These are some tips from the power/electricity viewpoint based on several years of research and trials in building a decent music system (minimum: a source, typically CD player, amplifier, integrated or pre/power, speakers, may be subwoofers):
*Though stock power cord vs expensive power cord is still a subject of several debates, my personal experience is that there is substantial benefit from well made power cords compared to stock cords supplied with equipment. I find shielded power cords the best for digital equipment like CD players and non-shielded for amplifiers. There are excellent power cords built at reasonable prices by Chris ven Haus (vhaudio), Tel wire power cords etc.
*Equally important as power cords are the connectors used, including IEC and power plugs and wall sockets. An excellent connector from companies like Furutech, Oyaide etc makes a huge improvement in performance.
*Before attempting a review and plan for power cords and connectors, it is always best to understand certain basics. The NEMA type plugs and sockets used in USA are the most common but I tend to keep away from them as they are basically designed for 120 volt power and not 230 volt we have in India. Wattgate, Hubbell etc make excellent connectors but unfortunately not to 230 volt application.
*So it is better to standardise all your wall sockets and plugs to 230 volt application, the most common being European Schuko and UK types to ensure maximum safety. I use exclusively European Schuko connectors (wall sockets, IEC and male plugs).
*Even if you have a power conditioner, don't plug in your high current equipment like amplifiers into them, whatever the manufacturer says.
*I do not believe in using a voltage stabiliser in a hifi system as it restricts power.
*I have made a multiple wall socket box star-wired inside to plug in my amplifiers and preamplifier. A Richard Gray conditioner is plugged in parallel and digital equipment like CD and DVD players, surround processor etc are plugged into the conditioner.
*A polarity check helps a lot, ie. ensure hot and neutral are connected correctly. A cheap van den Hul polarity checker is useful for this or the local electrician can check this.
*A summary of my power cords: VH Audio Flavor-4 with Furutech plugs in pre and power amplifiers, Tel Wire power cord with Oyaide beryllium plugs in CD player, XLO Reference 2 Type 10 power cord in DVD player, van den Hul Mainstream power cords in subwoofers.
Believe me, these small things make a big difference in performance of whatever system you have.