Anynet+ is crap for me. for that you can connect different samsung devices only which have anynet+ service with a single remote control. If you are having a Samsung DVR, same remote of LCD can be used to record television channels, may be good for someone who need to eliminate Tata Sky Plus like services.
Below is procedure for network settings and internet@tv Function (got this from some other forum) :-
If you follow those instructions but skip the xbox parts it should work.
First up you'll want to open your network connections on your PC. I use Windows 7 at the mo so it might be different if your on xp or vista but you can right click the network icon in the system tray and click open network and sharing centre or whatever it says.
Then click Manage Network Connections (or something similar, on Windows 7 it is Change Adapter Properties) which should be on the left. Right click the Wireless Network icon and go to properties. Go to the sharing tab at the top and then make sure the box that says 'Allow other networks users to connect using this computers internet connection' or something like that is UNCHECKED. Then click Apply/OK.
You MAY need to restart the computer now but i'm not certain.
you'll then want to go back to Manage Network Connections and enable the local area connection if it isn't already by right clicking on that icon and clicking on enable. The right click again and go to properties. Double click on 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)' which will open a new window.
This is where I'm unsure how to do it. Firstly, make sure that both Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are both checked. The click ok.
Now close that and go back to the properties of the Wireless connection. Go to the sharing tab again and make sure both boxes are CHECKED and click OK.
Now go back to the properties of the Local Area Connection and double click 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)' again.
It SHOULD now show:
default gateway -empty-
and it should also show that 'Use the following DNS server' is checked, but the fields will be empty.
Click ok and close all the windows but remember the IP and Subnet from above.
Now plug the ethernet cable into both the TV and the laptop/PC.
Now, on your TV's menu, go to setup, then Network Setup.
Change Internet Protocol Setup to Manual and then change the values below to this:
IP Adress: 192 168 0 2
Subnet Mask: 255 255 255 0
Gateway: 192 168 0 1
DNS Server: 192 168 1 254
There are 4 seperate numbers there for each one and each should go in a different box.
Then go up to Network Test and press the Enter button on your remote. It SHOULD work as that's exactly how I did it. However, you may run into problems with firewalls etc on your computer and if you do then I have no idea what to do then as I don't know what ports the TV connects through.
If its works though, congratulations. Go to Internet@TV and try out the widgets and make sure they work.