SONY at their best tvs without power cord?

why would you want to know that?

For reasons based on what you quoted earlier

most of their products are overpriced while they are just another cheap electronics brand.....

It appears that you have certain misgivings about Sony (and possibly other brands). I am OK with that, but to be condescending in replies is not good practice under any circumstances.

BTW, if you are familiar with Sony SCD___ players and listened to them in a setup, you would not be making such statements

Do you own a sony tv or a ps3?

For reasons based on what you quoted earlier

It appears that you have certain misgivings about Sony (and possibly other brands). I am OK with that, but to be condescending in replies is not good practice under any circumstances.

BTW, if you are familiar with Sony SCD___ players and listened to them in a setup, you would not be making such statements


It is not misgivings really it is rather an outcome from my experience with many of their products but not all.

If you thought i was condescending then i guess you have mistaken big time and concentrated only on my posts without a clear understanding of what i was trying to say.This is a public forum like many other out there and i am a member in a few so i know how to write my posts and replies, that last thing i need is for some one to explain me about good practice when the term itself is relative.

I did say i like sony's dream works monitor that does not mean that i have to like the company overall or all their products blindly just for the sake that everyone else thinks it is good.If i like a product no matter its from sony or moserbaer i will openly agree that i like it and i will have my reasons for that but, i can never say that i like a product with out really liking it, cause may be i am not one of those who just praise a product or a company based on what others say.

Let me make one thing clear, if i was a member in a forum which had people who only loved sony even there i will not hesitate one bit to post my reply when i feel a sony product is bad or the opposite after me personally experiencing it.
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It is not misgivings really it is rather an outcome from my experience with many of their products but not all.

If you thought i was condescending then i guess you have mistaken big time and concentrated only on my posts without a clear understanding of what i was trying to say.This is a public forum like many other out there and i am a member in a few so i know how to write my posts and replies, that last thing i need is for some one to explain me about good practice when the term itself is relative.

I did say i like sony's dream works monitor that does not mean that i have to like the company overall or all their products blindly just for the sake that everyone else thinks it is good.If i like a product no matter its from sony or moserbaer i will openly agree that i like it and i will have my reasons for that but, i can never say that i like a product with out really liking it, cause may be i am not one of those who just praise a product or a company based on what others say.

Let me make one thing clear, if i was a member in a forum which had people who only loved sony even there i will not hesitate one bit to post my reply when i feel a sony product is bad or the opposite after me personally experiencing it.

but unless u have some fact to support ur claims,no one is going to what u say about sony BE or ur findings of the X450A.
its pretty clear that u hate sony company,saying i don't like lcd or sony is a polite way of saying,i hate them.
do note you are not going to gain anything by hating them.
btw if u want a forum only about Sony ,the largest ever Sony forum,go churn out all ur hate here Sony Insider Forums , Agoraquest - Great Sony Forum, News, Reviews with 88,000 members
but unless u have some fact to support ur claims,no one is going to what u say about sony BE or ur findings of the X450A.
its pretty clear that u hate sony company,saying i don't like lcd or sony is a polite way of saying,i hate them.
do note you are not going to gain anything by hating them.
btw if u want a forum only about Sony ,the largest ever Sony forum,go churn out all ur hate here Sony Insider Forums , Agoraquest - Great Sony Forum, News, Reviews with 88,000 members

my reply was not for you.

Even trying to look at these forums what you have given here would be the dammed last thing i would ever wanna do in my lifetime.

I guess you should really think before you post your reply and should never ever tell me where i can post my hate or if i can kiss some brand's behind.

I said if i was a member, which means, if i happen to be a member of a forum out of my own interest which happens to have only sony lovers then i will post my findings.capiche?
This is my last post on this thread as I dont want to prolong the conversation.

It is not misgivings really it is rather an outcome from my experience with many of their products but not all.

Thats a fair point.

If you thought i was condescending then i guess you have mistaken big time and concentrated only on my posts without a clear understanding of what i was trying to say.This is a public forum like many other out there and i am a member in a few so i know how to write my posts and replies, that last thing i need is for some one to explain me about good practice when the term itself is relative.

I have not directed any criticisms to you or the other poster, so I am not juding you or the other. All I wanted to know was if you had experienced reference products from Sony as they are considered very very good.

BTW, memberships in any number of public forums does not automatically qualify one to understand and adhere to good practices. They just provide more opportunities as such.

I did say i like sony's dream works monitor that does not mean that i have to like the company overall or all their products blindly just for the sake that everyone else thinks it is good.If i like a product no matter its from sony or moserbaer i will openly agree that i like it and i will have my reasons for that but, i can never say that i like a product with out really liking it, cause may be i am not one of those who just praise a product or a company based on what others say.

Let me make one thing clear, if i was a member in a forum which had people who only loved sony even there i will not hesitate one bit to post my reply when i feel a sony product is bad or the opposite after me personally experiencing it.

You again make a fair point. Brand allegiance does not do very much good but being brand conscious is a benefit. My whole point about condescending was that the conversations were becoming pointed at each other and because you mouthed off first when 'adder' made a symantic slip.

To be fair I also telling adder to hold off on getting personal.
Rajapraveen - I am not trying to teach you anything on forum etiquette. :)

Just wanting to point out that if adder or for that matter anybody else has a profound like or dislike for a particular brand or product, then they are welcome to it.

Sometimes the reason for such likes and dislikes are apparent. Sometimes they may not be. That need not be a reflection on the quality of the individuals per se. I am sure you would agree.

Lets move on.

For the record, I believe that Sony products are generally grossly overpriced. Be they LCD TVs or game consoles or Hifi systems. They are not bad but there certainly are better products to be had for the money in most cases.
Just wanting to point out that if adder or for that matter anybody else has a profound like or dislike for a particular brand or product, then they are welcome to it.

hating or liking a product/tech/company is one thing,but posting repeated misinformation or classic hate posts is another.without even looking at a product.
the moment one does, his or hers credibility is lost in a blink of an eye.
This is my last post on this thread as I dont want to prolong the conversation.

Thats a fair point.

I have not directed any criticisms to you or the other poster, so I am not juding you or the other. All I wanted to know was if you had experienced reference products from Sony as they are considered very very good.

BTW, memberships in any number of public forums does not automatically qualify one to understand and adhere to good practices. They just provide more opportunities as such.

You again make a fair point. Brand allegiance does not do very much good but being brand conscious is a benefit. My whole point about condescending was that the conversations were becoming pointed at each other and because you mouthed off first when 'adder' made a symantic slip.

To be fair I also telling adder to hold off on getting personal.

I never wanted to get personal really and really appreciate that you understood my point unlike a few in this forum.

My initial posts were just casual, but when i got the reply from a member who has all most all of his posts pointed towards one brand its just natural for me to think, or it has the great possibility of being true that the information posted by him is pure brand blindness and not one out of at least a decent amount of analysis.I have never considered to take the words or an opinion of brand lovers but i have always considered the information from technology lovers.

Any ways like you said lemme try and cut down on replies pointed towards one persons repeated brand blinding posts and just post replies generally.
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many recommend the pv8,so should i start posting anti panasonic posts,u can post the drawbacks of PV8 if u have some facts to back it up.plainly posting hate post by brand blinding is another.
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Rajapraveen - I am not trying to teach you anything on forum etiquette. :)

Just wanting to point out that if adder or for that matter anybody else has a profound like or dislike for a particular brand or product, then they are welcome to it.

Sometimes the reason for such likes and dislikes are apparent. Sometimes they may not be. That need not be a reflection on the quality of the individuals per se. I am sure you would agree.

Lets move on.

For the record, I believe that Sony products are generally grossly overpriced. Be they LCD TVs or game consoles or Hifi systems. They are not bad but there certainly are better products to be had for the money in most cases.

I agree with you on most of the points here.

Just when a person thinks that whatever he posts is right without some decent proof or knowledge in many of his or her posts,just cant even understand what others post, not even knowledgeable enough to read the information they provide, its quite natural for me to take a stand on what kind of a brilliant person he or she might be.

liking a product and analyzing a product is relative and quite personal from human to human. but, to think that others should naturally agree to information one posts in spite of being far far away from knowledgeable,credible or true and just like out of plain imagination will be questioned one day for sure cause not all believe in word of mouth but experience things in person.
many recommend the pv8,so should i start posting anti panasonic posts,u can post the drawbacks of PV8 if u have some facts to back it up.

many may recommend PV8 and i like the PV8 not because many recommend it but ,like it very much cause i moved my fanny and visited a Panasonic showroom played HD and SD and then checked out the settings and played around with it for a bit then i thought for the price it is one hell of a flat panel TV.

plainly posting hate post by brand blinding is another.

Yeah that is what i have been trying to say to you.

Stop posting love posts cause you like a particular brand without proper information(proper information again is something quite complicated which depends on may factors) to back it up.Understanding that product preference is one's personal choice and it is not just what ever feel is good or the only good is the beginning of common knowledge.When i read most of your post on TV recommendation all i see words which are real hard to believe and trust cause it is just opposite to what ive seen in reality.
Stop posting love posts cause you like a particular brand without proper information(proper information again is something quite complicated which depends on may factors) to back it up.Understanding that product preference is one's personal choice and it is not just what ever feel is good or the only good is the beginning of common knowledge.When i read most of your post on TV recommendation all i see words which are real hard to believe and trust cause it is just opposite to what ive seen in reality.

well like i said u assumed they are love posts.for eg if ferrari kept winning continously from 1999 to 2004,if some asked me which was the best team at that time they are going to say its if u ask me this year will i say the same ,NO.
while in lcds do note ,sony by no means are at lower end of the segment in terms of performance,they are one of the best,imo and many others.are they expensive then others absolutely , VFM isn't again the best,which is why i have said in multiple post before that ,buy them in the grey market.
now if by chance sony next years model do suck due to no improvements in image processing or due to the use of a different panel vendor,they i would definetly recommend the better note sony lcd prior prior to 06 had one of the worst image processing with a WEGA engine.
so just because one suggest a brand doesn't make him a fan.
do i recommend sony hi fi anywhere,NO.because they aren't anywhere near the top in i suggest sony digi cams ,NO,though some are good.
I agree with you on most of the points here.

Just when a person thinks that whatever he posts is right without some decent proof or knowledge in many of his or her posts,just cant even understand what others post, not even knowledgeable enough to read the information they provide, its quite natural for me to take a stand on what kind of a brilliant person he or she might be.

liking a product and analyzing a product is relative and quite personal from human to human. but, to think that others should naturally agree to information one posts in spite of being far far away from knowledgeable,credible or true and just like out of plain imagination will be questioned one day for sure cause not all believe in word of mouth but experience things in person.

Well, if the advice given is wrong, then we may focus on the advice instead of the person providing it. That would make more sense. That is how I see it.

I think it is fair and even credible for a person to become a fan of a particular brand or product. It is up to us forum users to separate the grain from the chaff. Not that anybody can post anything. But this is a public forum and as such you would have all sorts of posts. Some to your liking, some not very much so.

Really, lets move on. I am not a moderator, of course. So, all I can do is put a friendly request to both of you. It does not look like all of us are going to agree. In such a situation why not call it off and see where else your knowledgeable inputs might be needed. Again to both Adder and Rajapraveen, this is just a friendly request.
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