Suggestions for speak cable ..

If that's your jam, you might want to check out a pair of KEFs sometime. They’ve got a fun sound with a wicked sense of rhythm and yet, they are very refined. A pairing with something as simple as a crown xls or a Marantz PM6006 can sound phenomenal without spending mucho bucks.
on another note, hows that trump tower coming along?

Well finally got the FS 11 series yesterday and decided to move the Marantz 1509 to my bedroom which replaces an old Yamaha.
Setup LCR Wharf 11 series with Pioneer LX503 and it was music to my ears.
Normal YouTube numbers never sounded like it did.
As you rightly said about pairing with likes of PM6006 and that i auditioned with the 11 FS and it sounded better as compared to playing with an AVR.
So am sold on the aspect of using a stereo amp and that would be my next Target for upgrade.

I am actually sold on the idea of getting DAC silver streak.
It could be a good addition to help liven up the benign top end of Wharfies!

Well finally got the FS 11 series yesterday and decided to move the Marantz 1509 to my bedroom which replaces an old Yamaha.
Setup LCR Wharf 11 series with Pioneer LX503 and it was music to my ears.
Normal YouTube numbers never sounded like it did.
As you rightly said about pairing with likes of PM6006 and that i auditioned with the 11 FS and it sounded better as compared to playing with an AVR.
So am sold on the aspect of using a stereo amp and that would be my next Target for upgrade.

Another combination that i saw work wonders was a DAC + power amp. You may look at that option instead of an integrated for the reason that a good standalone DAC (Nowadays, all our playback is usually digital; for me analog is <1% of my listening time) will usually be far better than those built inside IAs (my Chord Mojos tramples all over the one in the PM6006) whereas a standalone power amp will deliver much better quality amplification than an IA at the same price point. My combination of a Chord Mojo and a Crown XLS1502 (24K + 21K) absolutely sings with any speakers thrown at it!
It could be a good addition to help liven up the benign top end of Wharfies!

Another combination that i saw work wonders was a DAC + power amp. You may look at that option instead of an integrated for the reason that a good standalone DAC (Nowadays, all our playback is usually digital; for me analog is <1% of my listening time) will usually be far better than those built inside IAs (my Chord Mojos tramples all over the one in the PM6006) whereas a standalone power amp will deliver much better quality amplification than an IA at the same price point. My combination of a Chord Mojo and a Crown XLS1502 (24K + 21K) absolutely sings with any speakers thrown at it!

I did quite a bit of research with DACs when I got an ifi Hip DAC for my IEM. Chord Mojo is my choice as well for HT setup.
Now I didn't read much about power Amps but did notice people saying separates are always better.
Thanks a bunch for your suggestion. I will definitely look into this. I didn't realize power Amps can be that cheap as I only saw the ones in Hifimart.

I did quite a bit of research with DACs when I got an ifi Hip DAC for my IEM. Chord Mojo is my choice as well for HT setup.
Now I didn't read much about power Amps but did notice people saying separates are always better.
Thanks a bunch for your suggestion. I will definitely look into this. I didn't realize power Amps can be that cheap as I only saw the ones in Hifimart.

Class D power amps are priced lower. Class AB power amps can get expensive.
Separates are good if:
- you can host them (space for more components)
- you can get the right match (trial and error)
- you can afford them (budget issues)
- because they are modular (can replace one item at a time)

If you are starting out into this hobby, don't jump into separates yet.
Evaluate your system first, hear out other setups, then make an informed decision.

I did quite a bit of research with DACs when I got an ifi Hip DAC for my IEM. Chord Mojo is my choice as well for HT setup.
Now I didn't read much about power Amps but did notice people saying separates are always better.
Thanks a bunch for your suggestion. I will definitely look into this. I didn't realize power Amps can be that cheap as I only saw the ones in Hifimart.

The crown is actually a power amp for professional applications but it works fine for hi fi applications as well. It's not my first choice for hi fi but it works well if one is on a limited budget. Here's where the caveat drops, It's got the characteristic class D sound which you need to hear first before you decide whether you can live with it. At first, i hated it but but eventually, listening to it over time made by brain kinda unhear that particular attribute (basically, i got used to it). Audition first before you make the plunge. There are quite a few FMs in Kolkata so you can try connecting with them.
Class D power amps are priced lower. Class AB power amps can get expensive.
Separates are good if:
- you can host them (space for more components)
- you can get the right match (trial and error)
- you can afford them (budget issues)
- because they are modular (can replace one item at a time)

If you are starting out into this hobby, don't jump into separates yet.
Evaluate your system first, hear out other setups, then make an informed decision.


All valid points Raghu.
Space and budget is definitely an issue so i think i will audition to see if class D sound suits me and go from there.
As i mentioned , i don’t have a very resolving system so perhaps the true strengths/colourations/transparency of the Mogamis haven’t shone through. Waiting for my power amp to check this out.

But if you were thinking about the 2972, i say go for it. Its a very neat solution insofar as biamping is concerned. A thick well built cable that houses all 4 wires, yet is extremely flexible! Whats not to like? The fact that it doesn’t colour any of the frequencies unlike the silver streak means that poorer recordings won’t murder your ears unlike the latter. The silver streak is definitely not for all occasions and genres of music. Truth be told, though i enjoy them, i kinda frown upon cables and other such parts of the chain colouring the sound. Rather have only my speakers do that and worry only about selecting the right pair for the particular type of music. otherwise, concerns regarding pairing become a massive pain in the posterior.

Finally got the DAC silver streaks...yes it definitely might make ear s included...that higher note. .am not sure how toitigate
To keep them in place; otherwise they become a sore sight and wander around while sweeping the floor.
Have been lazy to procure nylon sheath.
Buy from India's official online dealer!