Just returned an hour ago from Croma gurgaon.Had gone to purchase Samsung q950a which is last year's model of 990b.Cost 72.5k .However the salesman refused to sell me the same and recommended the jbl 9.1 .He said the jbl one was superior my a wide margin to both 950 a and 990b.He simply refused to bill me the 950 a and said I could either buy the jbl 9.1 or not buy anything at all as I would be making a mistake.While listening to all 3 systems in a crowded shop the jbl was clearly superior.However since I didnt want to make a decision in haste,I postponed my purchase.The sales man did not push me to buy the jbl instead and told me to take my time.He did offer a good price of 74k on the jbl 9.1 .