Technics 1200

As far as my information goes (single piece) in India it is available in the range 50K-60K
20N,amazon.......ranges around 65K-80K
I don't think anyone can provide it @10K, if its so I order 5 pieces right now

regarding revival of vinyls I don't see anything
Dil TO PAGAL HAI and VEER ZARA are two notable LPs released during last few years and they have as usual become extinct and both of them can dent one's pocket

I never understood how many listeners of VANDE MATARAM or LAGAN or RANG DE BASANTI or TEES MAR KHAN or PATIALA HAOUSE or JODHA AKBAR care about LPs, I don't see any sense in releasing these in vinyls, anyways my 2cents only

BTW three bombshell are coming
DIL TO PAGAL HAI, 1942 A LOVE STORY and DILWALE DULHANIYA LE JAYENGE in vinyls, wait for a few days, my only suggestion is get them young otherwise they will again become what I suggested earlier

sorry for the unmindful diversion, back to 1200, seems a few glitches, will make it happen one day, BTW hinhuat in Singapore claims they are the worldwide supplier of all Technics TT models along with spares.......have already mailed them, waiting for the answer, if I get any will update

is there any news from Pune about Rega showroom ( lifestyle AV)?
guys, 12xx were the DJ series of turntables with pitch control and so on...the 32xx were designed for regular home use...i use a 3200 with a Shure M44-7 (which is incidently badged as a DJ cartridge) and this combination will play almost anything, perfectly!!
does 12xx series has auto-return provision or are they completely manual operation including play start and play stop operation.
On net abudance of info provided , so why not bother to research??
did all the possible research within my capacity for last two days and could not find any specific info. hence i requested the same. Anyways, later i got this info today morning that, except this 12XX series, most of the Technics has got auto-return. I needed this feature badly prior to finalising this buy. Regards.
12xx series comes without auto-return as DJs dont need this feature...the 32xx series has auto return which is very smooth...untlike the good old jerky Garrards!! Auto-return is a must for domestic listening as one cannot always sit by the turntable and watch out for the end of a side...not having auto-return would mean that your arm would go to the very end of the side and hang-around moving too and from (from the centre of the disc). This can damage the delivate stylus cantilever of most expensive styli. If you see a turntable badged as "Semi-Automatic", it generally means that the pick-up auto-returns after playing an entire side.
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Hi All,

Last month I was in Berlin for a conference and went out looking for turntable....half hoping I will find something that would be top quality. While the first store had 4 Denons TTs, a Marantz and some other not so familiar brands, the second store had greater variety including a very heavy TT from a brand that I had not heard of (it was DJ TT weight over 10 kgs). this second store also had a Technics 1210 MK2 priced at 799 Euros (about Rs 49,500/-). You cant believe how disappointed I was for I did not have that much cash to buy it(and as a matter of principle I do not like to shop on credit card.... i only keep credit cards for emergency situations)

So with a heavy heart I let go of it and continued with my conference. But that is not the end of the story......

On the last day of the conference I told my freind that I wanted to go to some electronic store just to have a look and he asked me to come along to the mall....where he was going to pickup some groceries and milk. In the electronic store in the mall there was a Technics 1210 MK2 at Euros 649/- on display. It was the last piece that this store had. I still did not have enough cash. My freind came back to the store after buying the groceries and asked if I liked something and I told him about Technics TT and about it legendry fame...He said that I should buy it as he being a resident diplomat in Germany will get a 10% discount from that store. In addtion he will claim the 19% VAT reund and send it to me...So I bought it and the final price to me was Euros 491, a mere Rs 30,000/-.

Technics is great TT, very heavy and sturdy built quality...... right now I have only entry level ortofon and tonar cartrdidges but on my next trip abroad I sure hope to pickup a cartridge that would do justice to this great TT.

Thought would share this incident with you about how I landed up with this great TT a such a resonable price.

Best Regards

Congrats Viraj!

that is a great mid-level TT at an astonishing price! You will get years of pleasure out of this baby!
This is indeed discontinued product, so the sources in India are mostly old stock, imported from Singapore or Europe, as they are hardly available in any market and prices have shoot up in US market as well it can cost in the range 50K-60K in India

As for contacts, in Kolkata Roland Pro Music still deals with it
Welcome to Roland India
contact: Bobby

for Mumbai and Delhi I am not sure, others can help

all I can say this one is worth every penny it charges!
Guys anyone who can tell me around delhi where can I get this and at what approx prices? Is there a likelihood of getting a used one!

Dear buddy, have you heard of a "Brand New Heavies" track called "Dream on Dreamer"? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

On a more serious note:
the 1200's rarely come up for sale. And if they do, they are quite pricey...

My suggestion is to locate the Indian dealership and get a new one if, they still have it in sock, as Matsushita has stopped all production as of a few months ago.
Dear buddy, have you heard of a "Brand New Heavies" track called "Dream on Dreamer"? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

On a more serious note:
the 1200's rarely come up for sale. And if they do, they are quite pricey...

My suggestion is to locate the Indian dealership and get a new one if, they still have it in sock, as Matsushita has stopped all production as of a few months ago.

I was aiming in the dark. You never know, when luck strikes and I get a PM for an offer.. :p

I know about all that news of stopped production. I dont think they have dealership in India. If they have I would like to know. Thats why the query.
can anyone help me to find a replacement cartridge and stylus for a sonodyne rp3000d turntable (with a s arm)? if i want to put a audio technica or shure cartridge which one and where shall i get them?
can anyone help me to find a replacement cartridge and stylus for a sonodyne rp3000d turntable (with a s arm)? if i want to put a audio technica or shure cartridge which one and where shall i get them?

You are sitting pretty in the Goldmine, In kolkata SHURE cartridge can be obtained in Roland Pro Music. Look at SKS Traders. I am sure kolkata members will soon answer you
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