Showcase your audio/video setup here!......

When it comes to Movies, Harbeths cannot compete with Genelecs in any way.I have a centre channel Genelec 8050b as well.They have solid response down to around 35 Hz.They are very dynamic and impactful for movies.Morover you dont have to worry about Poweramps etc for Hoetheater.All you need is a preout from your AVR. Like I mentioned before, Genelecs are a very good solution to someone looking for a Hometheater and Music room without multiple set of speakers.They do justice to both.
Great write up @Shinto. Did you get a chance to play with the dip switches at the back of the Genelecs yet. In my opinion that is where most of the sound tuning happens. Do give them a try - they are painful to work with but :)
Hi Chander,
Thanks for tip. I will give it a try.
Yup the factory setting is almost all switches off - leading to a sound that may not fit your room - BUT MAYBE was good to their testing equipment.

You will need the dip switches to cater the sound to your room. I bought a Umik mic to see the impact of the dip switches. With factory setting sound was though authoritative & big, but not exactly what I was looking for. Using the dip switches and Umik I managed to get a fairly flat & punchy sound in the room.

Check out post #27 on this page -

This is primarily dip switches with a little placement adjustments. No external EQ is yet applied.
My first simple setup which I got after long search

Marantz PM8006 and PSB Alpha T20

(Source - WiiM Pro, Spotify premium, flac files )

First I’m grateful and like to thank all FM’s who responded to my questions and gave very valuable suggestions and feedbacks in the threads about many things that I was not aware of as a new comer, few FM’s responded directly to my messages and shared their experiences, clarified my doubts ( Sorry couldn't list them as there are many who were kindhearted in helping me )

Also few FM’s (Srinivasan, Vinothkumar, Vimal, Raghu ) were so generous in inviting to their place to listen to their settings, which was of immense help

Still few things to be done for my Living Room to support and help me in better music listening

Last edited:
My first simple setup which I got after long search

Marantz PM8006 and PSB Alpha T20

(Source - WiiM Pro, Spotify premium, flac files )

First I’m grateful and like to thank all FM’s who responded to my questions and gave very valuable suggestions and feedbacks in the threads about many things that I was not aware of as a new comer, few FM’s responded directly to my messages and shared their experiences, clarified my doubts ( Sorry couldn't list them as there are many who were kindhearted in helping me )

Also few FM’s (Srinivasan, Vinothkumar, Vimal, Raghu ) were so generous in inviting to their place to listen to their settings, which was of immense help

Still few things to be done for my Living Room to support and help me in better music listening
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Wow! That looks like a big room! What are the dimensions and height of the ceiling?
My first simple setup which I got after long search

Marantz PM8006 and PSB Alpha T20

(Source - WiiM Pro, Spotify premium, flac files )

First I’m grateful and like to thank all FM’s who responded to my questions and gave very valuable suggestions and feedbacks in the threads about many things that I was not aware of as a new comer, few FM’s responded directly to my messages and shared their experiences, clarified my doubts ( Sorry couldn't list them as there are many who were kindhearted in helping me )

Also few FM’s (Srinivasan, Vinothkumar, Vimal, Raghu ) were so generous in inviting to their place to listen to their settings, which was of immense help

Still few things to be done for my Living Room to support and help me in better music listening
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View attachment 80269
I could see the amp is obstructing the Tv view area. If possible try to fit it in the open shelf where u have kept other components, 3 to 5 inches space is sufficient above the open vents of amp. Move some of the low height components to the top area below the tv. It is just a suggestion as I have faced similar problem so did some reshuffling.
I could see the amp is obstructing the Tv view area. If possible try to fit it in the open shelf where u have kept other components, 3 to 5 inches space is sufficient above the open vents of amp. Move some of the low height components to the top area below the tv. It is just a suggestion as I have faced similar problem so did some reshuffling.
Welcome your suggestion Friend.
The Amp being a new one, was connected with speakers and WiiM PRO first time and it was first time for me too to do those, I ensured to do it correctly.
Hence kept it on the TV console to make it comfortable for me.
Now I moved the Amp into the open space of the console
The center open space inside the Console is for the Amp and other components
Welcome your suggestion Friend.
The Amp being a new one, was connected with speakers and WiiM PRO first time and it was first time for me too to do those, I ensured to do it correctly.
Hence kept it on the TV console to make it comfortable for me.
Now I moved the Amp into the open space of the console
The center open space inside the Console is for the Amp and other components
Do share your impressions about the speakers and the amp. Both are interesting components.
My setup

(Need lot of advice to upgrade it.. am not sure where to post all the varied queries LOL. Basically craving to stretch my budget to the limit and get the 'endgame' system, which itself is an illusion lol). Probably will post my current research here:

My current setup while am reasonably happy about, doesn't give me full immersive experience and is missing the big sound sometimes (Getting REL sub on Monday and excited about it):
Source: Cambridge Audio Network streamer 851N, flac files on PC thru roon, Qobuz streaming service
Amp: Denon PMA-A110
Turntable: Pro-ject Debut Carbon
Speakers: Wharfedale Lintons
(ignore the sub partially visible which is part of Sony's wireless HT system)

p.s. I tried Panamax MR4300 power conditioner and it was an awful experience. Instead of improving the sound, it made it inferior (bass was reduced and so making it sound bright, soundstage was completely gone and sounded very flat)... so back to typical surge protectors.

My setup

(Need lot of advice to upgrade it.. am not sure where to post all the varied queries LOL. Basically craving to stretch my budget to the limit and get the 'endgame' system, which itself is an illusion lol). Probably will post my current research here:

My current setup while am reasonably happy about, doesn't give me full immersive experience and is missing the big sound sometimes (Getting REL sub on Monday and excited about it):
Source: Cambridge Audio Network streamer 851N, flac files on PC thru roon, Qobuz streaming service
Amp: Denon PMA-A110
Turntable: Pro-ject Debut Carbon
Speakers: Wharfedale Lintons
(ignore the sub partially visible which is part of Sony's wireless HT system)

p.s. I tried Panamax MR4300 power conditioner and it was an awful experience. Instead of improving the sound, it made it inferior (bass was reduced and so making it sound bright, soundstage was completely gone and sounded very flat)... so back to typical surge protectors.

View attachment 82758View attachment 82760View attachment 82759

This sure looks liek an end game systme to me :-)
Basically craving to stretch my budget to the limit and get the 'endgame' system, which itself is an illusion lol
Cravings can be dangerous in this hobby so tread cautiously.
You've got some good gear from what I see. Tweak it where possible. Move the speakers around.
Place the speakers closer to the two ends of that cabinet below the TV an see if it yields any improvement. Yes, one of them will come right in front of the gear but this is a experiment.
To provide context on the word 'endgame', you're looking at a TT that will cost as much as the entire system thats in your room. Let that sink in for a moment.
How much time to you spend with this gear before buying?
Cravings can be dangerous in this hobby so tread cautiously.
You've got some good gear from what I see. Tweak it where possible. Move the speakers around.
Place the speakers closer to the two ends of that cabinet below the TV an see if it yields any improvement. Yes, one of them will come right in front of the gear but this is a experiment.
To provide context on the word 'endgame', you're looking at a TT that will cost as much as the entire system thats in your room. Let that sink in for a moment.
How much time to you spend with this gear before buying?
So cravings is not the best word i guess.. and same for 'end game'. I will need to elaborate now so sorry for being verbose.

Here is chain of thoughts:
* Basically heard couple of systems recently which probably cost 3-4 times compared to my setup but definitely excelled in some departments undoubtedly.
* An obvious upgrade was a subwoofer about which I have been reluctant all along but recently got enlightened with some videos and practical experience. So, let's see how much it augments the experience (not just the bass or lower frequencies but bringing overall richness by providing support/base to mid range)
* As posted in the other thread I waited about 8 years due to space/budget constraints to upgrade to this current system and when I did, back of the mind I knew this is a very very good system but that may not be or need not be 'the' system (that I want to have that my max budget can afford). For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time.For current system, I had almost decided on speakers and tried 3-4 amps to choose Denon which fits my taste and budget at the time.

* Now speaking of a TT exceeding the cost of entire system >>> no am not looking for that kind of a budget... basically, I am not talking about random (typical audiophile type) craving where one would throw money out of the window for 5% improvements... so what am i looking for? Let's see (some of it already mentioned):

* at least 25% gain in the overall improvement and more so in certain aspects by spending 100% more
* bigger sound (bigger speakers and more watts / different 'class' - pun intended)
* that 'heavenly' sound - specifically mid range - more details without getting bright
* flexibility in 'trying out' different component because of 'loose coupling' ('separates' to an extend e.g. having pre-amp + amp in one box but separate DAC)
* Nothing to do with equipment but I want to / need to do some room treatment to take care of some reverb.

Following brands/models are on my radar right now (some I have experienced, others can be 'wish list'). Please feel free to comment / make suggestions (especially owners or members who have experienced both the brands i.e. ones i have and wishing for)
I have 250 sq. ft. living room and as you can see in the screenshots, one side is open (dining area etc)
* Accuphase E-280 amp (pre + power)
* Luxman 507z
* Wharfedale Elysian 4
* Dali Epicon / Rubicon (6 or 8)
* Sonus Faber speakers (in my budget)
* Phono pre-amp (to be researched)
* Subwoofer (already bought T/7x and excited to try it out tomorrow!!!)

There are other speakers brands am discovering and researching (e.g. zu audio)

Hope this gives you some context about the 'upgrade' / endgame (relatively much higher retention i.e. 5-6 years)
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!