Deleted member 38504
Yep Vinodh that we have 
Thanks Nitin, that’s something for me to consider as well.

Thanks Nitin, that’s something for me to consider as well.
Link?Some can consider this as a subwoofer stand.......it can vary in built quality and materials used.......based on budget one can decide which one will work best...
View attachment 35234
Easily available on Amazon and other online retail websites.....
IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R200SUB Subwoofer Stand : Amazon.in: Musical Instruments
IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R200SUB Subwoofer Stand : Amazon.in: Musical Instrumentswww.amazon.in
For others who do not prefer cheap alternatives
Well i have mentioned the same in a single and simple lineWell...it is not a cheap alternative....it is a cost effective solution which works.........it is one's call to decide if he /she wants to OVER SPEND on something which will do the same job......
There are expensive options available designed by subwoofer manufacturers to boost sales........it would make a difference to some who have specific flooring and need the same.....else the normal foot legs of a sub is designed to place the sub firmly to the floor.....anyways it is one's call....
Yep Vinodh that we have
Thanks Nitin, that’s something for me to consider as well.
Hi, new svs sub owner here, I would like to purchase the svs soundpath feet for svs subwoofer, any online websites or offline store (Hyderabad) to buy from?
Thank you Nitin
Have the pb2000. Very good for movies, but not liking it much for music has it lacks mid bass punch. Very good build quality compared to others. Blind buy though only based on reviews
pb 1000 has a mrp of 67k and the pb 2000, 107000. With discounts the pb 1000 are available for 55-60k and the pb 2000 for 95-98K and the pb 3000 costs 1.5-6 L.Hello Friends,
I currently live in USA and moving back to india very soon. I would like to understand the price of SVS PB1000 ,2000 and 3000 in india . This will help me decide in buying in usa plus shipping versus buying india. Appreciate your responses