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Pulz Contralto speakers...




... with the Marantz 6008

Now I need to offload the Panasonic projector, Sony BR player, Edifier desktop speakers, >100 DVDs, 20 duplicate BR purchases before I move on to surrounds and SW.

Pulz Contralto sounds beautiful to me. It is a month and half old purchase but did not have time to upload pics. The above pics are hurried ones, so will try posting better ones by weekend.

Thanks to our FM spirovious for suggesting Pulz. I picked them on second audition. Pulz also has Diva speakers but they sounded a bit too open and bright to me. I may be wrong as I do not have the best ears. Contralto models were cheaper by 10,000-15,000 and delivered a more laid back sound that I like. Later added Alto as center.

Having owned Paradigm v6 towers, I can say the Contralto delivers better.

Watched Gravity and Captain Phillips over the weekend. Goosebumps when required. Dialogues are clear. So I am satisfied... for now :)

I am curious how much more life can a sub and rear surrounds bring to the experience.

Loving it so far.
Congrats Shaiju,happy to know that speakers are being enjoyed.Adding SW and surround will be fun.You can try Q acoustic which are on sale hifimart.Also CA speakers can match them as surrounds.
Thank you.

I'll have to audition the bookshelves for rears. Mostly it will be blind pick.

What's all the discussion impedance; 8 ohms / 6 ohms? I have no clue and wouldn't spare any brains for it unless it has a bearing on how they sound or detrimental to receiver / speakers.

For SW, I have read good things about SVS but can't locate dealers in our city.
Doc, I never liked pure stereo in any setup I have heard. Maybe it is the absence of dedicated CD player.

Contraltos sound okay in pure stereo mode. Better than those owned and auditioned. Somehow I like what Audessy does; applying the room correction.

I usually skip pure mode but will do some extended listening since you asked.
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What I actually meant is how good are they when listening to only music, as opposed to movies. Whether on pure mode or with audessey is another matter. Would it be worth going for this set up if ones llistening was music 75% and movies 25%?

Understood your query now.
I would have no hesitation recommending them for music on stereo; just the towers.

Whether it would be worth is a matter of personal taste and expectations but I think there will hardly any complains of what these speakers are capable of. Whatever there are will be nitpicking.

I'll possibly have 4 pairs of trained ears listening to the setup in coming days :) Looking forward for their views.
I need a wooden rack to place all the equipments. AVR, BR for now. A media player in future. Anyone has suggestions to share where i can buy and what are the options? I do not need a TV unit.

Understood your query now.
I would have no hesitation recommending them for music on stereo; just the towers.

Whether it would be worth is a matter of personal taste and expectations but I think there will hardly any complains of what these speakers are capable of. Whatever there are will be nitpicking.

I'll possibly have 4 pairs of trained ears listening to the setup in coming days :) Looking forward for their views.
Looking forward to a detailed review of music and movies!
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.