Samsung 51D490 3DTV owners thread......

i hv some cnfusion hd tv will play full hd content ?
2.and if it play hws the quality?
3.nd one more is hd channels hv same quality on hd tv as it is played on full hd or sum diffrnce in pq?...
plz ans my quries im goin to buy a plasma bt stuck in hd nd full hd thing?...mandeep suggest me to buy samsung 51d90 bt its nt full hd so im really cnfused i personally demoed panasoni p42u30d that is full hd bt small screen size
4. wat shud i go for hdtv 51inch or full hd 42inch?........
i hv some cnfusion hd tv will play full hd content ?
2.and if it play hws the quality?
3.nd one more is hd channels hv same quality on hd tv as it is played on full hd or sum diffrnce in pq?...
plz ans my quries im goin to buy a plasma bt stuck in hd nd full hd thing?...mandeep suggest me to buy samsung 51d90 bt its nt full hd so im really cnfused i personally demoed panasoni p42u30d that is full hd bt small screen size
4. wat shud i go for hdtv 51inch or full hd 42inch?........

1. Yes
2. From normal viewing distance of >8 foot (43") and >10 foot (51") nothing will be noticiable. If you go close like 2-3 feet, you can find minor differences.
3. Same quality.

51D550 is full HD varient of D490. You might try that. It goes for ~64k.
so if hd play full hd content 1080p nd 1080i wth same picture quality ......den wats the main diffrence btwn full hd nd hd ready plasma?
my budget is 50k is sam43d490 nd its around 40k is gud option im only worried bout full hd thing its olso nt full hd bt 3d ?.....hws its picture qualtiy? hws its processing 2d to 3d qualtiy?
so if hd play full hd content 1080p nd 1080i wth same picture quality ......den wats the main diffrence btwn full hd nd hd ready plasma?

Nothing for 32" and 42" TVs. From 50" higher, you will start to see differences between FHD and HD ready TVs.
my budget is 50k is sam43d490 nd its around 40k is gud option im only worried bout full hd thing its olso nt full hd bt 3d ?.....hws its picture qualtiy? hws its processing 2d to 3d qualtiy?

Did you demo the TV at all?
Please do demo it first and post your questions if any.
Lot of stores have it dislayed side by side with other TVs.

For 50k though Panasonic 42GT20 is the best bet. It is FHD with 3D and 2D to 3D conversion.

Edit: Iam not sure if 42GT20 is available in Delhi though.
gt20 is avlable in delhi bt around 70 to 80k nd in bangalore too nw nt avlabl i hv calld the devi international guy ramesh he said dat its nt avlabl on there store dnt knw bout ny othr stores in bangalore
blasto can u plz tell me hd channels are 1080i or p may b one of them so im bit cnfused waana make sure dat if we play these hd channels in hd ready whch hv 720p will it hv the same picture quality bcs hd channels are 1080p/i nd plasma is 720p so its doesnt affect the picture quality?n..making it dulll
How good is the 490 in displaying hd content?
Im confused between the 43d490 and 51D490 for my parents.As the room we plan on putting the tv in is somewhat small with the couch being a short 10ft away, the 43"er seems more logical to me,however im a sucker for big screens and would really like that 51" but i dont want to be able to tell between pixels.My question is,will it be overkill for such a small viewing distance?

Another thing,how is the sound quality of the tv?I have demoed it but it was too noisy and too bright in the showroom to get a real sense of things.Do i need to get a good pair of speakers?

Also i was wondering is whether itd be better to buy a demo piece given that it would probably be broken in on arrival?:confused:
are you sure 1080p can b played on 720p plasma with same picture quality bt frst of all wiill it play 1080p aftr dat quality plz ru absolutely sure bout playng 1080 on 720 bcs in smartphone they dnt play 1080 if the phn is 720 p nly nd if play it will play lik freezing nd den agn nd freeze plz rep blasto or nyone thnks blasto lookin forward to ur expert opinion srry for so mny qus
Did you demo the TV at all?
Please do demo it first and post your questions if any.
Lot of stores have it dislayed side by side with other TVs.

For 50k though Panasonic 42GT20 is the best bet. It is FHD with 3D and 2D to 3D conversion.

Edit: Iam not sure if 42GT20 is available in Delhi though.

Hi Blasto,

Thanks for helping me out. my knowledge 42GT20 is not available anywhere for around 50k...its costing upwards of 65k in the few showrooms its available...atleast i can confirm abt mumbai...dont know abt other cities..... i dont know why even with entry of latest st30 the price for gt20 has not come down....
Hi Blasto,

Thanks for helping me out. my knowledge 42GT20 is not available anywhere for around 50k...its costing upwards of 65k in the few showrooms its available...atleast i can confirm abt mumbai...dont know abt other cities..... i dont know why even with entry of latest st30 the price for gt20 has not come down....

It was sold in bangalore for 48-50k in devi international for diwali.
They cannot sell even one piece of it for 65k since 42ST30 and 50VT20 are selling in same price. Prices are bound to come down close to christmas as they will not be willing to take 2010 TVs into 2012. Keep track.
are you sure 1080p can b played on 720p plasma with same picture quality bt frst of all wiill it play 1080p aftr dat quality plz ru absolutely sure bout playng 1080 on 720 bcs in smartphone they dnt play 1080 if the phn is 720 p nly nd if play it will play lik freezing nd den agn nd freeze plz rep blasto or nyone thnks blasto lookin forward to ur expert opinion srry for so mny qus

You ask 500 times and the answer is same. I have a 720p B450 plasma. Nobody will buy 720p TVs if it cannot play 1080i/p content.
gt20 is avlable in delhi bt around 70 to 80k nd in bangalore too nw nt avlabl i hv calld the devi international guy ramesh he said dat its nt avlabl on there store dnt knw bout ny othr stores in bangalore
blasto can u plz tell me hd channels are 1080i or p may b one of them so im bit cnfused waana make sure dat if we play these hd channels in hd ready whch hv 720p will it hv the same picture quality bcs hd channels are 1080p/i nd plasma is 720p so its doesnt affect the picture quality?n..making it dulll

HD Channels are 1080i 50Hz. You have a setting in the Settop box to downscale it to 720p. Both 1080p and 720 play flawlessly in D490 (I have 2 year old B450).
1080i/p or 720p have no role to play making any TV dull.
1080i has 1080/2 = 540 lines of resolution. It is less than 720p which is 720 lines of resolution in rough terms.
Thanks very much for the suggestions and insights...

CES 2012 Janurary is just round the corner ? All companies will launch 2012 models.......:D

Should i wait for 3-4 months..


The tube-light will have its effect on PQ, especially during dark scenes. But i must add that the TV will be still watchable.

My suggestion to u is purchase any of these wall lights (pics below) and remove the tube-light even bulb also and fix these instead.

That way the rays of light directly traveling towards TV will be totally cut off and you will still have enough lighting for your room also.

Make: Philips, Price 1325/- MRP


or u can visit philips website,LIGHTING_BY_TYPE_SU_IN_CONSUMER=true
mandeep can u plz teeme about
1. the picture quality of plasma while videocon dth hd nd sd channels on 51d490 as ur using it
2.also waana know hws the experince of watching 3d on this tv is it average,gud or best nd will u feel sum 3d experince
3.hv u ever get feeling like kash full hd hota that is hv u ever missed that its nt full hd ?
hope ull reply u hv suggested me this tv so waana clear all my doubts
mandeep can u plz teeme about
1. the picture quality of plasma while videocon dth hd nd sd channels on 51d490 as ur using it --->Excellent, much better than panasonic
2.also waana know hws the experince of watching 3d on this tv is it average,gud or best nd will u feel sum 3d experince:----> 3D is awesome, but buy HIGH SPEED HDMI Cables
3.hv u ever get feeling like kash full hd hota that is hv u ever missed that its nt full hd ?; Not at all, if viewing distance is greater than 6 feet no need to spend extra money on full hd tv, this is the limitation of human eyes dear.
hope ull reply u hv suggested me this tv so waana clear all my doubts:---> u r welcome:)

Demo this TV yourself first and then decide. No, it is not wifi ready, but there is USB port for playing movies etc and for firmware updates, so don't worry this is a damn good TV.
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mandeep can u plz teeme about
1. the picture quality of plasma while videocon dth hd nd sd channels on 51d490 as ur using it
2.also waana know hws the experince of watching 3d on this tv is it average,gud or best nd will u feel sum 3d experince
3.hv u ever get feeling like kash full hd hota that is hv u ever missed that its nt full hd ?
hope ull reply u hv suggested me this tv so waana clear all my doubts

51d490 is a pretty good tv. I have read some of your recent posts and come to understand your dilemma so my suggestion is you take some full HD, some 720p files some 3d files to the nearest mall and see it in action yourself.
Or you wait some time, prices of samsung D550 MAY come down by a few thousand and by that time you will be able to increase your budget by a few thousand and you will have peace of mind buying a FULL HD TV.

And i have seen gt20 in action along with 51d490, IMO 3d was much better on samsung, plus the size does matter in 3d so the bigger the better.

ps: i don't believe d550 will come to ~50k in the near future, as you mentioned(the budget.) in your another thread.
thnx mandeep nd vikram ...mandeep i hv chk out the sam site nd this d490 model in the feature page they hv mentioned that it hv dlna nd ur sayng dat it dosnt hv wifi nd wthout wifi dlna sharing is nt possible so hw can they r shwng dlna tech in this?
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