Sony SS-K90ED Stock clearance in Mumbai


Active Member
Feb 6, 2008
Chennai, India
Hi, I recently came across this ad for stock clearance of Sony speakers in mumbai. They seem to have few K-ED series speakers for sale too for 26k. These are very fine and well built speakers for the price. I wish anyone from bombay can kindly spare some time & visit the seller for a possible audition:ohyeah: and give us some feedback in this thread.
Address:Sound NJ , 1, vasant bhavan, jain temple road, opp. i.i.t. powai, mumbai - 400076
Our FM Malvai has one and is very pleased with the K90ED speakers. If we can get some more discounts may be I'll also pick one too for my denon1909;)

Here's the link Sony speaker system stock clearance sale - SS-K30ED - Mumbai - Electronics - IIT Powai

Some research on the speakers:D
Reply to Inside the SS-K90ED- Agoraquest - Sony Forum

Had called up the seller a while back, at that time he was not ready to come down further & had actually quoted 10k for the speakers(towers). When i called to confirm the same, he claimed that 10k was per piece :rolleyes: which i found strange as only active speakers are usually sold per piece. Would like to go & check them out anyway, hopefully will do so soon.
20k or 26k? Good for those who are sitting on the fence for entry level towers. buy three pieces if you are wondering about center channel. It is a challenge though to keep a tower in center.
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!