The Death Of DVDS For Me

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Would it break any rules if we request members to disclose good sources to download HD movies? I would be very much interested in knowing a few sites or having invites of some good ones.

+1. Even iam interested to know the sites from where i can download. :)
Would it break any rules if we request members to disclose good sources to download HD movies? I would be very much interested in knowing a few sites or having invites of some good ones.

+1. Even iam interested to know the sites from where i can download. :)

@kneo & @sgmane - Definitely taboo subjects and will only result in the thread being nuked and/or a warning issued.

Either way Google will have all the answers or else PM Vinay for his help.

Requirements -
1. PC with lots of HDD space.
2. Fast internet connection with unlimited d/l.

If you have a PC then they are the best machines to play such content on, forget WDTV and the others as they are pretty much limited. A PC is the real deal and if you need help with the PC settings you can buzz me anytime.

Recommendations - Make sure the content is 1080p and not 720p, and also make sure its HD Audio and not limited to just DTS or DD. Lots of underground sites deal with such requirements and basically mean no entry to outsiders. You either need to be a member yourself or have a member vouch for/introduce you to even get in.

Torrents are another option, but they are pretty limited in terms of content. The membership sites are what you really need to get into.

Hopefully I've answered your queries and hopefully I don't get kicked out for it, but I think I've been pretty safe in using PC language here.
Dear Members,

The free DVDs details have now moved to a new thread.

"Free 8 DVDs"

If you have any queries then let me know.


I have decided to gift my over 200 original DVDs to the members who have already contributed more then 15 times on the thread "The Movies I Liked".

Would it break any rules if we request members to disclose good sources to download HD movies? I would be very much interested in knowing a few sites or having invites of some good ones.

well, just do a Google search and u will be able to find plenty of sites to get good stuff, don't want to discuss the same here,

u just need to search and there is plenty to get out there ....
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