Why Bose is a synonym of "hi-fi" in India?

I think the Indian name Bose has much to do with its positioning and recall in the Desi market. A Indian brand that is "made in USA" and globally visible invokes a feeling of pride and trust .. after all its "apnaa desi maal ..." :ohyeah:"

My wife is an architect and also does interior design projects. Her ears are much better than mine and she is a much bigger audio fan than I am. One of her clients (a lady) was on the lookout for an entertainment system for their den. We thought slam dunk - take her to a good hifi showroom and "introduce" her to what good sound is all about.

They went to Lakozy (Mumbai) and about half an hour into the demo the lady lost interest. Too many things were being discussed and the whole experience perhaps was a little daunting. Next stop - one of the malls with a Bose showroom. They bought the BOSE TV - case closed.

Sad but true story ...
I think the Indian name Bose has much to do with its positioning and recall in the Desi market. A Indian brand that is "made in USA" and globally visible invokes a feeling of pride and trust .. after all its "apnaa desi maal ..." :ohyeah:"


Unfortunatley thats not the case. I wish it could.
I have seen mass public ("Aam Janta") not much aware its being an Indian name and often heard them calling as "Boss". :p and they are much more praised owning a "Foren Brand" even if Desi is better.
Of course hi-fi educated people know it.

AFAIK Bose is not origninally an Indian Brand even if founder is!
Actually to most wannabe ears Bose does sound great, in fact perhaps the best.

What they have mostly is a satellite, sub woofer system.
Sub woofer which can produce an abnormal unnatural dumph dumph sound at about 100 Hz, and abnormally sharp upper midrange/treble (2.5 to 7 kHz) - which gives an artificial "clarity" to these wannabe ears.

In fact, I set one such person in front of my Quads, and he said - why is the music so subdued and "round"!

The first thing he did was to dart his hand, and change the Equalizer setting to extreme scooped V (cutting the lower midrange entirely, raising the treble and bass).

This is the sound he preferred.
For the ordinary people who doesn't know to distuinguish the good and best sound, BOSE will sound best. BOSE sound may be a doctored/artificial sound but still they sound good to those people.
BOSE worked very well on this terms and they artificially created the speakers (BOSE speakers build qulaity is not that good) but still they sound good to newbees.
When i was a newbee i also liked thier sound and even now i feel they are not bad and they sound better/different from the traditional HTIBs.

But for the price of their speakers , one can achieve the better sound system for that he need to do research, knows about sound settings, speaker parameters, tuning ..etc.
To the newbees its easy to sell the system who doesnt care about how the best sound should be . Thats what BOSE does and they are successful in it.

Where as other speaker manufactures fails in this area, and most of the time i see they dont have the proper demo /showroom and getting the demo was very tough sometimes.
the problem is not one of people are not informed enough or if bose is better or not.

There are reasons why advertising is where corporates pour their money in. For example, apparently last year alone in the US, health care industry spent 40% on ads and just a mere 20% on research. This is just one example.

The common user dosent have time or patience to research. They just trust that if so many people buy it then it must be good. If it is shown on tv it must be good. The deeper you go, the more you realize that media companies are also in that trap because their revenues depend on ads and they just go with the flow.

In India, the biggest hidden scam out there is regarding agriculture. One must understand that this is the heart and soul of any economy. Agriculture is being destroyed left, right, up, down and centre. Every now and then we hear of how farmers committed suicide because of lack of rainfall. There is more to this than what is being told. Since last decade or more, US Seed companies have been pushing the hybrid seeds as compared to the natural seeds that we had. There has been large scale destruction of crops and the different variety of plants that existed. Farmers committing suicides in huge numbers. Most of them got sucked in by ads by corporates from nations in the West with vested long term economic interests.
I'd be happy to share a few links to people interested in this.
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For the ordinary people who doesn't know to distuinguish the good and best sound, BOSE will sound best. BOSE sound may be a doctored/artificial sound but still they sound good to those people.
BOSE worked very well on this terms and they artificially created the speakers (BOSE speakers build qulaity is not that good) but still they sound good to newbees.
When i was a newbee i also liked thier sound and even now i feel they are not bad and they sound better/different from the traditional HTIBs.

But for the price of their speakers , one can achieve the better sound system for that he need to do research, knows about sound settings, speaker parameters, tuning ..etc.
To the newbees its easy to sell the system who doesnt care about how the best sound should be . Thats what BOSE does and they are successful in it.

Where as other speaker manufactures fails in this area, and most of the time i see they dont have the proper demo /showroom and getting the demo was very tough sometimes.

I think this is what happened to me as well :)
When I was in junior college, I went to one of the big cities in Kerala and heard a pair of old Bose speakers playing a malayalam song in a CD shop. Wow I was astonished to hear the sound and yes they were playing only cassette not CD. I could immediately feel the difference to my Sony HiFi I had then. Bose was in my dreams since then and procured one when I got job. After that I started reading forums and had audition of better speakers. But still i like the sound of my Bose, it is way better than my Sony hi-fi's speakers.

I think Bose would be a real good starter for a newbie to start his hi-fi journey!
My take on this -

Indians have lost all that was once worth taking pride in. Now India is dirty (garbage and filth everywhere) with excess of population, crowded, low education levels and divided population.
Now we search for our identity and pride in -
1. History. (We gave 0 to the world, Sanskrit was from India, Aryabhatta etc..)
2. Indian origin people who have done well in various fields (even though they are not citizens of India), be it an industrialist, astronaut, political figure, Bose speakers etc.

This need for self-recognition combined with almost no real exposure to good music systems makes Bose synonym with hifi in India.

p.s. I don't want to hurt anyone and this is just a summary of my opinion.
My take on this -

Indians have lost all that was once worth taking pride in. Now India is dirty (garbage and filth everywhere) with excess of population, crowded, low education levels and divided population.
Now we search for our identity and pride in -
1. History. (We gave 0 to the world, Sanskrit was from India, Aryabhatta etc..)
2. Indian origin people who have done well in various fields (even though they are not citizens of India), be it an industrialist, astronaut, political figure, Bose speakers etc.
Well....this is not a problem of our country alone! It is not because there is a nation filled with filthy people. But because in any country you will always find a bunch of people who can be bought easily. This is being exploited to the fullest extend possible.

Misery has been happening to third world economies since the inception of world bank and imf. The role of third world economies has been to service western economic interests. It is in line with this that IMF and world bank loans are given. They target immediate natural resource consumption and industrialization of the nation to which loans are given, such that these nations produce goods and services that the west wants. End result in long run of these nations is such that, they barely grow as a nation since they have not industrialized with respect to their own economic interests. Eventually in the long run these nations end up with humongous loans which has multiplied with the magic of compound interest (20-30 year span). Then the world bank and imf steps in and demands to privatize public infrastructure. Generally when these instutions give humongous loans (usually in billions), they never serve the interest of the nation as a whole. But only a small part of the nation, in the process making a few guys in the country very wealthy. The rest of the nation ends up with a worse of standard of living and higher poverty rates is ensured. There are lots of statistics available. Many past and current world bank and imf economists, presidents,ect have spoken out on this. This has happened to nation after nation after nation. IraQ, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, African countries are just a few examples.

In the past this was accomplished using armies and wars. Today it is in a subtle and intellectual manner. Using free flow of capital!! While it has a few advantages, this is being used for different vested long term economic interests by a few western nations. One dosent need to be a genius to guess which country is involved.
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I had Bose 301 book shelfs 3 Nos., and 101 surrounds 2 Nos. in the past with Pioneer Prologic receiver in 1998 and changed to AM 10 home theater speaker package. I lost the mid range completely. Still in my opinion AM 15 and AM 10 are the only speaker packages for moderate size room, which can be some what better in bose. The main plus point of this package is it dosen't warrant for any kind of complex acoustics etc. Other than these two Bose is total crap.

The main reason for Bose success in India is tthat hey had almost first mover advantage and Internationally they sell the concept than selling the product. So people always look in for the same concept in other brands and seldom get it and go fall in the bose trap.

R. Balagopalan
Well....this is not a problem of our country alone! It is not because there is a nation filled with filthy people. But because in any country you will always find a bunch of people who can be bought easily. This is being exploited to the fullest extend possible.

Misery has been happening to third world economies since the inception of world bank and imf. The role of third world economies has been to service western economic interests. It is in line with this that IMF and world bank loans are given. They target immediate natural resource consumption and industrialization of the nation to which loans are given, such that these nations produce goods and services that the west wants. End result in long run of these nations is such that, they barely grow as a nation since they have not industrialized with respect to their own economic interests. Eventually in the long run these nations end up with humongous loans which has multiplied with the magic of compound interest (20-30 year span). Then the world bank and imf steps in and demands to privatize public infrastructure. Generally when these instutions give humongous loans (usually in billions), they never serve the interest of the nation as a whole. But only a small part of the nation, in the process making a few guys in the country very wealthy. The rest of the nation ends up with a worse of standard of living and higher poverty rates is ensured. There are lots of statistics available. Many past and current world bank and imf economists, presidents,ect have spoken out on this. This has happened to nation after nation after nation. IraQ, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, African countries are just a few examples.

In the past this was accomplished using armies and wars. Today it is in a subtle and intellectual manner. Using free flow of capital!! While it has a few advantages, this is being used for different vested long term economic interests by a few western nations. One dosent need to be a genius to guess which country is involved.

perhaps you have already read it. but if not, i think you will find Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber a very interesting read. radical, insightful, iconoclastic and very relevant.
sorry for going off-topic.
(The International Monetary Fund) stands at the pinnacle of a great, emerging global bureaucracy- the first genuinely global administrative system in human history, enshrined not only in the United Nations , the World Bank, and the World Trade Organisation, but also the endless host of economic unions and trade organisations that work in tandem with them-created largely under US patronage. All of them operate under the principle that (unless one is United States Treasury), "one has to pay ones debts"- since the spectre of default by any one country is assumed to imperil the entire world monetary system, threatening ...to turn all the world's sacks of (virtual) gold into worthless sticks and paper" (page 368)
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Well....this is not a problem of our country alone! It is not because there is a nation filled with filthy people. But because in any country you will always find a bunch of people who can be bought easily. This is being exploited to the fullest extend possible.

Misery has been happening to third world economies since the inception of world bank and imf. The role of third world economies has been to service western economic interests. It is in line with this that IMF and world bank loans are given. They target immediate natural resource consumption and industrialization of the nation to which loans are given, such that these nations produce goods and services that the west wants. End result in long run of these nations is such that, they barely grow as a nation since they have not industrialized with respect to their own economic interests. Eventually in the long run these nations end up with humongous loans which has multiplied with the magic of compound interest (20-30 year span). Then the world bank and imf steps in and demands to privatize public infrastructure. Generally when these instutions give humongous loans (usually in billions), they never serve the interest of the nation as a whole. But only a small part of the nation, in the process making a few guys in the country very wealthy. The rest of the nation ends up with a worse of standard of living and higher poverty rates is ensured. There are lots of statistics available. Many past and current world bank and imf economists, presidents,ect have spoken out on this. This has happened to nation after nation after nation. IraQ, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, African countries are just a few examples.

In the past this was accomplished using armies and wars. Today it is in a subtle and intellectual manner. Using free flow of capital!! While it has a few advantages, this is being used for different vested long term economic interests by a few western nations. One dosent need to be a genius to guess which country is involved.

Awesome. Now that we have finally concluded that all our problems have been caused by IMF, and IMF is not going away, we and our children will continue to live in filth and misery for the next 1000 years. Meanwhile our *thinkers* and *leaders* will be wallowing in self pity in the next room. For entertainment, we will read books and watch Youtube videos on conspiracy theories.

Sounds like a nice arrangement? How about taking a little responsibility for one's situation.

Question for the day: Should a country that elects a pee-drinking prime minister complain about filth and dirt?
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perhaps you have already read it. but if not, i think you will find Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber a very interesting read. radical, insightful, iconoclastic and very relevant.
thanks for the link. Had a quick look at its preface. Will read it sometime. Have a bunch of books to read on this topic.

Here is a short video. This basically lays down what is the problem today in europe.

In case you are interested, you should check out this book. This lays down everything on what has been happening. I just read the introduction and then jumped to world bank and imf.

His new book is something i am looking forward to reading. This talks about which direction our planet is heading to economically. We are in the phase which is basically going to dictate economic policies for the next 50 odd years

They are not easy reads. One you get a hang of his language, things become easier.
Coming back to my point, it's the name Amar Bose that made Indians initially associate with him. Anything that has the slightest Indian touch to it immediately becomes close to us and so did Bose.
Coming back to my point, it's the name Amar Bose that made Indians initially associate with him. Anything that has the slightest Indian touch to it immediately becomes close to us and so did Bose.

Well if I talk about myself; I didn't know 'Bose' is a company associated with an Indian name, when I bought Bose's Noise cancelling headphone a year ago.
I got to know about it when somebody on HFV mentioned 'Amar Bose' ;-)

I used to have an illusion that probably Bose makes the best Headphone and Speakers (+1 to their aggressive marketing). And that's because one day I simply visited Bose Store and had an audition.

By that time I had not joined HFV and had not read any negative reviews about Bose. When I saw Noise cancelling feature first time, I was impressed. And I used to think when I'd be able to buy Bose's 5.1 system.

But now, I am much aware of the facts. So, Bose is no more a fantasy !
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A couple of white collar guys have invested in Bose earphones for 4000Rs .

I have seen them running off the mill phone with beloved mp3 of what ever bitrate .

prevailing believes these xtra ordinary men have copied and have a feeling of confidence and thinking they are carrying out of the world technology .

i would like to ask them what about reading a few lines on :
how to get quality portable audio
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!