General, beep control and UPS) are pretty self explanatory. The next tab Schedule allows you to power on and off you DS automatically per the schedule you set, and it works flawlessly. Like for example I have scheduled my DS to start daily at 6 AM and power down at 2 AM on weekdays and 3 AM on weekends. This is how it looks.


the last TAB is Hibernation which hibernates the HDD, after specified time of inactivity. This a bit tricky in the sense that if you have installed a lot of packages and have access to your NAS from various locations', you might not know which application is trying to access you NAS HDD. This sometimes keeps your NAS from not going in to Hibernation mode, even if you are not using it personally.


All three are pretty simple and self explanatory. For external device when you connect a USB drive, it acts as a share and becomes available under list of Shares. Restore Defaults will do as it says and DSM update will update your OS to latest stable release.

Application Settings

Application Privileges

As the name suggests whatever users you create, you can view, change and set the privileges of any application/package you install for any user you create.

Application Portal

This is another nifty feature provided by DSM, we know that the multimedia services, like Audio and Video station can be accessed under package center, but for that we have to log in to our disk station main portal. What if, if we just want these applications to run without actually opening up the main DS Web portal. Application portal provides the same functionality, here you can set port and customize alias so that you can directory log in to Audio or Video station, without actually opening up the main console page.
This is also handy when you want to listen to music from internet, you just need to point your url to customized alias and port you mentioned above and only your audio station opens up. (Again assuming that you have set up DNS services and port FW)


How you can do this exactly is something we will discuss in detail in PART 3.


If you have log server maintained, You can send syslogs from Disk Station to it, which will centrally manage the syslogs it collects within the network.


VPN is another essential feature, for being able to access your NAS from internet securely. Securely is the key word here. VPN stands for virtual private networking, and in layman's term VPN creates a tunnel between the a computer on internet (i.e. outside your LAN) and your NAS. The tunnel is secure. i.e. no intrusion can be done from the outside world. We will discuss this in detail in PART 3 where we will discuss about how to secure access to your NAS from internet.

Media Indexing Services

This segment is bit important. One of the main functionalities you would use of your NAS would be the multimedia services, like Audio and Video station. For these services to recognize the media stored on to your HDD under shares, you have to index them, else Multimedia features would not recognize them. For this you just need to go in to Media Indexing Services, choose indexed folders, click create, provide a name and browse to your music or video share on your NAS.


Network Backup

Under network back, you can set you disk station to act as a backup server for any external rsync based, server, synced folder, or time backup. This need not to be confused with backing up Synology data and apps on to a different machine. This is if you want your NAS to act as the backup server. More on this in PART 2.

*********This concludes the CONTROLL PANAL Segment**************​

Now we have setup our DS completely, created shares, users and provide them basic privileges as well. Let copy some random data and see how can we access it and what else can we do.

There are two way you can access your shares.

1. Conventional Way : Via windows using the IP on RUN command
2. Using the File Station provided by the Disk station itself. A small video as to how to do it.

Using the either way you can start copying the data on to your NAS.

how to access shares on DS413j.wmv - YouTube


Now that we have copied the data let see what all features we have as far as Multimedia is concerned, All the app that we have are available under package center. Click on it and navigate to available packages. Following is a snap shot of all the packages available for DSM 4.1


Apart from this, other 3rd party developers have also come across with various packages for synology. We will discuss this when we discuses "Getting Most out of your NAS" in PART 3

Just choose the package you want to install and click install. For multimedia we will install.

Audio Station
Video Station
Photo Station
Media Server
Logitech Media Server (This is good if you have Logitech gadgets like Squeezebox touch, or radio or just want to use the server to listen music on your PC)

I have installed each one of them and let's have a look in to each.

@@@@@@@@@@ - PART 1 :: Multimedia Features- @@@@@@@@@@​

**********AUDIO STATION**********


When you first open AudioStation and navigate to your created music share, (via By_Folder) you will notice no music there even thought you have copied files over it. This is because you have yet to index files before they can be accessed via AudioStation. For that you need to go to ... Control Panel => media indexing services.(Discussed above as well) Then index folder and create ... Name it anything, preferably same as the audio share you created and then click select to choose your audio share. Thats it, give couple of minutes for DS to index files. On media indexing services tab you can see DS indexing media files. As a reference DS took 20-30 minutes to index my 125GB of music collection. Now you can go back to Audio Station and navigate to your created share and you should see all your music listed there.

Audio Station is a web-based audio application, allowing you to access the music library on your Synology Disk Station. Audio Station works on Flash so make sure your browser is flash enabled. Apart from the usual offerings of any audio/media player like playlist, fav music, radio station, following are some noticeable features that I could figure out.

1. DLNA Certified digital media server

2. UPnP Complaint (So any UPnP server running on your LAN, including Disk station's own UPnP media server, will be available on Audio Station)

3. But MY FAV, is the USB mode,:::: where in you can connect the USB port of your synology NAS to USB speakers or straight to a USB DAC connected to your audiophile gear and enjoy high quality high bitrate music. Very thought out feature. Personally I connected it to my Fiio E10 USB DAC which was connected to my Onkyo AVR coupled with my Polk Audio Tsi300 floor stands and the output is class. (Mostly because of my USB DAC, but player also does plays a role). Easily comparable, infact a notch better than my Squeezebox touch output. To play music via USB out you just have to do two things, make sure you do these steps before you load your songs on to your playlist, as when you will select USB mode your playlist would default to zero and you have to re add all you songs to the now playing playlist. Below a quick video as to how to do enable USB mode under Audio Station plus few other nifty features like Lyrics and switching to mini player.

Few things that I would really like to be added to Audio Station......

1. Transcoading , :::definitely a must have ......:::Logitech Media Server does Transcoading very well. To people who don't know, Transcoading, is conversion from one audio format to another on the fly (that is at run time, then and there when the music is playing.). This comes in very handy when you have a big FLAC (or Apple lossless maybe) collection and you want to listen it on your mobile connected maybe to your car stereo on the go. This scenario will involve 3G and first you would not want to stream full near 1000kbps FLAC song coz 3G costs, plus your server connected to you home broadband will probably will not have enough upload speed to be able to smoothly stream.(Usually a 4mbps broadband connection has a 1mbps upload bandwidth, which though is more than enough for even a 320 kbps songs but isn't enough for a FLAC.) Though your mobile on 3G will have the bandwidth to downstream the song, but things would chock at your server end.

NOTE :: I was able to find Transcoading option but only in Media Server DMA Compatibility, that too only between FLAC to WAV and not MP3. I would love to have a complete Transcoading feature with an option to set MP3 bitrate as well. Much like Logitech Media Server has with Lame codecs.

2. Social Sharing ::: These days almost everywhere we have an option to share what we are doing/watching/Listening, so I would love to have a facebook, tweeter and not to forget, integration with Audio Station, where I can just click and update ... Currently listing to ..... or if possible option to automate this as well, where my choice of social site would be auto updated the song I am listening. Technically this called "Scrobbling" .......
Here I would like to mention that, third party chrome extension is available that, scrobbles the song playing on your Audio Station, but that's very basic and, not available for other browsers. So a neat inbuilt service would be appreciated.

3. Ability to search Lyrics on the fly, from Audio Station console itself. If it can be made automated, like we just click "Search Lyrics" while playing the song, will be much better. I would also like to add that if we manually put the scroll-able lyrics file (LRC), Audio Station, does a decent job of scrolling it. though there is no option to sync or change the scrolling time, so if the lyrics are out of sync you cannot adjust the scroll rate to compensate. (Check out mini lyrics if you want to know what I am referring to.)

NOTE :: Seems like DSM 4.2 version will have this feature. I will test it on DSM 4.2 and update.

4. Though we have music TAG editing (ID3 tagging), we do not have the option to change or load the cover art. If that can be added, nice feature. And again icing on the cake would be if cover art searching can also be added. Again I have to mention that if you manually put the cover art in the music folder, AudioStation picks and displays it correctly.

**********PHOTO STATION**********


One of my top fav feature of Synology NAS is Photo Station, not because it gives you an option to store your image files or let them share via the usual face book or Google plus, but because synology has made Photo Station a complete portal (mini website) in itself, not only to view your own uploaded snaps but share the complete portal with your friends and families as well, with complete control over who can access the portal and individual web albums. This is where it gets a bit different from the usual online photo services, plus it's your own hosted image server so you have a complete control over it.

Another nifty feature is that you can upload any image from your albums directly to Facebook albums, Twitter or Picasa. Makes it pretty nifty actually. I tried it and works perfectly. When you choose to upload on face book, it lists all the albums you have created there and you can choose to upload on any of it.

NOTE ::: In DSM 4.2, more uploading services have been added.

Installing Photo Station is same as installing any other package, by going in to the "Package Center", => Available TAB and selecting Audio Station from it. Once installed, its available under installed or app drawer on the top left corner. You can drag and drop any app from the drawer to your DS desktop to have its shortcut.

Once installed, when you click on Photo Station, it will ask for your credentials, use your "admin" credentials as you want complete control over Photo Station, to create and organize your images. Again instead of putting everything written with points I am sharing a small video to show how to navigate through Photo Station

Photo station Intro - YouTube

The video must have give you a brief preview what Photo Station is all about.


Most of the settings are self explanatory baring few, like for example ...

1. Personal Photo Station ::Personal photo station will allow users to create their own albums and upload images, enabling personal photo station provides access to upload albums and images on their personal HOME folder created on you NAS. You just need to make sure that, "Enable User home" is selected under user properties, when you create a user. Check the snap below.


You can control the privileges of each user via "Account System " under Photo Station settings.

2. Account system :: This is a very thought out feature provided by synology. If you want to share Photo Station experience with others (which most of us would do), DSM provides two account system to manage it.

  • A. DSM Accounts :: The usual one you create under the user category in control panel
  • B. Photo Station Accounts :: Independent accounts that you can create inside the PS itself. (Like the one I have created which I showed in the video.

By creating an account for a user you provide him more, features in Photo Station like uploading images, editing them etc. If you want to allow users to have a "Personal Photo Station" then it's advisable to manage Photo Station by DSM accounts, as then the uses will have their own HOME folder where they can upload images and create albums as well. Provided "Enable User home" is selected

However if all you want users to view images, and at the most upload them under pre created albums by you, Photo station accounts are best suited. Plus it keep the users separate from other users you might have for your DSM or Audio Station.

But you can mix and match both these privileges to provide the kind of access you require.

3. TimeLine :: Time line is very much like the face book time line, provides a pictorial representation of all the albums created with a date time line at the bottom. You scroll the line to view your albums taken at different dates. If the image is Geotagged it also provides a map at the bottom giving the location where the image was taken.



To conclude, few glitches as well that I would like to point. Though Photo Station almost works as intended, not everything is Hunky Dory. Following are some major issues that I encountered with Photo station, and few suggestions to avoid getting into problems.

1. Photo station from internet can only be accessed through port 80, yes you can add a port, but you cannot change the default port 80, so you have to port forward 80 only in order to access photo station from outside and share your album link. The Application Portal that I discussed somewhere above in this review, does not have Photo Station in it. Technically this creates an issue when you want photo station to launch just by providing the link. If you add a port say 81 then you have to add that port along with the link, which make it unprofessional, as you cannot expect a user to add 81 at the end of the link. Port 80 is default you don't have to add it, so it makes sense, but port 80 is also used by lot of other services and is not advisable to forward, changing the default port for Photo Station would have made sense in this regard.

More on this will become clear when I will discuss my Website in a separate thread, as website on HTTP also works on port 80 (by default)

2. Slide show is not available full screen

3. If an album is password protected for a user, you cannot provide the access to the same user to upload photos to his own password protected album, unless you make it private or public of course

4. There is no access to delete the album for a user who has created it. Only admins can delete it.

5. IMP :: This is with uploading, not sure where the bug is, while using http with photo station, the upload wizard lets us choose multiple image files to upload from your computer. BUT when we use photo station on HTTPS, during upload we can only select one file to upload at a time, no way to select multiple files. This is from the computer itself I am talking about. You however can select multiple files if you choose to upload from your Disk station itself, but not from the computer (only on HTTPS connection), which is strange.

6. Last but not the least, uploading via Photo Station to an album in itself is very slow, chunky and unpredictable. It takes a lot of time to upload even small 500-800 KB files, not to forget many times the uploader just hangs and does nothing, and I have to refresh the page and relogin.


Not perfect but still a solution ..........

A. For points 3,4 and 5, what you can do is, instead of providing the user the direct link to photo station. Create a user account in your DSM, provide him access to only Photo station and file station, making sure he does not have access to any share, and let him log in to DSM (not photo station directly) and then have access to photo station (from inside DSM). This somewhat solves the issues, as then the user has his own private photo station and can do whatever he wants with his photos and albums.

One drawback here is you would not be able to share your own album. User can only share and view his own photos and albums.

B. for point 6, synology has provided an independent synology assistant to perform some admin tasks. This includes a photo uploader as well, which works exactly the way photo station should have had. Anyway Uploading is fast, consistent and you can connect with your server from internet as well, using the same DYNDNS service. So synology assistant as an image uploader works perfectly.

One drawback here as well, you cannot expect every user you provide access to photo station to have Synology's Assistant to run on his PC. (You have to download and install Synology's Assistant separately) Synology Assistant is more useful as your own personal photo uploader, and I strongly advice to use Synology Assistant to upload photos, its much stable and easier as well. Users however have to stick to usual Photo station uploading.Unless ofcourse they download Synology Assistant on their machines.

**********VIDEO STATION**********


Another sweet little GEM in the multimedia bag, synology offers is the Video Station. Video Station, again seriously thought out multimedia offering by Synology. Most of us who are in to Home Theaters and are Movie buffs know the importance of a quality working YAMJ and that is where most of ours favorite XBMC comes in. It's a media renderer and a phenomenal media collector as well. Where, XBMC does a lot more than the main function of getting, correct Movie posters, information and IMDB reference, Video Station on Synology of course not as comprehensive as XBMC does two most needed, main function perfectly and effectively ..

1. Plays the Media.
2. Loads the media info and poster pretty accurately, i.e. its a good YAMJ experience.

All you have to do is to point Video Station to the directory/folder where your Movies/TV series are stored and Video Station very effectively pulls out the Movie information with correct Movie posters.

Video Station also provides the option to edit/add Movie info if for some reason it does not pick it by itself. Rules are the same as XBMC. The Movie folder should be named with "Movie name (year)" and the Movie name should be "Movie name.<<extension>>"

A small video again to show with a couple of Movies indexed and one which was not properly indexed and had to be done manually. We shall see how to index and get the information from internet. As a reference Video Station took 10-15 minutes to index 115 HD movies. Out of 115, seven were not absolutely accurately indexed, most of them just had the summery missing. With couple missing everything, but those were Korean movies, so it figures.

Below is the video ..

Video Station Intro - YouTube

I did not venture in to TV Recordings as I did not have the equipment to get this tested ......

Things I would like to add in Video Station.

1. Again Transcoading ::: At least to a level where we can see low bitrate DVD rips, if our Video Station is accessed on a laptop.

NOTE :: On LAN i.e. locally, Video Station played all 1080p videos flawlessly without any jerks or stutter.

2. Again an automated Movie Scrobbler, specially with the ever popular, which is popular for showcasing everything about your movie collection, specially what you and others are watching on runtime bases, so a connection between video station and would be a great added feature.


1. Video Station uses VLC as the media player, when you click on play, a new browser window is opened, VLC is loaded and starts to play the movie. This for some reason does not work on HTTPS connection. If Video Station is loaded on HTTPS, the player simply gives a message that it cannot render the video. I am not sure why this happens seems a BUG again.


1. Solution is simple, as to not to use HTTPS for Video Station. :)

**********MEDIA SERVER**********


Media server is another addition to Synology's multimedia package for their Disk stations. Media Server is nothing but a plain simple (but effective) UPnP server. In case some do not know what UPnP is ...UPnP ::::: (Universal Plug and Play) ::::: is a feature to make media streaming easy within your home network. Technically it's a networking protocol that helps PCs, peripherals, Gateways, access points to discover each other over a network. To a layman it means, it's a feature for your computer to recognize other computers on your home network and share certain services with them. Typically its used for streaming media among different devices connected within a same network.

To make this work you need ....

1. UPnP compatible router (Most current gen routers are UPnP complaint). The only difference might be for some this feature is not auto on and you have to manually switch it on via router configuration page.

2. A UPnP server program :: It's an application that would be installed on your PC/NAS which would make sharing among UPnP complaint devices possible.

This is where the Synology Media Server comes in, it's that program running on your NAS which makes sharing among UPnP devices possible.

3. UPnP capable device ::: This can be a hardware device like, PS3, Xbox 360, Squeezebox touch, etc or software like XBMC, WMP, Foobar, running on a PC.

For synology NAS, all you have to do is to install the media server form the available packages, and that's it. Now you can use any media player like Foobar or WMP to browse your music collection on you NAS via this UPnP server.

As an example I have shown how you can access UPnP via Foobar and XBMC.

Enable UPnP at Server end, i.e. Synology

upnp at server.wmv - YouTube

Using UPnP at client end with Foobar and XBMC

UPnP client - YouTube

**********DOWNLOAD STATION**********


As the name suggest Download Station, on Synology's is a take on personal download manager, for your own disk station. The surprising and best part about Synology's Download Station is, not only its support for various download methods, but also that they actually works as it should be. Just to give an idea of what DS supports,

1. The but obvious "Torrents"
2. Torrent searches!!!. Not only can you download but can search torrents as well right from Download stations itself. And it searches simultaneously from various torrent services. You can add and search downloads to you Download Station from mobile as well, and monitor them too. More on this in PART 4


3. Direct downloads from following numerous services ...


Both free and paid accounts are supported.

4. Usenet servers with full NZB support.
5. emule downloads.
6. FTP/HTTP direct downloads

All downloads can be automated and scheduled as well. How do you automate ...

1. For direct downloads (like Rapidshare, Fileserve links) :: you create a txt file that would have your valid URLs for the downloads. Then you create a "Watch" folder on any of your share and point DS to monitor that watch folder. You then put the .TXT file in to that watch folder. Anytime you copy a new download URL on that txt file, DS will grab it and start to download.

2. For torrents its even easy,::: just copy the torrent file in to that watch folder and Download station will grab and start to download. And its instantaneous.

3. For NZB it's the same::: as with any Usenet download client. Define the news server, news port, authentication details and that's it. Now whenever you will copy the NZB file on to your watch folder, download station will grab it and start to download.


What if you are sitting across states or country, on internet. And you don't have access to your watch folder ...

Synology has official plug-ins for CHROM and Firefox. Which makes sending links and torrents directly to your download station a breeze. With Chrome it's even better, with "Download with disk station" button present right along the magnet link

Not only that... it also add a neat link on your YouTube videos as well, clicking on which will download the YouTube video directly to your download station.

Neat very neat if you ask me.

However you need to understand that you have to user DDNS services to provide access to your internal network from internet.

More on this much later when we discuss how to access NAS from internet.

For Chrome just install :: "Synology Download station for Google chrome"

Once installed it will provide a neat "Download with disk station" button right beside the magnet link on the torrent site, or you can right click on the link itself and choose "Download with disk station"


For Firefox best is ::: SynoLoader :: Again once installed you can have any torrent download by right clicking on the links and choose "Download with SynoLoader"


For you tube : YouTube downloader only works with chrome, if you have Synology Download station for Google chrome, then you will get a neat button just under the video to be able to download the video directly on to your Disk station.


Rest of the features include ....

1. You can control max active downloads
2. Send notifications when the download task is completed
3. Schedule downloads.
4. Auto extract download RAR file (with password support)
5. Control torrent max upload and download rate
6. Auto stop seeing based on condition .............etc

The complete experience is ultra polished and loaded with features. In my words synology Download station is THE best among any download managers or client I have worked on.

*************************END OF PART 1**************************​

This completes PART 1 of my 3 part Review and Analysis of Synology's DS413j Home Entertainment NAS.

Don't forget to click "Thanks" if you like the Review and appreciated the effort. Stay put for my Next parts......

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^^ Its between 20-25K. I am not exactly sure though. Checkout official distributor ..

Esdee Business Machine Pvt. Ltd
Esdee Business Machines, NAS, Storage, Synology, ISCSI, Rackmount Nas, Rackmount Iscsi, Raid card, Highpoint, sas raid card, sata raid card, mac support raid card
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +91-22-2566-7070 ~ -7076
Fax: +91-22-2566-4374
Address:206/207, Anandraj Indl. Estate, Sonapur Lane, Behind Asian Paints, Off, L.B.S. Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400078, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Great Sam, superb review as usual, what I see difference with other reviews (including my own posts :) ) is that a person with any knowledge level of NAS or Tunelling or UPnp Sharing can read and understand this. Probably the manufacturers can think of including uour review as user manual. Well done once again, I will do a detailed study and give you some of the comparisons that is there on my DIY NAS and those which is not oven there (I have to think if these can be done) on a DIY NAs that is supposed to have more flexibility.
^^ :) you are right, its more of a "Manual" then a review,... :D ... well I will put it as a "complete product analysis with a thorough end user experience."...

Would love to have your take on a comparison with your DIY NAS. I will do the same with UNRAID in this thread itself. All in all this can give a potential user/buyer a complete insight as to what to go for when deciding on a NAS.
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splendid job!! I think you should look for writing a "practical guide in networking and storage" kind of book, at least I will buy one.
^^ Hehehe ... I will take this as a compliment .... :)
Thanks ranjeetrain, use it as a complete analysis of this product ....... A potential buyer can get to lean a lot from this write up ....
Hi Sam,
Got some time over the weekend to go through your detailed review and was able to do some comparison with my DIY NAs and I hope some of these may be valid with others using a boxed or a DIY NAS. I have categorized my feedbacks on individual areas as below

The synology's lower specs as compared to a uATX based DIY NAS will give it more advantage in terms of power consumption and I guess the processor and RAM is optimized for the custom OS it runs which is less bulky than Win7 but sam I this you will be able to tell if this is even lower than unraid. Nevertheless I think the power consumption of 31Watts can never be beaten by a DIY uATX NAS. Mini ITX NAS I am not that much sure of but I had one question in this regard, is the 31Watts the max power consumption with all 4 disks spinning or only 1 disk running? If it is former then I will be amazed by its efficiency since 4 2TB disks itself consumes around 20 to 25 Watts in total. Nevertheless the power footprint is a big plus I think. Even my 2 year old DLink DNS323 comsumes 40Watts. Also I had another question whether the fans speeds are auto controlled or they spin the same way all the time? Is the CPU dual core or single core?

Authentication / LDAP
Can this be used by external devices (on the same LAN) to authenticate? If yes then people running a small office and not willing to setup a local ADSI server can think of utilize this LDAP service too.

Preprietary feature and I suppose is very good and important like you said. I am not sure if Group Policy feature in Windows can be used to replicate this but even if this happens will not be that easily than this one.

Auto Power On/Off
Amazing, probably difficult or even impossible on my Windows NAS. Wake On LAN can only bring the NAS back from standby but I guess not this way. This will be very helpful for scheduled downloads for users having night unlimited bb plans. I heard sometime back that XStreamer allows something similar as well

I will surely say that this is a BIG PLUS. So many apps and many upcoming would be definitely a plus. One doubt is whether the same compatibility (Firmware) of all apps is with this specific synology model or even the lower priced ones (sub 15K)? On windows NAS of course this is not a problem with whatever apps one wants can be used but the option to have on the lookout will be whether all those apps can be browser controlled remotely. Is the number of apps for unraid more?

USB Audio
Never heard of this feature on a boxed NAS like this. A very well thought out feature and will save people from building a dedicated music PC, though on a DIY windows NAS this is not a problem achieving at least feature wise but the small power footprint of this boxed NAS will become a differentiating factor truly. However from the audiophile standpoint how noisy are the fans or most importantly how is the digital output over USB comparable to the digital out from a dedicated NAS will be debatable. But again for a boxed NAS to be compared with full blown PC is something of pride to the boxed NAS of course.

Transcoding in the UPnP server
Does it support video transcoding and also does the server support subtitles (.srt file)? I suppose this is very very important for people like me who have uPnP clients on TVs and want to utilize them which of course does not support a lot of formats. Since I am using Serviio I can tell you that it does an awesome job transcoding at runtime for my Pana TV for which there is a predefined profile as well. However subtitles although not visible on my Panasonice TV while using its built in upnp player it is supported on other devices like tabs so I conclude that this is a more of a PAnasonic limitation. Also I wonder whether 3rd party UPnP builds like MediaTomb etc can be installed on this Synology NAs including ffmpeg incase one is not satisfied with the built in UPnP server? I observed in my windows NAS that there is a steady CPU usage dueing transcoding of videos and audios at runtime (around 25 to 35 %). However like all UPnP servers I do see that this one also require a first indexing. I did see your stats of 125GB scan in 25 mins but how many actual song files were there? I mean the scan time should be more on directory nesting and count of files more than on the entire size of the directory structure. A DIY NAS here may be doing this job faster for higher CPU but considering this is not something we do daily should be fine with the one time wait. Let me mention that my prehistoric DLink DNS323 sometimes hanged if there was alot of file to scan at startup, pretty bad I hope Synology has overcome it. Again like you mentioned that ability to specify bitrate should be handy like I saw in serviio client that it allows you to specify video resolution at runtime (nothing for audio though) for mobile devices.

Metadata searching
This feature I loved in here, this is more of a media organizer feature should be very handy. I did see that players like foobar does this but again Synoogy have shown a good perspective of their usability understanding here. But one disadvantage I saw in my DIY NAS using Serviio organizer is that the same can be readabale by ServiiGo client (episode plot, movie plot, etc) only and not a 3rd party media renderer. Not sure how is the case here.

Web based media browser
I found this to be again a very handy feature which is also there in Serviio pro version (25 USD) and is pretty feature rich but do not remember if it used to be password protected as well on demand like this one. Also the idea is very useful if you want to have your NAS exposed to internet and want to share photos directly without uploading to some site. Very well thought about. Imagine if I am trying to give my friends a url to access my home media with previw option so that they can decide what all they want from me :)

Multipurpose Downloader
Again a very handy feature specially with the web controls and browser based plugins. Although I have seen very limited number of softwares like utorrent etc with web based UI for remote controlling I am yet to see a downloader manager with streaming video download capability and normal http files. Most of them do not support web ui and hence is out of the race. Kudos to the designers. The bowser plugins to remotely send files for download is a deal maker. Not sure if any windows software has this feature?

Exposing on internet
Here I wont say much but just that in my case I found Serviio to offer similar feature in Pro version where Servii Go can utilize its own API to allow access to Home Media from anywhere over internet using the ServiiGo client. No registration with DDNS services are required.

Some more thoughts
Considering the high price tag I would like to confirm a few more things
1. How is the read write speeds max?
2. What is the max HDD temperature while read / write that and whether it supports SMART attribute reading? This is very handy if analyzing drive usage, etc
3. How high does the temperature of HDDs go when maximum writing is done for 1+ hours?
4. What is the max throughput read / write you got?
5. Considering the 25K price tag how is the build quality
6. Can I hook a USB drive to the USB posrt and copy files to it or even share files from it?

Overall I must say that the biggest asset of this product is its firmware with features which are definitely well thought out and based on rigorous user experiance study. But the price tag is quite high considering that one has to buy separate HDDs over this leading people to wonder whether building a DIY NAS at 15K would give more benefit even considering the electricity bill difference over couple of years like we compare petrol vs diesel cars :).
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Hi Haisaikat

Appreciate your insight, into the product. Atleast someone cared to read .... :D

The synology's lower specs as compared to a uATX based DIY NAS will give it more advantage in terms of power consumption and I guess the processor and RAM is optimized for the custom OS it runs which is less bulky than Win7 but sam I this you will be able to tell if this is even lower than unraid. Nevertheless I think the power consumption of 31Watts can never be beaten by a DIY uATX NAS. Mini ITX NAS I am not that much sure of but I had one question in this regard, is the 31Watts the max power consumption with all 4 disks spinning or only 1 disk running? If it is former then I will be amazed by its efficiency since 4 2TB disks itself consumes around 20 to 25 Watts in total. Nevertheless the power footprint is a big plus I think. Even my 2 year old DLink DNS323 comsumes 40Watts. Also I had another question whether the fans speeds are auto controlled or they spin the same way all the time? Is the CPU dual core or single core?

31W I believe is when all disks are being accessed, coz all 4 lights are lit up. Technically there is not way provided by DSM OS to check which disk is spinning and which is not. So I presume all disk spin when data is accessed.

On UNRAID however I had an option to see which disk is spinning and also manually start or stop each hard-drive independently. Which is something I liked in UNRAID.

However the power consumption was 70-100 W at load mainly because of proper ATX board, a dual core processor ...etc.... which I now believe is not even needed as far as running a NAS is concerned.

FAN CONTROL ::: They are auto controlled, but we have three modes. Cool, Quiet and Low Power. All are automated, but each mode has a different temperature slab at which the fan speed changes (increases or decreases). But in no circumstances you get to hear the fan noise even if you are like a feet away from the unit.

Authentication / LDAP
Can this be used by external devices (on the same LAN) to authenticate? If yes then people running a small office and not willing to setup a local ADSI server can think of utilize this LDAP service too.

I have not tried this technically so can not comment with conviction, but the glide does say ..."Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service offers account integration and authentication support for LDAP-enabled applications"

I however will try this as I might implement this with my website that I have developed to share my data, applications and multimedia services .(more on this in a separate thread.)

You can read about LADP in details from below link ..

Proprietary feature and I suppose is very good and important like you said. I am not sure if Group Policy feature in Windows can be used to replicate this but even if this happens will not be that easily than this one.

I doubt group policy can be used to block indivisual IPs, you can block urls, internet access, block NIC to recieve IP from DHCP ....etc etc ...... but for IP blocking (Auto, Manual) firewall is the thing to consider. windows firewall or any other decent firewall can achieve the same. Auto blocking of an IP on windows need some effort to accomplish, but can be done.

But yes synology has made it as simple as putting a checkmark, and it works coz I got couple of random public IPs trying to gain access via SSH, which were blocked successfully

Auto Power On/Off
Amazing, probably difficult or even impossible on my Windows NAS. Wake On LAN can only bring the NAS back from standby but I guess not this way. This will be very helpful for scheduled downloads for users having night unlimited bb plans. I heard sometime back that XStreamer allows something similar as well

This feature, infact as you said is a bit tricky to achieve on windows. Specially making it automated. But yes it can be done. I can provide you a hint ...... Auto switch off can be achieved by using windows task scheduler and providing it the hibernate command line ...

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState 0,1,0

This would hibernate the computer at the specific time you provide in the Windows task Scheduler .......

Wake up can be achieved by providing the task scheduler a small program to run like Notepad and setting the options "Wake up computer to run this task." Sure when the computer wakes up you will have a notepad opened up, but atleast it serves the purpose.

In newer gen motherboards, an auto sleep and wake facility is also provided in the BIOS. Check if you have that in your BIOS.

Again Synology has made it as simple as putting up a checkmake and seting up a schedule.

I will surely say that this is a BIG PLUS. So many apps and many upcoming would be definitely a plus. One doubt is whether the same compatibility (Firmware) of all apps is with this specific synology model or even the lower priced ones (sub 15K)? On windows NAS of course this is not a problem with whatever apps one wants can be used but the option to have on the lookout will be whether all those apps can be browser controlled remotely. Is the number of apps for unraid more?

The apps snap I shared are just the official apps that have been loaded on to DSM 4.1, There are loads of 3rd party apps that you can loads from developers package. Also compatibility of apps is NOT with a specific model. All models get more or less the same number of apps, yes few might not be available, but that would be coz, an application was specifically designed for an activity only performed by a higher model. But most if them specially the multimedia ones are same across all models (home, small business)

UNRAID APPS :: Unraid did not have the concept of apps as such. Everything had to be installed depending on the the Linux Distro. Say for example Logitech Media Server or Serviio. With synology we have a package developed for it and all you need to do is, select and install.

with unraid, you have to download the install file, making sure you get the correct installer, and then install it on unraid using the command line.

If some developer has created a package for it, its good, as then you just need to run that package (albeit from command line itself). ...... But the entire experience is not as relaxed as is on Synology for a Novice user.

Transcoding in the UPnP server
Does it support video transcoding and also does the server support subtitles (.srt file)? I suppose this is very very important for people like me who have uPnP clients on TVs and want to utilize them which of course does not support a lot of formats. Since I am using Serviio I can tell you that it does an awesome job transcoding at runtime for my Pana TV for which there is a predefined profile as well. However subtitles although not visible on my Panasonice TV while using its built in upnp player it is supported on other devices like tabs so I conclude that this is a more of a PAnasonic limitation. Also I wonder whether 3rd party UPnP builds like MediaTomb etc can be installed on this Synology NAs including ffmpeg incase one is not satisfied with the built in UPnP server? I observed in my windows NAS that there is a steady CPU usage dueing transcoding of videos and audios at runtime (around 25 to 35 %). However like all UPnP servers I do see that this one also require a first indexing. I did see your stats of 125GB scan in 25 mins but how many actual song files were there? I mean the scan time should be more on directory nesting and count of files more than on the entire size of the directory structure. A DIY NAS here may be doing this job faster for higher CPU but considering this is not something we do daily should be fine with the one time wait. Let me mention that my prehistoric DLink DNS323 sometimes hanged if there was alot of file to scan at startup, pretty bad I hope Synology has overcome it. Again like you mentioned that ability to specify bitrate should be handy like I saw in serviio client that it allows you to specify video resolution at runtime (nothing for audio though) for mobile devices.

Yes Synology DSM does support transcoding, i.e it will convert the video on runtime, if needed. SRT subs are supported, no issues.
If however one is not satisfied by inbuilt UPnP server, Serviio is available as a TP packed for Synology, and can easily be installed.
MediaTome thought not available as a package, can easily be installed from command line. (Google for details)

Did not notice how many actual files were being indexed, for my 125 GB collection, but will do so and will report ... (should not be less than 10-12K)

DS413j never got stuck while indexing .... so yea I guess that issue is not here.

Web based media browser
I found this to be again a very handy feature which is also there in Serviio pro version (25 USD) and is pretty feature rich but do not remember if it used to be password protected as well on demand like this one. Also the idea is very useful if you want to have your NAS exposed to internet and want to share photos directly without uploading to some site. Very well thought about. Imagine if I am trying to give my friends a url to access my home media with preview option so that they can decide what all they want from me

Full use, and enjoyment of web-based media browsing and accessing will be much clear and prominent when you will access my website. I have developed it utilizing the same web-based features of synology to share my multimedia services .......Will open a new thread for the same.

Exposing on internet
Here I wont say much but just that in my case I found Serviio to offer similar feature in Pro version where Servii Go can utilize its own API to allow access to Home Media from anywhere over internet using the ServiiGo client. No registration with DDNS services are required

Serviio's feature to provide access is very limited, DDNS makes it an all rounder. With DDNS you can access every aspect of you machine from internet, including, but not limited to FTP, WebDAV ...etc. Trust me if a comprehensive access is what you want from internet DDNS is a must, unless ofourse you have a static public IP.

Some more thoughts
Considering the high price tag I would like to confirm a few more things
1. How is the read write speeds max?
2. What is the max HDD temperature while read / write that and whether it supports SMART attribute reading? This is very handy if analyzing drive usage, etc
3. How high does the temperature of HDDs go when maximum writing is done for 1+ hours?
4. What is the max throughput read / write you got?
5. Considering the 25K price tag how is the build quality
6. Can I hook a USB drive to the USB posrt and copy files to it or even share files from it?

1. Read/Write speed :: This I must say is the weakest part of Synology atleast with 413j model. Hight models tend to provide better speed, but 413j is just avg. (UNRAID simply excelled in this department) I will discuses more details in PART 2 - Performance Testing

2. ::: yes it does support SMART. With all proper diagnostics. temp for now is remaining around 35-36C. Which might increase to 38-40C in summers.

3. ::: The only time max writing in one hour was done when I was taking a full backup of synology, and I did not see any substantial changes in the temp. however I must admit I did not monitor it consistently as there was no need to as such.

4 :::: Ans same as one I guess, or is through put something different then read/write speed.

5 :::: Build Quality is top class, ofcourse I have not actually seen any other NAS BOXes, but synology does not at all feel cheap in any way, both from the outside or from inside. HDD enclosures are well made, and the HDD locking with sata ports are firm and rock solid .... No complains in that department.

6 USB Drive :::: Yes ofcourse, I think I mention that in the review, not only can you connect the USB drive, (which acts as a share), you can also control its hibernation, just like the internal drive from the same power options in the control panel.

Hope I was able to reply all queries per satisfaction. If you have any more, feel free to share ... :)

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That was one hell of a comprehensive anwser sam.

I hope that all disks are not accessed when data is acessed from one drive unless you have opted for file stripping. But even with that the power comsumption I would say is unbeatable.

Also the FAN control I have not seen in my earlier boxed NAS. But are the FANs replaceable?

Amazing that Serviio is available, this explains how wide the appstore community is.

Does the USB support external NTFS formatted HDD?

Regarding the BIOS feature for waking up a computer can you give a hint as to what to look for in the features? I believe hibernation or shutdown is comparatively easier, also my understanding was that Wake on LAN feature brings back computer from sleep which is semi power on.

Also on read-write speed from my earlier DLink NAS experiance I read that NFS shares are faster in this regard than SMB shares but DLink had issues implementing it using the
app they provided. May be you can research once.

Will wait for your part 2.
I would like to believe that all disks does not spin, but there is no exact way synology DSM has provided to see which disk is spinning and which is not.

Yes the FANS are replaceable, they are screw mounted fans that can be removed.

Regarding BIOS Wake up ... it should be somewhere under Power Management ..... its not necessary every bios supports it though

Also you can use Wake on LAN to bring back a computer even if its completely shut off, but your LAN card and BIOS should support it.

I have to check about NTFS formatted external HDD if synology detects it ...

Yes you are right NFS shares are faster then SMB, I use NFS share only on XBMC to read date from Synology .........:)

Hi Sam, Just saw your post, wonderful and well detailed as always...once i get home will read it completely for sure... Synology NAS products are really good , as you know have been using for couple of years and its been awesome...not using all the features though :)

I completed my unRaid project and its running flawlessly with my popcorn hour A210...having a tough week in office, will post along with pictures sometime this week...
^^ Thanks manny, atleast few nice souls care to read it fully........ and reading it in itself is an appreciation that the writer longs ... :) . thanks again.

Would love to have your take on UNRAID as well.
Very nice documentation as ever. What is the street price for this product?

I inquired for the price and got following response from EBM (Indian distributer):

Thanks for enquiry. Please find the details as below.

Synology DS-413J 4-Bay NAS Diskless @ Rs.27,000/-

Delivery : Within 7-10 days
Warranty : 2 Years
Taxes : VAT/CST 5% Extra
Payment : 100% Advance

We may get better price if place a bulk order (groupbuy) :)

Order it via AMAZON.COM, they ship to india, even with shipping charges + import duties its lands cheaper then what retard price EBM is giving.

Box is cute and I am sure it will be silent and economical (in terms of power saving)

Right now I feel it pricey, (adding disk cost). If it is less than 20K I would have considered it seriously, to dump by existing DIY NAS server.
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