Speaker Suggestion

I agree with milestoneseeker. PSB T6 I have heard and it is really good. I have not listened to Revolution DC6T (It is aroung 60K). But I heard from people that DC6T is good.PSB is more expensive than Tannoy. There is one more DC6T in Tannoy Revolution signature which is expensive compared to Revolution DC6T.

Even I need to finalize between PSB T5 and Revolution DC6T.Please let me know if anyone compared these two.

Hi Pishly

I have heard V4 and Def tech but not listned to dc6t.
Which one did you like. DC6T , V4 or Def Tech??
Have you heard PSB T6 or T5?
I am finding bit hard to decide between T5, Dc6t and V4.
Demo guy is suggesting to go with Dc6t. If any one have done comparison between these two please let me know.

Just want to know opinion on Klipsch RF-62 II. I am getting a good deal on this. I personally liked PSB T6 bur T6 may be two much for my room. So I was thinking of PSB T5 but Klipsch RF-62 II I am getting a good deal for entire package.

Please let me suggestion from you guys quickly .

Hello friends,

i would recomend u to go to the Diy forum and check " best ever deal for speakers " ,
there is groupbuy for speakers kit
from texas, comes for 7 K
Hi Pishly,

You are correct. I should go for good speakers not for deal.
I dropped Klipsch . I am sticking to DC6T or PSB T5 .I don't know how much better is Dc6T compared to V4 .
I need to decide among these for tower.
I bought Super cube 3 sub and Onkyo TXNR 609.Thinking of getting Energy take classic with out Sub for surround.Hope this will be good for 5.1.
For surround and center if I use energy take classic how it will be? Will it be ok with Onkyo TX NR 609 ? Please let me know.
For surround and center if I use energy take classic how it will be? Will it be ok with Onkyo TX NR 609 ? Please let me know.

You can finalize on the fronts first and then audition the same brand and other brand center and surrounds along with it to check if there is a difference in sound signature.
Hi Kittu,

The surrounds and center speaker have lot of dependency on front towers?
I thought the audissey in Onkyo will take care. That is the reason why I thought I will go with Energy take classic speakers . In US there is some good deal on this.I have heard good reviews on CNET.
I feel the front 3 speakers should all match in speaker size/config for sonic tone, they also cover the full range from X-hz to Y-hz .The surround sound are not that demanding and are only used for sound effect so you can try diff brands with matching Impedance and sensitivity.Let your own ears be the judge.
Dear Friends,

Sorry I am bit late..

Dear Pishly, Opps sorry I have not heard the Dail
Dear Milestone Seekar, Thanks for your feedback and quick revert and this will help in making my decision.
Hope the best within MA Sliver, Tannoy Revolution series, PSB Image T6 would be the best choice. Dear, Kittu any suggestion from your end..!
Dear Renjith Lal, have u decided on any towers.

Dear Friends,

Need to add few points, I was initially planning to go for 5.1 but dropped due to L shape living and it can look MESS with speaker around, so I am sticking to 2.0 setup and I do not know I may go for 5.1 in future (but sure not for next 2years).
I am owning Panny Plasma V20 42 and OPPO universal player bd 93.
Please suggest on the Speaker and AMP combination.
Thanks in advacne to all :)
Kittu you are correct. Impedance and sensitivty should match for optimum performance is it necessary to match the size also. Is that important?
MA Silver (RX6) will be around 70k. While you are at it (i.e. at MA), try out their Bronze series too. The BR6 will be around 60k and is pretty good. Ofcourse, RX6 is much better than the Bronze series siblings and if you have the moolah, don't even bother looking at the BR6.
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.