Could you please tell me how much the EPOS ELS Subwoofer cost you? Also, please provide the address/contact if possible.
I got this from Decibel, Chennai. Raghu, the owner, is also a member here. It cost me 30,000 Rs.
Could you please tell me how much the EPOS ELS Subwoofer cost you? Also, please provide the address/contact if possible.
OK, I had a demo of the Polk DSW Pro 500 subwoofer. It was a very good movie subwoofer. However, I did not see it as being very musical. And while it does have a remote, it is pretty inflexible.
There are basically 4 levels at which volume can be set and you have to choose any one of these. While for normal usage this is fine, I dont know if that kind of inflexibility is the way to go. Oh and there are no knobs on the unit itself. So, this is what you have. The same applies for phase - there are about two settings on the remote itself and then you are done. Although they do offer a few cues such as 'Mid room', 'Midwall' etc. which would automatically set the phase and the volume of the unit.
It is not what you would call earthshaking in terms of bass. I was actually surprised, I must say. Because this sub has a lot of members singing a lot of praise.
As a satisfied owner of the DSW PRO500, I am compelled to point out a few corrections to comments above: 1. There are 40 Levels at which the volume can be set (0 to 40 discrete volume steps that are conveniently displayed by the flashing backlit logo sign). 2. FOUR phase settings are available (0-180-270-360 degrees). 3. FOUR compensatory settings for sub-placement are available (Corner-Midwall-Center-etc.) 4. These controls are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE and hence have no inter-dependency, thereby giving the user maximum flexibility. 5. Bass performance actually heard during the demo depends on the ASSIGNING correct AVR settings like MAIN=SMALL; BASS=SWFR; cross-over frequency set correctly (no clash between the filters response characteristics of the AVR vis-a-vis the subwoofer) etc. In my experience, the "average" salesperson in a big company owned showroom may not be eager & willing to take the hassle of all this. 6. See the thread "Sub-woofer under 20K?" for other members feedback as well. Cheers!
As a satisfied owner of the DSW PRO500, I am compelled to point out a few corrections to comments above: 1. There are 40 Levels at which the volume can be set (0 to 40 discrete volume steps that are conveniently displayed by the flashing backlit logo sign). 2. FOUR phase settings are available (0-180-270-360 degrees). 3. FOUR compensatory settings for sub-placement are available (Corner-Midwall-Center-etc.) 4. These controls are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE and hence have no inter-dependency, thereby giving the user maximum flexibility. 5. Bass performance actually heard during the demo depends on the ASSIGNING correct AVR settings like MAIN=SMALL; BASS=SWFR; cross-over frequency set correctly (no clash between the filters response characteristics of the AVR vis-a-vis the subwoofer) etc. In my experience, the "average" salesperson in a big company owned showroom may not be eager & willing to take the hassle of all this. 6. See the thread "Sub-woofer under 20K?" for other members feedback as well. Cheers!
My music room is approx 12' x 24'. The DSW500 fills this space with power & authority. I cannot turn up the volume more than half-way as the walls & floor start shaking (truly, no exagerration here) during movies LFE. For music, I keep the volume at about 35%. The DSW600 would have been an absolute overkill, besides costing me another 4K extra.
Also as you rightly say Phase is piegonholed into four specific points and this what is controlled for the most part by those preset room settings.
Opinions may differ...But, I still would urge one to re-examine the settings...I listen to jazz and western classical and am rather particular about clean bass...and believe you in me, that you can get clean, tight bass from this DSWPRO500 that shamed subs costing 50% more when I auditioned them for TWO months during Jan-Feb 2008 in Mumbai...![]()
Hi thevortex, at the risk if being drawn into a vortex of points & counter-points, I would point outthat the location of the sub compensatory room settings are DIFFERENT from PHASE settings. For example, you would typically choose 0 degree phase setting if you sub is positioned along with your main speaker, HOWEVER, you could choose to put your sub in the CORNER of that wall OR MID-WALL (say, under your LCD TV). The "preset room settings" for the latter. Again, for example, the sub would be boomy if placed in the corner vis-a-vis mid-wall...the room location settings finetune this aspect and NOT the phase...I hope that helps...
BTW, I researched this in detail (including merits and demerits of Class D versus Class A) before putting my money on this sub...
I have polk 600. Could you give me some advice regarding the phase settings and cross over. How best to use them.
On another note, I really felt that the Diamond 9.6 did tremendously well in the bass department by itself. Adding a subwoofer to augment that pair of floorstanders - especially for music - could be inherently tough.
Since you mentioned this - I have a question - how does the diamond 9.6 sound with an avr without a sub/center/rear w.r.t movies?
I am planning to get a denon 1909 with 9.6 and use them for both music and movies until i can save enough to get the rest!