Speakers (Centre) for Yamaha AVR V373 - budget 10K

Since you have Bought Yamaha AVR, try to match a bit warm sounding speakers like Wharfedale, Boston Acoustics.

Right now I am looking for centre (this thread is also about it). I am thinking about Sonodyne, Wharfedale (only Vardus series is available - Diamond 9 is not available and entry level 10 series is around 15K), Magnat Monitor Supreme....

Both Sonodyne sonus 2501 centre, Wharfedale vardus centre, Polk CS10, Magnat Monitor Supreme are listed between 6k-10k.

What do you suggest?
Right now I am looking for centre (this thread is also about it). I am thinking about Sonodyne, Wharfedale (only Vardus series is available - Diamond 9 is not available and entry level 10 series is around 15K), Magnat Monitor Supreme....

Both Sonodyne sonus 2501 centre, Wharfedale vardus centre, Polk CS10, Magnat Monitor Supreme are listed between 6k-10k.

What do you suggest?

What is the price of Sonus C2501? Did you audition them ?
What is the price of Sonus C2501? Did you audition them ?

C2501 is available at Sonodyne Kolkata showroom for Rs.9,700/-. The stock is ready but these speakers are not yet available for demo since they have arrived few days back. The salesman said it will be ready for demo within next week.

The earlier model 2501 is discontinued.

Now time to take a decision.

Sonodyne 2501 for 10K
Warfedale Vardus centre for 10K
Polk Cs10 for 10K
Magnat Monitor supreme centre for 6.5K

But I am unable to get the demo of any of the first three above mentioned speakers. Either they are not available for demo or even the demo room is under some work.

I guess I have to rely on the online reviews and experiences of the FMs here.

Anyways, it seems that the average cost of the centre is around 10K. What what should I chose. I also want to make sure that after the centre, I can go for fronts of the same series/ brand (budget will be around 20-25K), so considering this aspect is also very important while purchasing the centre.
Don't just audition the center speaker. Audition the center along with the exact LR models you intend to add in the future.

Try Watt Effects for the Vardus range, they had one on display if I am not mistaken.
Rupam, thanks for posting the number of Watt Effects. Name of the owner is Utsav.
You'll also find PSB and Quad there. Utsav insists on making an appointment. Located near Auto Hi-Tec, Southern Avenue.
Thanks Shuv and Rupam, I will definitely take my time so that I get the best possible deal. Will update this place accordingly.
C2501 is available at Sonodyne Kolkata showroom for Rs.9,700/-. The stock is ready but these speakers are not yet available for demo since they have arrived few days back. The salesman said it will be ready for demo within next week.

Interesting..... They had the Sonus C2501 stocks ready. But didn't offer demo to person who came looking for that...:clapping:
Interesting..... They had the Sonus C2501 stocks ready. But didn't offer demo to person who came looking for that...:clapping:

Seriously :ohyeah:

Rupam, thanks for posting the number of Watt Effects. Name of the owner is Utsav.
You'll also find PSB and Quad there. Utsav insists on making an appointment. Located near Auto Hi-Tec, Southern Avenue.

I contacted Watteffects but they said the Wharf vardus centre is not available for demo/ display. However, they are asking me to visit them to explore other options.
Yeah I think you should viste them. BTW have you visited SKS traders? They also keep Wharfedale.

Their address is
52a, Opp Paddmapukur, Sarat Bose Rd, Bhawanipur, Kolkata - 700025
Call: : (033) 24864056
Just back from demoing a Sonus Centre 2501 from South city mall, Kolkata. It was impressive, especially in terms of movies. Though I asked them to only plug the centre with the fronts to give the demo, but they did not. Said that they can't do that. :D

Last time (during last week of July 13) I went there, they had sonus 2501 ready for delivery, but did not have a set ready for demo. I wanted to buy them, but could not.

Today, they have a demo set ready but they did not have a "sealed pack" ready for delivery. I was ready to buy but came back empty handed. :yahoo::ohyeah:

1/2 liter of petrol and 60 minutes of my life is wasted. :indifferent14:

I will go next week. By the way, the price is Rs.7,900/- and no discount. :mad:
Did they have Avant 250LCR ? Could you do an A-B comparison between Avant and Sonus?

I am not sure whether they have Avant 250LCR or not. But they don't seem to be very agreeable to plug in each speaker as per your request to give demo. They seem to prefer to play whatever is already plugged in.

I just wanted them to play the centre along with FS, but they said that they can't remove the sub and surrounds. LOL. :ohyeah:
why buy a product if they cant even demo you properly..sorry to know this..
btw have you thought about diamond 9..they are very very vfm..
Wharfedale DIAMOND 9.CC
under 10k...

Yes, I was looking forward to that also...but wharfedale 9 series is not available anymore here (harmonie, sks, watteffects don't have it). Harmonie was offering me Diamond 10 which is 15K but they also did not have it.

And I think if i buy Sonus centre, I can later buy 2504 or 2605 FS which is coming under my budget. On the other hand, Diamond 10 FS will 40K+.

Also hifimart is offering me disc on their product while sonodyne south city mall is sticking to the MRP. :(
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Yes, I was looking forward to that also...but wharfedale 9 series is not available anymore here (harmonie, sks, watteffects don't have it). Harmonie was offering me Diamond 10 which is 15K but they also did not have it.

And I think if i buy Sonus centre, I can later buy 2504 or 2605 FS which is coming under my budget. On the other hand, Diamond 10 FS will 40K+.

Also hifimart is offering me disc on their product while sonodyne south city mall is sticking to the MRP. :(

so in future, Audition the Sonodyne speakers @ South city mall & place the order in hifimart.com :ohyeah:
try hifimart..i posted the link from hifimart itself..

Wharfedale DIAMOND 9.CC

here it is again

I know it is available at hifimart. But I didn't get the chance to demo it here in calcutta anywhere. So if I order it from hifimart, it will be totally on the basis of recommendations of the FMs here, to which I have immense trust.

On the other hand, I was able to demo the sonodyne centre here but they are offering me NO DISCOUNT. But now I can order the sonodyne centre from hifimart.

But just a question, if I go for Diamond 9CC, what fronts would suit me? (as I am looking for fs in my next upgradation)? Vardus 300 FS is available for 25K and 400 for 30K. My budget being 20-25K for FS, do you think Daimond 9CC will pair well with say Vardus 300? Any suggestion on this.

And hifimart is selling - Wharf Diamond 9CC for 9.9K, Vardus Centre 1 for 10K and Vardus Centre 2 for 12K...I have not demoed any of them. So if I have to buy the centre without demo, then which one of these centre would be better as they are in my range (10-12K)...but my issue is that pairing them with decent FS should be within my budget of 20-25K.
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