Yes that should work. Id suggest changing both the tweeters rather than just one just to make sure both are the same and thats very necessary. crossover changes might not be necessary for such minor changes but keeping left and right the same will be imnportant for coherency in high end speakers
How would you infer that whoever this notional person is, has either not thought of or not experienced in speakers before to know what a well setup system . Most folks would have done this as their ears/listening evolve go for higher end systems. if this were not the case every consumer with experience in high end sound would be listening to much cheaper speakers than they do now !
Anyway this is too subjective a review but its clear that the OP has a preference for a speaker and has been cheated so lets not move away from that topic. If you feel so strongly on this maybe you can start a new thread with the setups you have heard which can provide far more musical value than much higher priced setups so others can also learn from it.