If possible, please do repost.
Thanks just4kix. Here are some of the details on HX950 and comparison details on how it fared against other reference models. The intent behind this comparison is to let a buyer know what works best for him. Again - these details are collected from various review websites, forums, etc. I can assure that I filtered out some of the unwanted details (from various forums). For example, some people found to pull down HX950 with no respect and some others used adjectives to describe HX950 as the model to dethrone others. With all respect, I request forum members not to pick up fights on this.
1. Black levels/contrast ratio of HX950
- A true black level achieved on a full black/dark screen. None of the Plasmas or any LED (except for Elite) can produce that.
- A medium sized black image (like a true black coat/suite being worn by an actor) in a movie can look more inkier. Kuro and Elite are slighly better on this ground, VT50 is slightly behind HX950.
- A darker scene with less contrast things on the image. HX950 is slightly better than VT50 where as Kuro and Elite are slightly better.
- A darker scene with high contrast images, VT50/Kuro/Elite are better as they are able to sustain the same black level irrespective of the scenes.
- Though HX950 can produce the deepest black levels, it can also contribute to a slight disadvantage (only slight) in showing accurate shadow details. Kuro and VT50 are better. A true dark shadow (which is not actually a complete black) can still be painted as black (black crush). Both Kuro and Vt50 doesn't do that.
2. Color Depth of HX950:
- HX950 produces the best among any of the LED (even better than Elite).
- Almost on par with VT50/Kuro, but VT50 looks more natural (even better than Kuro)
- Darker shade colours in HX950 is second only to Kuro/VT50. Even better than Elite.
3. Motion handling of HX950:
- Best among the LEDs.
- In real world, HX950 is almost at the level of VT50/Kuro though some stressful motion tests (which are not real world) might make both VT50/kuro superior. Here, there is nothing specific to complain about HX950 as LED/LCDs do always have a slight disadvantage (when compared to plasmas) with respect to pixel response time.
4. Miscelleanous:
- When used as computer or gaming consoles, VT50/Kuro no match for HX950.
- None of the poblems like IR, buzzing sound, bright room viewing, power consumption etc when compared to VT50/kuro. Again, no offence to Plasma, it is just that we need to take care of Plasmas little bit where as HX950 can be free of that.
- Gamers would prefer HX950 for the fear of the above Plasma disadvantages.
- Off-axis view performance in HX950 doesn't meet the standards set by Kuro/VT50. No idea how it performs against Elite though.
Conclusion: Though this may not be a complete list, I have tried to put some of the important points that can be useful for a buyer to decide on HX950.
HX950 has shown the Plasmas on how it can challenge them when no other LEDs can even think of doing it. In fact HX950 wins (marginally) in some cases and loses (again marginally) in other cases to the best plasmas on the PQ. So on a net result, almost all top end referene models (HX950, VT50, Elite) are on even grounds. There is no clear winner here. The only thing that will decide is what looks/works best for an individual. We all need to appreciate HX950 with the way it could close or resolve some of the disadvanatges an LED used to have in comparison to Plasmas.
ONe can argue that why some one needs to pay a huge amount for HX950 when it's PQ is on par with the less expensive VT50/ (or even ST50) . A right question. Some will say that there is no need to pay such a huge amount - AT the same time, the other could also say that he/she is ready to pay just to avoid some of the problems (IR, bright room, etc) of Plasmas. Again - this is strictly an individual preference.