Not true.
My DIY SEP amp (single-ended Pentode) is based on a Williamson circuit and this type of circuit supposedly requires generous amounts of NFB to function correctly, otherwise it can oscillate. Indeed I once removed the circuit elements to make it a non-NFB one (going by an online mod article) and it refused to play any sound (strange, an oscillation should result in squealing not silence, and I don't know what else went wrong). I didn't have any ability or capacity to troubleshoot electronics so I quickly soldered them back into the pcb.
There is a Nelson Pass article on the web about how FR drivers sound great with high current amps more than voltage driven ones. Check it out. Based on that idea, I started using my foster speakers connected to the 4ohm terminal rather than 8ohm one and it sound marginally better.
I believe the reason FR pair well with low power tubes is that the absence of a crossover means it requires less energy to drive the speakers. The caps and inductor in the crossover require a lot of power. And as the power requirement increases the distortion output by the amp also increase. Hence the combination of late night+clean powerlines+low volume and power+low distortion+FR speakers makes it a much touted musical experience. It is not a completely accepted theory that tube distortion is good or that 2nd harmonic distortion makes tubes sound better. There are articles online that contest this claim.
My next amp is going to be a push-pull DIY one just for a taste of the hobby. But thats for next year...