The Audio Source Shootout

Hi tropic and venkat,

Is there a CDP in the fray on Saturday? I think it should be CDP vs DV99 vs OPPO. It will be very useful for guys who are undecided whether to go for a all in one Universal player or a CDP for their music listening.

my CD63SE will be there, but that's a bit pointless I agree. PBR's CD6002 was offerred, but i am just too scared to take personal liability for someone else's hi fi. Anyone else with a CD player that can be put up?

Hi tropic and venkat,

Is there a CDP in the fray on Saturday? I think it should be CDP vs DV99 vs OPPO. It will be very useful for guys who are undecided whether to go for a all in one Universal player or a CDP for their music listening.

gr8 - so who all were able to make it - I mean the components ..
no one took wdtv or pop corn hour or something similar? anyone with philips dvd player 5996?
The Audio Shootout got completed by about 1800. People present were Psychotropic, Sushanth, Murali, Srikarkav, and a friend of Sushanth. TheVortex came in for short time but had to leave early. Also present was yours truly.

Will post a review shortly.

Hi Guys,

At last it happened:) It was a pleasure to meet venkat sir and all the others.
Let's wait for venkat's impressions.

Well it must be for 4hrs & time for dedicated listening was short.
I meen when I take Demo of 3 products,I need atleast 2 hrs.

still hope outcome must be helpful, Thanks to everyone....
Hai All,

It was a wonderful unforgettable evening, in the company of Mr.Venkat, Mr.Raghu of Decibel, Srikarkav, Susanthace , Psychotropic and Vortex(who made a brief appearence). Mr.Venkat will post the results. Until then hold your breath.


N Murali
believe it or not, i missed my bus. So I am back at home in Chennai. And I have no idea when I am going to get my hands on my amp. Needless to say I am very disappointed, but I have only myself to blame. The cost of one more trip to hyderabad is going to make this a very expensive amp, but again, a completely avoidable expense. Maybe this will teach me a lesson, all of my adult life i've spent catching flights and trains at the last moment, boarding a moving train, reaching the airport after the flight's departure is announced and so on, so the law of averages had to catch up with me some time. And that time was today. The shootout was great fun. My fundamental conclusion is that I am a useless reviewer of equipment, the differences I could make out between the various CD players was very subtle and i had to really make an effort to make out the differences. I could happily live with any of the three.

More detailed observations I'll post soon. Everyone enjoy your weekends, while I kick myself :)
Hi tropic,

It was nice meeting you. But i am really sorry you missed your bus. I remember you writing in this thread that the bus starts at 8 pm. You left well in time i think. How come you missed it?

Well after the shootout i sincerely believe, you should look for a Marantz(used or new) amp to match your 63se.

The bus was at 7.30. I could still have managed it in time if I had hurried a bit at home in getting ready.

I'm already committed to picking up the NAD C320BEE, i anticipate that this will actually be a better match for the CD63SE than a marantz amp as the 'warmth' of it is likely to balance the slight brightness of the CD player. Let's how it pans out. Can't wait for too much longer anyways. Need to figure out a way to get the amp to me now. I don't know if I can do one more trip.

Well after the shootout i sincerely believe, you should look for a Marantz(used or new) amp to match your 63se.

The Audio Shootout got completed by about 1800. People present were Psychotropic, Sushanth, Murali, Srikarkav, and a friend of Sushanth. TheVortex came in for short time but had to leave early. Also present was yours truly.

Will post a review shortly.

1800 !! Good god this is 2009!! Does it take 209 years to post a review?!! :D

The bus was at 7.30. I could still have managed it in time if I had hurried a bit at home in getting ready.

I'm already committed to picking up the NAD C320BEE, i anticipate that this will actually be a better match for the CD63SE than a marantz amp as the 'warmth' of it is likely to balance the slight brightness of the CD player. Let's how it pans out. Can't wait for too much longer anyways. Need to figure out a way to get the amp to me now. I don't know if I can do one more trip.

I use Marantz cdp + nad and it certainly gels for me - The "bright" sound actually complements nad like you stated!! :) The brightness translates into an energetic yet non-fatuifing sound with the nad. Best of all soundstage is behind the speakers - great for a small room!!
Go for it!!
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Let me take a few minutes off from kicking myself to jot down my observations on the shootout. Venkat will of course follow with his staggeringly detailed review I am sure in a bit of time.

I am only setting out broad observations because like I mentioned before the differences I noticed were all very subtle and I don't think there's much of a point in me going into too much detail.

The Marantz CD63SE was up first. Since it's my player I am familiar with the sound. So let me describe it in comparison to the Oppo 983 which was next. The Oppo has a more sophisticated sound, more "high-end". In comparison to the Marantz it was more polished and assured but I thought it lacked a tiny bit of detail and low frequency extension. Venkat speculates that this might be because of the Marantz accentuating the extremities of the frequency spectrum. I don't have enough of a knowledge of CD players to be able to confirm this.

Overall the marantz was more aggressive and the Oppo was smoother. The marantz seemed to pull out more detail including the snares of the snare drum. Also in the Iron Maiden track, the Marantz was the only player where the kick drums made their presence felt through the powerchords. In the Katie Melua track the Oppo's sophistication was evident in the way it handled her voice, the other two were clearly inferior here. Another area where I thought the Oppo was marginally inferior was the dynamic range, which seemed a bit smaller compared to the Marantz as well as the Cambridge Audio DVD99.

The DVD99 was a player that seemed to be somewhere halfway between the aggressiveness of the marantz and the sophistication of the Oppo. On a majority of the tracks this was the player that outshone the other two. However, in the Katie Melua track there was a fair bit of sibilance, and in the Iron Maiden track (wasting love) Bruce Dickenson's voice was a bit subdued. The kick drum was more present than with the Oppo, but not as much as the Marantz. However on a couple of tracks including the Katie Melua it sounded a touch bright.

Let me add here that all of these differences to me were very subtle and I had to strain and struggle to catch them, and I can see each of these players shining with different types of music and in different setups. For the iron maiden i'd pick the marantz, for katie melua the Oppo, and for Anil Srinivasan and Sikkil Gurucharan (piano and carnatic vocal), i'd pick the Cambridge Audio.

Overall I guess the Cambridge Audio seemed marginally the better player of the lot. It did better on more tracks than the other two, to me. Between the Oppo and the Marantz I can't really decide, they're different types of players, one with sophistication and one with what i felt was a touch more detail, and what sounds better would probably depend a lot on the partnering equipment, the room and the kind of music that you want to play.

Again i reiterate that the differences to me were nowhere as pronounced as between listening to different speakers. Have never tried swapping out different amps keeping the other components constant, so I can't comment on that.
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