Stereo vs 5.1 sound, AVR vs 2 Chn Amp, CDP vd DVDP

Re: Why Stereo Speakers are better than 5.1 for Music ?

How little of one channel bleeds into another. Sometimes referred to as crosstalk.

What bleeds from on channel to the other, the digital signalor the analogue signal, prior to amplification or after?
Or is it some magnetic interference?
Can we try to be more specific, like I earlier asked?
Anyway, thanks for the explanation, Sanjay.

Re: Why Stereo Speakers are better than 5.1 for Music ?

@beep, this is the thread that I was looking to refer. Hope you got the answer with regard to the differences with regard to Stereo Amp vs AVR. I hope this would help you in getting rid of some half baked information that was recently floating around in the forum.

Yep, i get the idea.
So a really expensive AVR can sound on par or better than a dedicated Stereo amp. I hope that is it. :)
Re: Why Stereo Speakers are better than 5.1 for Music ?

What bleeds from on channel to the other, the digital signalor the analogue signal, prior to amplification or after?
The digital signal can't leak from one channel to another because it is a single bitstream with data that is flagged for the specific channels. If certain pieces of data are supposed to go to the left channel, then that's where they'll go.

Once converted to analogue, then poorly designed circuitry can cause leakage from one channel to another. Again, this isn't a problem with modern electronics, hence why those numbers are rarely published any more (except for vinyl playback).
Can we try to be more specific, like I earlier asked?
Sure. What specifics did you want to know?
So a really expensive AVR can sound on par or better than a dedicated Stereo amp.
Keep in mind that manufacturers who specialize in stereo systems don't manufacture on the massive scale that AVR manufacturers do. So if you look at what goes into a stereo amp, those parts are available to AVR manufacturers at huge discounts because of the sheer quantities they buy.

For example: D&M Holdings (parent company of Denon, Marantz, McIntosh) can build the same amp channel at a fraction of the cost of, say, Cambridge Audio. So the level of quality you get for 2 channels of CA can buy you maybe 5 channels of Marantz or Denon. Economies of scale.

Smaller companies like CA also sell much fewer units, so they have to charge more per unit to stay in business. That's a big part of what you're paying for. By comparison, bigger companies like Onkyo can get away with very small profit margins per unit because they're business model is based on huge volume sales.

Keep that in mind when you compare similarly priced stereo amps vs AVRs. Think about how little it costs the AVR manufacturer for those same parts.
Re: Why Stereo Speakers are better than 5.1 for Music ?

Yep, i get the idea.
So a really expensive AVR can sound on par or better than a dedicated Stereo amp. I hope that is it. :)

Sure, you are getting the drift. If your movies : music ratio is 60: 40 or higher in favour of movies and you have budget and/or space constraints, you are better off with a good (not budget) AVR; any lower, it makes sense to just go with a stereo amp.
It is not as much of 'picking up' an error as much as picking up the data correctly and sending it for amplification that make the difference. Low cost CD players have low cost components from the drive to internal electronics, to the DAC. A low quality drive can skip tracks. Low quality electronics could add noise to the data. A low quality DAC could do improper conversion.

A DAC attempts to create a sinusoidal wave from a series of stepped digital data. The more the data read, the more accurate will be the resultant sinusoidal wave. Cheap DACs compromise on this as well as the speed with which they do the conversion. More than measuring, you can actually hear the jitter with your ears as change in the speed of music, skipped words or blurred words, and sometimes the loss of a few milliseconds of music.


These days most people are using digital interconnects. So, the DAC is happening in the AVR.
Well i have Onlyo HTIB for few years and pair of good floor standers and sub woofer too. But inspie of having so much i am not satisifed with the musical reproduction capabilities of my system. I have some times heard music playing on small bookshelves in shops which sound more chrisp cleaner and far better really hifi.

10 years back one of my friends had marantz cd player and amp with just 25 RMS of power, i forgot what bookshelves he was using, but till date my system can never touch the sound quality of that 2 channel stereo music, Its not about volume but the clarity that marks HI FI written all over it. Where as my system with all the gimmics cut off sounds bull shit.

I am really going to begin my hunt on 2 channel, may be need to take a copy of this thread and pass on to family members for approval :).
Seniors can you guide as to which AVR/stereo amp be paired with Wharfedale 10.2 BS . Tastes are equal mix of music and movies/tv. Room size is not fixed of frequent transfers. Budget is upto 50k. I am actively following this site for answers.
Great thread. Was looking for the the diff between AVR and pre+Amp for some time. Thanks specillay to Venkat for sharing all those information. Great guy.
Very interesting discussion and totally topical to what I wanted to share:

I'm a newbie looking for a HiFi system - just AVR and FS speakers for now. I am looking for 50% music and 25% Movies 25% sports. I would only have a 2 or 2.1 system max (no plans of adding a 5 channel or 7 channel speakers)

I was at this store auditioning some FS speakers (PSB) and AVR (denon,Onkyo). They sounded ok, was chit chatting with the staff and was about to head out when one of the smarter guys dropped a bomb. "Saar if you really want to lissen to good music - go for a 2.1 stereo amp not a AVR".

I replied: "What?? But Onkyos and Denons are so popular and look good and have all these fancy options, airplay, all video sampling etc., so are the amps better"

I think its established that Amps play music better. BUT - Can how good would movies sound? Can i get ANY video upscaling at all?? Any Video/digital features provided by Amps. I will listen to a 2.1 even in AVR but cannot afford to buy a AMP and an AVR.

Comments are very appreciated
I have purchased Marantz AVR two months back with all 5 speakers Sub & Cables spent almost 1.15 lacs which is quite a lot. But when i listened to music i was not happy tried everything puredirect mode Direct mode, Stereo mode lastly settled for Manual Eq to get something out of speakers.
I came to know quite late now i have to spent minimum 1 lacs for Stereo amp + FS. It is good that you came to know this very early. You can get more confused if you read the threads like searching for FS. Many of FM are driving MA RX6, Paradigm Monitor 9( 91dB), Focals with Marantz, Denon & Yamaha AVR. But when you see PSB Image speakers T5 (90 dB) everyone is recommending NAD amp. You also have to check ease of drive for speakers.

Choose speakers which can be easily driven by AVR.
Well i have Onlyo HTIB for few years and pair of good floor standers and sub woofer too. But inspie of having so much i am not satisifed with the musical reproduction capabilities of my system. I have some times heard music playing on small bookshelves in shops which sound more chrisp cleaner and far better really hifi.
I am really going to begin my hunt on 2 channel, may be need to take a copy of this thread and pass on to family members for approval :).

@ Krish and HiFiGreen - Really appreciate you guys being honest and critical about your experiences .. most useful. I feel most "owners" (of cars, electronics, anything ..) rarely admit any shortcomings and hence misguide new buyers.

So, do you both really feel its worth investing in an Amp + FS(or BS) if once is going to use only 2 or 2.1 speakers and sacrifice video capabilities?

Experts - Is there a hybrid between Amp and AVR: sound reproduction capability of an amp with some video support??
I am still learning the fundamentals on how to match Amps to Speakers.

Can the experts kindly point to any literature or knowledgebase that educates on how to best match an amp to speakers. Specifically, would the 45 W RMS PM 6004 amp satisfactorily drive FS speakers rated 150/300 or thereabouts.

i.e. Can I drive entry level FS with the PM6004?

Thanks in advance
Hi all, Iam just new to this forum and also new to the world of Stereo setup... I am planning to set up a decent home stereo system... I have planned as follows;
1. Speaker - Polk Audio (FS) Tsi 400 (or) 500
2. Stereo Amp.. I am Not sure about this but please someone suggest me a decent stereo amp with in 30K.. My listening taste is such that i may not like harsh sounding amps..
3. Any amp in my budget that will not give me listening fatigue and i require a full bodied music listening experience.

Am welcome to any good suggesion by good knowledged people out here...!!!
One does not need 30k for amp..
a tripath like TOPPING will give u a luxury seat in audio scene.
High sensitivity speakers for TA2020 , not needed contrary to the common belief.

If you can go 19K the KEF Q series is very good to start .
Source? why not our beloved ODAC in 6k , fit a ABScasing and save 3K for the casing.

A pretty good sounding stereo setup is everyday joy and every one should setup one.
If you have bought AVR ,adding a cute highQ topping amp in 3K is the best upgrade.

You dont need dolby,DSP for music.. a pure path of signal whre these DSP(digital signal processing) chips are not present ,is required.
Thank you koushik for the simple solution for a very good enjoyment. As u mentioned KEF Q series are one of the better sounding machines i have heard. :clapping: If i look at their Specification sheet, there is a response graph provided and it proves the real strength of these KEFs. Almost Flat response at any spot in the room. Really your suggesion is appreciated.

I have a question to confirm with you. Is not like Floor Standers will provide a full bodied Sound Stage (Excluding Extra Bass) compared with book Shelf (or) in other words is there any specific reason you suggested me Bookshelves? When FS provide a very good sound stage where any instrument in the recording will be heard how the Music director intended?

Also the AMP you suggested looks like its for Car. (I really have a bad knowledge on amps-pls forgive me if am wrong!). Please let me know why the following AMPS are not suggested by you. Harmon K, Yamaha, Denon, NAD and other Hi end Integrated AMPS. Is that only cost constraints or any thing concerned with sound purity?

your rsuggesions are very much appriciated!! Thank again...:clapping::clapping:
I think KEF Q100 should be available at 19k!

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How about using Floorstanding Speakers Polk Audio Tsi 500.. its got a massive 6.5 inch mid/Woofer (x 4) and High Freq Driver.

Am wondering, these Polk FS (Tsi 500) in addition to Extended Low freq, will these speakers will give me good sound stage/Mid Freq Range? As compared with KEF Q-100/300 As they are Book Shelves. Your Suggesions Plz...
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