Straight Razors

can anyone recommend good alum blocks available in india, possibly online ?
Personally, I wouldn't use alum blocks. Read this: http://chemicaloftheday.squarespace...2010/3/8/exposing-more-truths-about-alum.html
Whether to believe and act on this is of course a personal choice but one should be aware.
Just as I don't use any deodorant containing aluminum (in fact I make my own) due to the probable toxicity effect, I wouldn't use an alum block on freshly shaved skin which is like a sponge due to shaving - the pores having opened up and dead skin sloughed off. I use pure {maybe not 100%} Aloe Vera juice/gel as an after shave. It does not give the "freshness" sense of Alum but that's OK with me. It's a very effective antiseptic like alum and good for skin too!
alum is a handy remedy for those small nicks and hence my question. Looking for something which is reliably clean..
Straight or safety razors give me the creeps. Vivid imagination of grim reapers and dangerous accidents..I have not visited a barber in decades. I'm good with a gillette fusion and foam and chilled rose water.
Straight or safety razors give me the creeps. Vivid imagination of grim reapers and dangerous accidents..I have not visited a barber in decades. I'm good with a gillette fusion and foam and chilled rose water.
Try the Razors from Bombay Shaving company
Try the Razors from Bombay Shaving company
Thanks Sydney,

My Merkur has lost its edge on one side cos of hard water, the edge has lost its well, edge and coating and become uneven and the blade then no longer cuts sharp or at all. Will try this one.

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