Samsung 64F8500 Plasma Discussion Thread

Planning to have a home theater set up with 64F8500. Budget 60 to 70k. Any suggestions?

Well this subject if very opinionated with brand loyalty and personal preferences, however here is my biased opinion, if I had $60k-$70K.
After spending 3 decades following the latest in the A/V market and becoming an Audio/Videophile with a passion. Here's what i've learned.

First I would pocket all but $25K because I personally have spent $20K on mine and theirs not a lot of difference that i've ever noticed between mine or a Home Theater costing 2-3 times as much.

My suggestions would be this:
After getting your Samsung 64F8500 decide if you want 5.1/7.1 anymore and the channels are not Discrete meaning they are not supported by any Movie Soundtracks, Unless you needed to seat more than a Dozen Viewers i'd stick with 7.1 as a general rule.

If you want the best tech for the best prices you can't go wrong with the Top-of-the-line ONKYO Receivers.

If you needed even more power ontop of the Receivers I suggest using an external amp such as EMOTIVA, they are truly second to none and have very clean power output especially for their price. I use the XPA-3 which is a 3-channel Amp that powers my Center and L/R Mains for extra juice, this then allows more power available on my Onkyo TX-SR875 THX ULTRA2 receiver because it's now only pushing 4-speakers compared to 7.
That alone increases my power output on my Onkyo from 128WPC (7-channels driven) to 147.5WPC (4-channels driven). You will see similar results with all other receiver brands out there as none of them tell you their true power output.

TIP: Make sure that whenever your looking at an AMPLIFER'S Tech Specs you read all of the fine print carefully, specifically the Power Output regarding how many channels were driven. As most will only state that they are tested using 2-channels driven simultaneously. So be careful of their misleading tech specs.

As for the Front Soundstage which needs to be looked at separate from the Rear Soundstage because of the differences between Direct Radiating sound required for the Front versus a more Disbursed soundstage for the Rear regarding the roles they each need to play differently. I prefer Paradigm or Axiom as a smart choice. I use the Paradigm CC-690 & STUDIO 60's in my theater.

For the Rear Soundstage I've found Axiom to be my favorite because they are the only QUADRAPOLE speaker design on the Market making them ideal for Surround Sound because you want the most dispersed soundstage available in the rear and not direct radiating speakers. The Axiom QS-8's which can also handle a whole lot of juice with 400watts is a great choice. I've got 4 and can confirm they are better than my old Paradigm Dipoles because they disperse the sound more fully, making movies like Perfect Storm sound amazing with the surround sound they produce. It sounds like your really in the middle of the ocean, the Dipoles didn't do that for me.

When it comes to SUB's I respect SVS SUBWOOFERS & HSU RESEARCH they are simply amazing ground-shaking subs that can compete with the most expensive sets out there and hold their own at a fraction of their prices.

Lastly Blu-Ray Players.....If you just want the best i'd go OPPO but if you want an extremely close second at a better price checkout the Panasonic DMP-BDT500.

I hope my opinions point you in the right direction, either way enjoy your Home Theater I know I do!

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He is talking of 60-70k INR not $. :)

LMAO my bad I didn't realize he was talking about the Indian Rupee well then 60,000-70,000 INR would only be ($933-1158) and you couldn't buy anything except maybe a decent Blu-Ray player for that amount....sorry bro

If you had enough to purchase the Samsung 64F8500 then you should do it justice and save up for a real Surround Sound System....IMO
The Samsung 64F8500 was the First HDTV to ever win the infamous
VE SHOOTOUT back-to-back 2013/2014.

The Overall Total Score:
Samsung F8500 - 54.6
Panasonic VT60 - 53.5
Panasonic ZT60 - 53.4


The Overall Total Score:
Samsung F8500 - 52.01
LG 55EC9300 - 51.54


PS: the 64F8500 PLASMA also beat the Samsung UN105S9W a $120,000.00 4K UHDTV in 2014.

Let's keep this thread for discussion on Samsung 64F8500 plasma. I read many are interested in this model and a few members already own it including me. Yes, yay!

I would share some (not so good) pictures from my S3. Don't judge the S3, my photography skills are bad.

The purpose of this thread should be for owners to share opinions, experiences, features, new discoveries, picture settings, what they don't like, what they wish for and upload loads of jaw dropping pictures. This thread is not for discussions on LCD-LED vs. Plasma, Panasonic vs. Samsung, etc.. Avoid price talks as much as possible. There are other dedicated threads for price discussions.

All owners sit back and enjoy. For the rest we are here to help you spend your money :)

So here goes...




Display switched off. I kept the shots dark on purpose. You will se the lights that's hitting the display. All this vanishes once switched on. Only pure picture, no reflections whatsoever.







Hi Shaiju,

I know this is an old thread. The Bar code sticker on your TV says MRP as IRS 209,900/- but the SAMSUNG web page says 223,900/-. May I ask if IRS 209900/- is the discounted price? if not why the difference
Hello fans of the PS64F8500 , I am desperately waiting to buy this king of all HDTV during this Diwali in Bangalore. Saw in the papers that they are running good offers during this festive season. If anyone else is interested then we can approach dealer and strike a very good deal. Please do let me know .Thank you.
I'm picking up my TV this weekend probably, anything I should look out for during checking it in showroom? Also I'll be bringing it to my town Noida to Amritsar in Innova, thing is it will only fit either slanted or laid down not standing due to less height of Innova, will that be safe to bring tv via road that way on 9-10 hour journey?

I'm picking up my TV this weekend probably, anything I should look out for during checking it in showroom? Also I'll be bringing it to my town Noida to Amritsar in Innova, thing is it will only fit either slanted or laid down not standing due to less height of Innova, will that be safe to bring tv via road that way on 9-10 hour journey?



Samsung has provided extra thick packaging with a big thermocol piece at the PLASMA end to protect the screen. with that kind of protection you could even keep the front face down. but keeping face up should be quite good.
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