The Audio Source Shootout

Hai Venkat,

I am interested to participate. Are you people interested in NORGE 2060 and PULZ RS 180 DC Amps , which I have.


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fantastic, Saturday 8th of August it is. It's even a holiday for me, being a second saturday. Does it work for you Sushanth? I'll check the timings with Raghu. Have you spoken to Raghu about this before? or should I introduce this scheme from scratch?

Too short a notice. Let us shoot for next weekend. Saturday would be fine.

Saturdays should be fine. But i cant confirm till mid week as something may come up. I will confirm by wednesday if i can make it. Nevertheless you can definitely take away the DV99 with or without me.
Hi all,

So finally a venue for the shootout - Raghu's decibel.

It reminds me of Waterloo - the place where the English and the French fought, not in England, neither in France, but in Belgium. Yes, Waterloo is in Belgium. I have driven past Waterloo on several occasions on our way to Brussels from Aachen (in Germany, where I lived for 4 years). It is nice of Raghu to have agreed to be the Waterloo of the modern times :D.

Let's see who survives the shootout to report back.

I did learn from my Karnatic classical friends that raga Adana is to be sung or played during a war. I'll play that raga on the 8th.

Good wishes.
Hi tropic,

So its happening finaly!:) :clapping:. I think we should all thank venkat for his efforts and you too for never giving up. If it is happening next saturday, when will it be? Fore noon? afternoon or evening? If it is after noon or evening i want to come too, that is if you guys will have me. Can bring my wharf 9.2s too.

Great news, a Marantz player would round off the list nicely.

So as of now we have:

Oppo 980 (and Oppo 981)
Marantz CD6002
Marantz CD63SE (the 6002 can meet its great-great-grandfather - CD63, CD67, CD6000, CD6001, CD6002)

I realise the CD63SE is a pointless thing to compare here, so we'll listen to that only if we have time. Let me talk to the Cressida guys (they are back by the way, relocated to RA Puram) and see if they want to contribute a cambridge CDP for the group test (unlikely, but i'll try).

Hi all,

Just hope I could make it next Saturday!
I can bring along my CD6002 and the Mhdt Paradisea dac...

I am too exited as we can judge better than magazines.
Pls add all type of CDs ,classical Indian & others too(Bollywood?)
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Hi tropic,

Why do you say Marantz 63SE is pointless to try? They have got fantastic reviews all over the net. People even say the newer Marantz are not a match to it! Used ones are still going for around USD300 in ebay overseas sites.So dont take it out of the equation please. Will be useful for guys looking for used CDPs.

Hai Psycho & Srikarkav,

Pl let me know , what Genre can be played so that we can bring some from each end. I have Carnatic -Veena,Violin,and Mandolin, some fusion( not confusion) , Western, Ilaiyaraja . Is there chance to play Vinyl as well so I can bring some.

Pl let me know before hand.


hey srikar, i do stand corrected. However, I was not suggesting the CD63SE was inferior in anyway, and very reliable senior people have told me that it is probably superior to all its progeny :), what I meant was that not many people would have the option of buying it, but yes, in the used market this would be useful.

Hi tropic,

Why do you say Marantz 63SE is pointless to try? They have got fantastic reviews all over the net. People even say the newer Marantz are not a match to it! Used ones are still going for around USD300 in ebay overseas sites.So dont take it out of the equation please. Will be useful for guys looking for used CDPs.

Hi tropic and venkat,

Please let me know if you guys will have me at the shootout.if yes, do tell me if you guiys want me to bring my 9.2s. The royal battle between Oppo and CA DV99 should be be very interesting.

you're most welcome! why would you even think you needed to ask. Speakers I don't know if we should get into, as it may complicate things, but I am open to the idea.

Hi tropic and venkat,

Please let me know if you guys will have me at the shootout.if yes, do tell me if you guiys want me to bring my 9.2s. The royal battle between Oppo and CA DV99 should be be very interesting.

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