Shaving gear recommendations needed

Anyone having experience with a wet electric shaver? Somehow, for me, a shave would not seem like a shave if it were "dry".

Most electric shavers have both wet and dry options, but I personally prefer totally dry... I don't even wet the face. I always end up taking a shower after I shave.
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Somehow, for me, a shave would not seem like a shave if it were "dry".

And for a good shave - shave immediately after a bath OR wash your face with soap and then shave OR if you use a shaving brush, lather up, wash it off, lather up again and now start shaving.

I totally second this Keith. I have dried electric dry shavers and gave it to friends/ relatives as I didn't enjoy it and it didn't feel like a shave.

A shaving brush and lathering due add to the experience of shaving.Looks like other than a seven o clock platinum (which I currently use) no one's making any other recommendations ? :)

I will try the Biotique Bio Palmyra Expert Shave Cream Keith has recommended :)
I currently use this shaving cream. It's wonderful. Try it. Need only a little amount for a rich lather - it lasts and lasts.

Have you tried the "King of Shaves" line of products? I had tried one of their gels a couple of years ago and for the duration that the tube lasted, I had the best & smoothest shaves of my life. Really.

Nope, been buying old school stuff like Godrej etc. Will buy a King of shaves product sometime.

Keith, have you used park avenue or dettol shaving creams? if so, how has it been?
I totally second this Keith. I have dried electric dry shavers and gave it to friends/ relatives as I didn't enjoy it and it didn't feel like a shave.

A shaving brush and lathering due add to the experience of shaving.Looks like other than a seven o clock platinum (which I currently use) no one's making any other recommendations ? :)

I will try the Biotique Bio Palmyra Expert Shave Cream Keith has recommended :)

There's of course Merkur but that's expensive stuff. While I don't use it myself, I remember a friend of mine saying good things about another German manufacturer (or perhaps Merkur) which works out reasonable enough if you buy it in bulk (50 or 100 pack).
I use a "cut-throat" razor and Alum for stanching and bleeding nicks/cuts.
Been using this setup for since 1999.

I also have a totally traditional cut-throat razor - but grinding and honing the edge is a big pain!

No Brush, besides can anyone enlighten me what is the purpose of the brush?
Why can't you just spread the cream/oil/gel on your face using the fingers?

Wow, that's the real stuff. How do you grind and hone? Do you use a strop?

I ask because I have a few Japanese kitchen knives and I struggle to keep them sharp as well. I use a ceramic rod for honing and also have a stone (but don't use it much).

P.S. I hope I am not digressing too much from the original thread topic.
There's of course Merkur but that's expensive stuff. While I don't use it myself, I remember a friend of mine saying good things about another German manufacturer (or perhaps Merkur) which works out reasonable enough if you buy it in bulk (50 or 100 pack).

One of my razors is a Merkur - a merkut 39c to be more specific, but not entirely impressed by Merkur blades, feel a seven o clock is better. I guess trying a bulk buy of merkur blades may help me decide :)


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Wow, that's the real stuff. How do you grind and hone? Do you use a strop?

I ask because I have a few Japanese kitchen knives and I struggle to keep them sharp as well. I use a ceramic rod for honing and also have a stone (but don't use it much).

P.S. I hope I am not digressing too much from the original thread topic.

no probs at all sir,everything's related :D
... and just to prove it, I've heard of people stropping disposable Gillette blades on their jeans, and considerably extedning the life. Anybody tried it?
... and just to prove it, I've heard of people stropping disposable Gillette blades on their jeans, and considerably extedning the life. Anybody tried it?

I guess from a hifi perspective/ debate over cables etc the jeans may need to be Levis or Wrangler and not just any pair of jeans :D
Nope, been buying old school stuff like Godrej etc. Will buy a King of shaves product sometime.

Keith, have you used park avenue or dettol shaving creams? if so, how has it been?

I have used both, i preferred pa over dettol. the one i liked better than many was emami, not many people know they make shaving creams also:lol:
Since I had a strong aversion to dirty chemical smell of Gillette and other shaving creams and my chemical and fragrance free cream ran out (everyman jack or some thing like that - a US brand) I switched to electric on an impluse buy at a local Reliance store.

I too am not fond of Shaving Gels/Foam that have an odour. I have been using Nivea Gel/Foam (the one in the white can, not the deep blue one), which I find to be quite odourless and easy on the skin.

Having the luxury of choice(work in a non-customer facing role in an MNC). I shave once/twice a week. I support a french beard and a clean bald head. I visit my local barber (Rs. 50/60) and rarely shave @ home. With relatively cheaper labor in India I don't see any point in doing it myself. And every time I travel abroad, with the cost of a shave in a barber shop, it reaffirms my approach of not doing it @ home in India :)
Wow, that's the real stuff. How do you grind and hone? Do you use a strop?

I ask because I have a few Japanese kitchen knives and I struggle to keep them sharp as well. I use a ceramic rod for honing and also have a stone (but don't use it much).

P.S. I hope I am not digressing too much from the original thread topic.

As I said, the grinding and honing part is a BIG BIG pain.
I got grinding "stone" from the "old city" area (more like a wood block with very fine sanding grit).

Grinding is done by moving blade edge leading INTO the stone. This is done to reach the desired edge profile fast. Once grinding is done, you test by nicking the nails. Once you get it sharp, you need to hone.

Honing is done using a very fine/smooth looking stone - and honing is done by the blade edge trailing OUT of the stone.
Once honed, you again test by running it over wet nail / dead skin build up like callus - the blade should move "silky smooth".

Strop and rods can only do maintenance honing (once you start using the blade for hair removal, hair deforms the edge very tiny bit, and you need to bring the edge back)

Since the edge is mild steel, you need to apply oil/petroleum jelly over the blade to keep it rust free.

To tell you the truth I shaved only once, and didn't like the sharpness (lack of it - cause by my poor skills). So I turned back again to cut throat shape with disposable razors like 7 o'clock Platinum. Which brings the best of both worlds.
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