Suggestion for good smartphone


New Member
Nov 10, 2011
Hi folks,

my sony erricson xperia mini pro was stolen recently, it was one of my favorite, it costed around 15K. Still in grief of its lose..:sad:

So,I am look out for a new good smart phone (android). I have not set any budget, can you recommend good models out of your experience. I am aware of forums for these discussion, but I would like to hear from HiFiVisionaries...:)

Pls suggest.


i wouldnt touch windows phone with a ten foot pole, considering the fiasco their OS has been for the last 20 years. Nokia was stupid to go with them, just because their ceo was ex ms. Soon, nokia will be dead.
Hi folks,

my sony erricson xperia mini pro was stolen recently, it was one of my favorite, it costed around 15K. Still in grief of its lose..:sad:

So,I am look out for a new good smart phone (android). I have not set any budget, can you recommend good models out of your experience. I am aware of forums for these discussion, but I would like to hear from HiFiVisionaries...:)

Pls suggest.



Leaving the budget open with Android opens up a huge huge list... If you have a number in mind it would help.

Anyway my opinion after having used an Android set (SGS) for about 2 yrs now & also seeing quite a few other sets: If you are buying an Android you need a high-res screen & a good processor. that's when the OS really shines.

for various budgets I'd recommend:
25+ : Go for Google Galaxy Nexus.... Fast, slick & Android the way google sees it. Second option: Galaxy S2

20-25: HTC sensation.. It still runs Android 2.3 thou. Another option here would be to pick up a 2nd hand Galaxy s2 for about 20-22k... worth it!

below 20k: LG optimus black or Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman - WT19i (if the budget is <15)
below 20k: LG optimus black or Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman - WT19i (if the budget is <15)

I have been using a Samsung Y (7.5K) for the last 6 odd months and it works very well. Unless you plan to do a lot of surfing, it is sufficient as a smart phone. It even plays FLAC, and I listen to songs every evening through a few web sites.

I have been using a Samsung Y (7.5K) for the last 6 odd months and it works very well. Unless you plan to do a lot of surfing, it is sufficient as a smart phone. It even plays FLAC, and I listen to songs every evening through a few web sites.


I saw that one, and purchased the htc explorer for about 9k. the resolution,processor etc is better than the Y.
Windows Phone 7 Demo - YouTube

Totally love metro, I want a samsung focus s so much!

Really? There must be a valid reason why Android has such a huge market share today.

First mover advantage in the open source app market. Dosnt say anything about the UI experience or phone performance sadly.

Webos and wp7 are two of the most underrated platforms out there right now and android is simply crushing them due to popularity.
It's kind of sad because

Windows phone can do on a single core with low specs that android can only smoothly do with dual core cpus and gb's of ram.
It's very VERY inefficient and uses a traditional icon grid interface just like ios. Very poor graphic innovation in the UI. Screenfull
of literal colorful icons like every other phone every tom dick and harry has. Nothing unique about ios nor android to me but sells
just because of first mover advantage. Kind of sad because the more it becomes popular, the further away from innovation we are.

i wouldnt touch windows phone with a ten foot pole, considering the fiasco their OS has been for the last 20 years. Nokia was stupid to go with them, just because their ceo was ex ms. Soon, nokia will be dead.

Youre comparing wp7 to the previous os. There is no comparison.
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Webos and wp7 are two of the most underrated platforms out there right now and android is simply crushing them due to popularity.
It's kind of sad because Windows phone can do on a single core with low specs that android can only smoothly do with dual core cpus and gb's of ram.
It's very VERY inefficient and uses a traditional icon grid interface just like ios. Very poor graphic innovation in the UI.

Nothing unique about ios nor android to me but sells
just because of first mover advantage. Kind of sad because the more it becomes popular, the further away from innovation we are.

Kinda sounds like deja vu. If you inspect closely, those are exactly the reasons why microsoft became popular in the first place, despite of having shitttiest of products as compared to their competitors. Serves them right, now they know what it feels like to be at the receiving end, taste of their own medicine etc...:lol:

I wouldnt shed a single tear if those guys shut down today.

Most of the people are running android at some 600-800mhz proc and 1/2 gigs of ram. I can run multiple apps at the same time, dont know what you are complaning about. And about the frontend, well, its basically linux, so that is just the top layer and can be changed and replaced by something better anytime. not like windows where there's hardly any modularity and tons of code needs to be rewritten if you want to redesign the front end. And where are the apps? There's no x86 hardware for infinite apps:lol:. Nokia, microsoft and intel are going to be in deep trouble as this decade progresses. MS hardly has any stake in most of the modern technology, be it the front end (cell phones, tabs) or the backend (cloud).
There are many smart phones which have their own pro's and cons. Hey unless you set a budget there is no end to this discussion. First set a budget and then lookout for the phone.
thanks Visionaries,:)

I have a restricted budget so will not be looking at handsets above 15K. So if you can suggest something in this range, its appreciated.

I am using SGS - II from last 4 months and very happy with the performance till date. Not facing any issue in these 4 months .
I wouldnt shed a single tear if those guys shut down today.

I would not either because wp7 has immense potential but the way microsoft is going about it with windows 8, they will destroy metro before it reaches its potential. Thats what happens when corporates try to influence a designers work. WP7 for the moment, as it is with mango / tango is a very unique os. their app market has been growing rapidly and only expected to explode win windows 8 hits the market.

Nokia, microsoft and intel are going to be in deep trouble as this decade progresses. MS hardly has any stake in most of the modern technology, be it the front end (cell phones, tabs) or the backend (cloud).

Microsoft isnt going anywhere, they own the majority of patents android runs on along with many other platforms. They make more money from android sales than google makes themselves.
hmm - I am also looking for a phone that has
1. great reliability when it comes to calls - should not disconnect in middle of a call.
2. very good battery life. At least 2 days with 2-3 hours of talk time a day.
3. OS reliability - should not freeze
4. pref samsung as I have a 25% discount on dealer price coupon.

All above are issues with my 2 yr old blackberry.

Sorry to tag on, but may be helpful in OP's search as well.
IMO if you want to buy android better buy high end models like Galaxy S II and Google nexus -- they have good performance for the money.
I have had pretty bad experience with mid/low end models and I have now happily settled for Palm Pre 2.

If you are not all that android app freak, you might consider nokia's Symbian Belle OS phones like Nokia 603/701.
My brother has 603 (12.8k) and it really kicks butt -- exceptionally nice screen, 1GHz (feels way faster than android 1GHz phones), superb battery, and nokia maps & navigator are really cool.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.