Sony Bravia HX950

Thanks avmaxfan and that is appreciated. Now - I more curious to see the test data from reputed reviewers on how it performs on ANSI checkered tests. I hope the incremental improvement effort for HX950 over HX929 makes HX950 come out in flying colors in this test.

By the way, there is a confusion on the number of zones between HX950 and HX929. Some say it is same and few say the other way. Any thoughts ? Some even say that more have been done on the video processing side rather incrementing the zones on HX950.

Any specific details on the exact release date ? I just want to have a glimpse of it. :yahoo:

XBR HX950 Halo Effect - YouTube

Halo effect all around :lol:
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halo effect :lol:

Humble request to you longshanks !!! I am neither a crazy LED nor Plasma fan and I can assure you to that. When someone wants to genuinely look for info on HX950, this won't look good.

On a lighter note: Are we all seeing friendly fights and digs between two close freinds and having a nice time ?. :lol:
Truth should not be hidden, which is why I posted the off axis halo effect video as well. Otherwise I could have posted only the other two videos.

But some people just look for a chance to bash, and will ignore the full truth but only look at the half truth and add one full lie to it so they can use it to their advantage.
Humble request to you longshanks !!! I am neither a crazy LED nor Plasma fan and I can assure you to that. When someone wants to genuinely look for info on HX950, this won't look good.

I understand but i think when a person buys a television he should be aware of its advantages and disadvantages very clearly, specially when he is going to spend huge bucks on a tv like HX950.If you read my post i only pointed out the halo but i did not say anything about the bezel and screen appearing almost in same color(i could have provided an explanation for that but i didn't), because i thought it is a negligible issue which can be ignored.

I really like my Samsung plasma but does not mean i don't know its disadvantages , i know it has inferior blacks compared to top end Panasonic and Pioneer kuro, also it has more noticeable judder but in the overall pic quality i preferred Samsung plasma so i made couple of compromises. The only television i seen in person which has better pic quality is a 60" 600M kuro but that costs 3 times the price of my plasma.

The post where this halo effect video was posted the member only spoke of the contrast and blending of bezel, no where he mentioned about the halo effect. He rather did not notice the you tube title and posted the video to show contrast, but now that i pointed it out he is doing damage control with this post above.:D

Just a pic from avsforums to show the blacks on the HX950. Tough to distinguish the bezel from the screen ;). Also note this is with the backlight set to 3 points below MAXIMUM.


Also 3 videos of HX950 in action. Check out the contrast. :ohyeah:

3 videos
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Unlike you, I CAN Read. It is you who cannot read which is why you could not read the description in the halo video or could see with your own eyes that the halo effect is seen only off axis.

So next time use your brain as well as look properly before making a post like "Halo all around".

And I don't care if I get banned either(even though its YOU who should be banned, heck should have been banned long back) but I am sick of your posts. You sure have nothing better to do than bash Sony.
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People have eyes and can see the title of the video.You really think a person posting those videos wouldn't have watched the videos let alone read the title. LMAF

Blinded with hatred only such persons have strange assumptions about others.

Every local dimming lcd has halo effect off axis,the philips 970x had it,the samsung have it has does the sharp elite kuro at off axis.
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As one of the readers of this post, I am sensing a danger of this post being removed. I was happy to see "shanmune" writing a post on describing how good HX950 and also he brough a well balance pros/cons of HX950. He may not be an expert, but I like his way of explaining things. He neither said that HX950 is bad nor he mentioned that HX950 is superior. If "Halo effect" is still an issue on HX950, so be it and in no way it becomes inferior to other reference models. Again I am not a crazy LED fan and I own a Plasma as well. What I don't like is - People pick and choose only the information which are in their favour and dismiss other reviews as either useless or abuse the reviewers.
I am sure the moderator would have already sensed the danger coming.

Unlike you, I CAN Read. It is you who cannot read which is why you could not read the description in the halo video or could see with your own eyes that the halo effect is seen only off axis.

sweet, now read your post again.

Just a pic from avsforums to show the blacks on the HX950. Tough to distinguish the bezel from the screen ;). Also note this is with the backlight set to 3 points below MAXIMUM.

Also 3 videos of HX950 in action. Check out the contrast. :ohyeah:

the halo effect is seen only off axis.

So the first pic your post is off-axis?
A more visible but less common example of this is halos. I think a better description of this artifact would be auras. Picture white text on a black background, like the credits at the end of a movie. You want the white lettering to be bright, and the black to be black. With large zones, the TV isnt able to make just the white lettering bright, it also has to make the area around the white lettering bright. The effect looks like a sort of halo or bright aura around the lettering.

The uber-expensive ELITE had very little issue with this, indicating it had enough zones (or clever enough processing) to avoid the problem.

The Sony, however, does not. At least, not at the stock settings. With the LED Dynamic Control set to Standard, there are all sorts of problems. Its like its trying too hard. The screen washes out constantly, and the scrolling credit test I mentioned before often results in flashing halos.

For example, picture the front of a house, during the day, with the door open. The front of the house is brightly lit. The open door, revealing the dark interior of the house, should be dark. With a plasma or the ELITE, it would be. With the 55HX950, its gray

Part of the issue is the poor native contrast of the LCD panel itself. Turning off the LED Dynamic Control, were able to tell what the glass does on its own. So enabled, I measured an average native contrast ratio of 1,498:1. Compare this to the 3,483:1 I measured with the ELITE, or the 13,900:1 I measured with a Panasonic TC-P55VT50.

Without a doubt, in terms of raw numbers, the 55XH950 is impressive, with a maximum light output of a staggering 134.7 foot-Lamberts. With the LED DC in Standard and the backlight control at max, I measured 128.6 ftL with a full-field white, and 0.00029 ftL (converted from cd/m2) with a full-field black. So in theory, the 55HX950 is capable of a contrast ratio of 443,448:1 when the local dimming is fully enabled. The problem is, it never ends up looking like that

This is an odd case where restricting what the TV is capable of actually makes it look better. The first step is to select Low in the LED Dynamic Control setting. This limits the range between the brightest the LEDs can be, and the dimmest. On paper, this reduces the contrast ratio by several orders of magnitude. On screen, though, it actually looks better. Theres less washing out of the image. The other control is the Auto Light Limiter, which limits how bright the bright parts of the image can get.

If youre an audio person, reducing LED DC to Low is like narrowing a bandpass filter, while the Auto Light Limiter is like adding a low pass filter.

The result is a far more even picture that still has incredible contrast (as measured: 8,487:1). There are still some mild halos visible occasionally, but theyre less intense. The image doesnt seem to wash out as much as it did when everything was full-Gonzo. While the potential performance of this TV is extreme, and will no doubt look good on a salesfloor and in demos, once at home that same extreme nature of its local dimming (plus the large-ish zones) make for too bizarre of a picture. Tamping it down to reality reveals a contrasty, accurate image hidden behind the bluster.

Brightness uniformity isnt bad, with a slight brightness drop off near the edges with a white test pattern (not really noticeable with actual video), and a mottled look to full black images (rarely noticeable).

Motion blur isnt too bad. Using the FPD Blu-ray, I measured a base motion resolution of around 600-650. With any of the Motion Flow settings active, it measured the full 1080. Interestingly, the Impluse setting, which pulses the backlight, is nearly unwatchable due to obvious flicker. It also cuts light output by over 70%. Clear and Clear Plus also drop the light output, but to far less an extent. The other settings use varying amounts of motion interpolation (soap opera effect), which personally I cant stand

Sony XBR55HX950 3D LED LCD HDTV- First Review | HD Guru

Source : Sony XBR55HX950 3D LED LCD HDTV- First Review | HD Guru

Check the wonderful reflection this TV has.:)

People at AVS feel HX950 uses an inferior panel compared to
Below are the CR's I googled for the three settings for the local dimming control...

Home Theater Mag

standard: 29,500:1
low: 10,467:1
off: 2,633:1

standard: n/a
low: 14,800:1
off: 1429:1


standard: n/a
low: 8,487:1
off: 1,498:1

I'd be very surprised if Sony is using panels with better native contrast (local dimming off) in the HX850 series.

Source :

KDL-46,55HX920 / XBB-46,55HX929 -- Samsung's old SPVA with PSA (same panel with Samsung ES6000 series)

KDL-65HX920 / XBR-65HX929 -- CMO's S-MVA w/o PSA.

KDL/XBR-55HX950 -- Samsung's newer S-PVA with PSA. (same panel with Samsung ES7000 series)

KDL/XBR-65HX950 -- probably still CMO's S-MVA ??? (Can someone take a pixel structure layout photo?)

At the following web sites, many LCD panel's detailed pixel structure layouts are provided. I think everybody can tell the difference between the old and new S-PVA panels with PSA.

ES7000 vs KDL-46,55HX920 near end of this article (also LG S-IPS, Hitachi IPS-Pro, Sharp ASV / UV2A)
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Hey longshanks what's your problem huh dude ??? I don't give a damn about what you think. You are no expert so stop claiming to be one. All you know to do is pick selective comments/reviews and use them to prove your point while ignoring 10 other reviews which prove your point invalid.

You don't like Sony fine !!!! But cut the crap, okay ? People don't come here to read your bull****.

And yea I suggest you burn those Sony Tvs that you or your family supposedly owns and put up pics on a "I hate Sony" blog and celebrate. Okay ????????????

It's a shame that a member like you has not yet been banned from this forum.

Also create some banners like "Sony is the worst" "I hate Sony" "Don't buy Sony" and run around various cities since that's what you love to do most.

BTW as for the first pic "halo" I really can't help it if you don't use your brain.

People "think" HX950 uses inferior panel to HX850? Well I "think" you are a dumb kid who has nothing else to do apart from annoying people on the Internet.
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Yeah, says the guy who started it all. In fact this is the first time I'm getting personal with you because I just cannot tolerate your posts anymore. You have insulted me and other members of this forum many times in the past over the past 18 months but I always ignored, but everyone has a limit to how much they can tolerate.

And for the new pic you posted, I say it again - I can't help it if you don't know to use your brain.

Nor am I interested in explaining something which a kid can also easily understand. It's YOU who needs to grow up, not me.
Do you know one can make a dark screen look like white by just increasing the exposure of the camera.
The the person who took the cameras shots has two images
The one below is a properly exposed shot,look at wall and also look at the Sony logo

The second shot is with a longer exposure ,look at the wall you can see its brighter and also look at the Sony logo.And to top that the owner of the tv has increased the backlight to 7 setting out of 10 to illustrate the halo effect.

I can turn a pitch dark room which i see with my eyes into a bright room if i see the same image in camera with a longer exposure.
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You have insulted me and other members of this forum many times in the past over the past 18 months but I always ignored,


And for the new pic you posted, I say it again - I can't help it if you don't know to use your brain. .

the TV isnt able to make just the white lettering bright, it also has to make the area around the white lettering bright. The effect looks like a sort of halo or bright aura around the lettering.

source : Sony XBR55HX950 3D LED LCD HDTV- First Review | HD Guru

Not sure what amazing monitor you are using to view this pic but i see a big round light bloom around the white small round loading indicator.

Do you know one can make a dark screen look like white by just increasing the exposure of the camera.
The the person who took the cameras shots has two images
The one below is a properly exposed shot,look at wall and also look at the Sony logo
I can turn a pitch dark room which i see with my eyes into a bright room if i see the same image in camera with a longer exposure.

Do you know unless you have the exif data your claim is pointless? are you trying to tell me that only you know about exposure? which is like a setting almost everyone with a cell phone camera knows.

The same can be vice-versa, the first pic is under exposed and so the pic appears darker while the second pic is properly exposed so you see the light around the white loading circle. The Sony logo effect is not due to the over exposure lol, look at the over all pic and the edges on the second pic,even the camera on top of the TV the image was not shot with a proper steady hand.

So don't post stuff to your advantage with no proper proof or measurement.
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I am sorry I excpected you to have some basic knowledge about cameras and photography which you quite clearly don't posses.

Do you know unless you have the exif data your claim is pointless? are you trying to tell me that only you know about exposure? which is like a setting almost everyone with a cell phone camera knows.

The same can be vice-versa, the first pic is under exposed and so the pic appears darker while the second pic is properly exposed so you see the light around the white loading circle.

So don't post stuff to your advantage with no proper proof or measurement.

Well there is no exif data on both the shots,but unfortunately for you the second shot is clearly overexposed look at the Sony logo.

Look at the reflections on the top of the tv and on the skype camere they are again over exposed.

And to the below post i edited and responded back.
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^You replied before i could complete my post, read again.


I am sorry I excpected you to have some basic knowledge about cameras and photography which you quite clearly don't posses.

possessing knowledge?:lol: you never fail to impress me with your english typing skills,you clearly are possessed. :)

excpected ? what does that even mean?
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Well at least I have some common sense, unlike you :)

So why don't you do us a favor genius, take a similar pic of your plasma with your cellphone camera. Let's see whether your plasma shows "blooming" or not.
Let's see whether your plasma shows "blooming" or not.

Plasma and blooming? :lol: your words of sheer wisdom has no end i guess.:D

This is a thread where we discuss HX950(just in case you forgot like you usually do :lol: ), now create a separate thread where people can post pictures of their flat panel in action and post a picture of your flat panel there, i shall then consider if i want to post a picture of my flat panel.
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