Suggest a good LED/Plasma TV

^^Hmm.. I intend to install the TV in my living room. The sunlight can be controlled by drapes. There is a 40W Fluorescent bulb on the wall which however DOES NOT throw light directly on the TV.. Are these conditions okay enough for a Plasma?
Remember you have seen a demo in a shop with lights etc,Have you seen any reflection while the TV with picture,if you are satisfied in shop definitely in home conditions it will be good,coming to UT Full hd AND XT hd ready,since there is a price difference of almost 10-15 and your usage is for your parents you can consider xt or x series.there were offers,with 3 years warranty.
As far as the price is concerned bargain a bit. You are getting the 42ut50 for 58k in infibeam. Not sure of their service though. I was made aware of this site from some FM here only. Maybe someone who has purchased the TV from there could throw some light into it.

Try other shops. Bangalore has lots of options of buying tv. I could pm you more details if needed.
^^Thanks Prasanth.. Actually, I will be purchasing the TV from my home town in Kerala.. just that I am demoing different models in B'lore.. The final decision will be made based on the prices of the Panny Plasmas & Sony Bravia in Kottayam/Thiruvalla (my home town).. If any1 from Kerala could throw some light on the current prices, It would be great.. Not sure if I can bag good offers for panny Plasmas there.. Most consumers in small towns go for LEDs :(
^^ Thanks Indian.. I saw some comments elsewhere in the forum that only those Panny plasmas with Neo PDP are worth going for.. I believe the neo pdp Panny Plasmas cost well above 70K.. That is way beyond my budget.. :sad:

Why not increase your budget a bit and then go for the best Tv models because TV is Something which you are not going to buy everyday.
So please invest wisely and choose the best out of the box giving preference to what you want now what others advise you.
^^ Hmm.. I might just do that:) My initial budget was around 30K for a 32" LED.. It is nowa round 60K for a 42" Plasma/40" LED..
I think Plasma has better picture quality but if you compare between sony and Panasonic then Sony is best choice because it has more latest feature and you can get better experience with Sony Bravia 40EX-430.
Hi, are any of the Panasonic Plasma owners here facing the line-bleed issue? Does this issue have any preventive measures? Thanks.
^^ Thanks, I trust your untrained eyes :). Guys, if you are facing this issue, please post it here.. Thanks
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Hi everyone, Had a demo of a few models in my hometown. The Plasma model that I am looking for, UT50, was not available for display in many stores.. One of the retailers said that he can get it from the company for me, provided I give a commitment.. The quoted price was 61K.. I am having second thoughts regarding Plasma :sad:.. These were the other quotes: Sony 40" EX 430 - 55K, Sony 40" NX 650 - 59K.. I was very impressed with NX650.. Guys, what is your take on these quotes? Are they worth going for? Thank You.
Have the Sony 40 EX430 and using since last month. Very impressive performance till now ... shan't ever be able to go back to watching CRT. Got it for 37K ... Delhi grey market.
Hi Guys, Looking for Plasma/LED around 40K. Short listed Samsung 43E490 and Toshiba 40PS20. I'm buying this TV for my living room and it has direct wall opening opposite to TV. My concern is reflection in E490 during day time and PQ of PS20 compared to E490 and I have to compromise between these.

Please suggest me which one I go for?
Friends, got the Sony 40" NX650 delivered and installed yesterday evening.. Will try to post some pics and a review pretty soon.. Now, the hunt begins for a HD Set top box..How is Videocon HD DVR? Any suggestions? Thank You
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