Samsung 2012 PS43E470 review - The budget performer.

So if you run 720p or 1080P content in it does it show black bars on top and bottom??

i really need this info on urgency please. thanks.

I am not sure about it. but here are my findings:
espn-star-cricket channels show fulls screen for sd version.
few of the marathi regional channels also display full screen.
then there are other channels like sab which show the black horizontal bars at top and bottom.

in that case, one needs to use the various aspect modes. the panasonic has
16:9,....,just, zoom1, zoom2....

in my case, either the 'just' or 'zoom1' fills up the entire screen.

in general, is it that those channels which are also available in HD , take care of the aspect ratio for their SD version?
Change the TV mode to 4:3. Now observe the various channels.

Some channels are broadcasting in letterbox mode, even in SD, 4:3 mode. These are mostly movie channels, a few news channels (such as BBC), and some entertainment channels.

Rest of the SD channels broadcast in full 4:3 mode. These are most sports (ESPN, Star Sports, Ten), most news channels, regional channels, entertainment channels (Zee, Sony, Star, Star World, Zee Cafe, etc.), infotainment (NatGeo, Discovery, AP, etc.). However exception may exist - some programs may be braodcast in letterbox mode too.

HD channels are always in 16:9 mode.

So depending upon the channel watched and the TV mode, the following will be observed (HDTV is set in either 16:9 mode or 'Just' mode):

- SD Channel broadcasting in letter box mode: On HDTV, the picture will be unusually stretched, occupying less than 60% of the screen (actual picture not counting channel logo, DTH logo)
- SD Channel broadcasting in fullscreen 4:3 mode: On HDTV, the picture will be slightly stretched, and will occupy full screen
- HD Channel: On HDTV, the picture will be correctly displayed, occupying full screen

please re-look my question

these plasmas have resolution of 1080X786 and not HD ready reslotion which is 1366X786.

So if i play a HD movie 720P or 1080p which has resolution of 1366X786 and 1920X1080 will tht display on this plasma with black bars on top and bottom.

I expect this because this tv is with 1080 instead of 1366.

please advice.
I m planning to buy E470 tomorrow

however, a frnd of mine who is sales manager in an electronics company claims that plasma tech is obsclete. Moreover, on regular usage over a period of time 3-4 years the display of Plasma starts getting dim.

Is it true? does any of plasma user having it for years observed the brightness decrease of display over a period of time? please advice
ok i have bought yesterday evening E470.
colors and display is brilliant.

however, when i connect my HD ready (1366X768) vaio laptop with it. it changes the resolution to 1080X768. not liking tht.

apart from that watching mkv files on it is a pleasure. colors look sooo realistic and sharp :)
I have planned to purchased this in the coming durga puja. but my only concern is how 1080 or 720 things will look on a 1024*768!!! and it is also 4:3 not 16:9!
guys does samsung 43e470 support dual audio in mkv files i am downloading finla destination series with dual audio english and hindi and i wanted it play using usb drive directly connected to tv
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please re-look my question

these plasmas have resolution of 1080X786 and not HD ready reslotion which is 1366X786.

So if i play a HD movie 720P or 1080p which has resolution of 1366X786 and 1920X1080 will tht display on this plasma with black bars on top and bottom.

I expect this because this tv is with 1080 instead of 1366.

please advice.

The resolution is 1024x768. There will not be any bars on top or bottom but you are right that it is not true 720i/p resolution. The resolution on tv will be adjusted for wide screen because pixels will be stretched and rectangular.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
The resolution is 1024x768. There will not be any bars on top or bottom but you are right that it is not true 720i/p resolution. The resolution on tv will be adjusted for wide screen because pixels will be stretched and rectangular.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2

So, 43E470 is not good for watching Tata sky HD etc as the broadcast is in 1080i and also DTH logos like tata sky,videocon etc will result in image retention.
So, 43E470 is not good for watching Tata sky HD etc as the broadcast is in 1080i and also DTH logos like tata sky,videocon etc will result in image retention.
Both are totally unrelated.

It is incorrect to believe that because the panel is 1024x768, it is not 720 i/p. I said that it is not true 720 i/p. The difference is that it is not in true 16:9 ratio. That does not mean that the TV is bad for watching HD. I have watched HD on the entry level plasmas which are all having 1024x768 panel resolution. These are Samsung E470 and Panasonic XT50. From a distance of over 8 ft., there is very little perceptible difference between these models and the top of the line such as GT50 and ST50, which are true HD TVs and the best of the lot. I repeat, very little perceptible difference. And I was comparing the 50" sets. On 42", the difference is even lower - the smaller the TV, the lesser are the image artifacts and greater is the clarity.

As regards to image retention, the panel resolution has nothing to do with this. The best of the plasmas can suffer with IR. IR can happen if the panel is hit with a static image for a long time and especially when the TV is new and phosphors are raw. After the phosphors are "cooked" and this happens after over 200 hours, the chances of IR are greatly reduced. On my TV, after 450 hours, there is no sign of image retention.
Both are totally unrelated.

It is incorrect to believe that because the panel is 1024x768, it is not 720 i/p. I said that it is not true 720 i/p. The difference is that it is not in true 16:9 ratio. That does not mean that the TV is bad for watching HD. I have watched HD on the entry level plasmas which are all having 1024x768 panel resolution. These are Samsung E470 and Panasonic XT50. From a distance of over 8 ft., there is very little perceptible difference between these models and the top of the line such as GT50 and ST50, which are true HD TVs and the best of the lot. I repeat, very little perceptible difference. And I was comparing the 50" sets. On 42", the difference is even lower - the smaller the TV, the lesser are the image artifacts and greater is the clarity.

As regards to image retention, the panel resolution has nothing to do with this. The best of the plasmas can suffer with IR. IR can happen if the panel is hit with a static image for a long time and especially when the TV is new and phosphors are raw. After the phosphors are "cooked" and this happens after over 200 hours, the chances of IR are greatly reduced. On my TV, after 450 hours, there is no sign of image retention.

Thanks for the info, so screen resolution will not be a problem and light etc can be managed by using heavy curtains, only serious concern is image retention(IR), channel logo along with DTH logo will result in IR i guess, specially while watching cricket matches for continous 5-7 hrs, will you suggest a plasma or LCD/LED for this scenario?
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do you know any connector cables or coverterbox so that i can plug vga port of laptop to hdmi port of tv
do you know any connector cables or coverterbox so that i can plug vga port of laptop to hdmi port of tv

VGA is analogue while HDMI is digital. There may be converters available but I will not recommend them. They will be waste of money and you will not get any picture quality enhancement. Besides why do you need this converter anyway? Why can't you connect VGA to VGA?

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
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