The Home Appliances Thread

Kitchen Sink Disposer - Washing Machine -

Asit Sir,

Thank you very much for writing.

I would consider to buy kitchen sink disposer if it can take care of the following garbage.

  1. Vegetable & fruit Peelings, including of pineapple.
  2. Rotten tomato or onions.
  3. Plastic bags Of vegetables, fruits, milk.
  4. Stale bread + chapatti's.
  5. Left overs of food.
  6. The other small etc's of kitchen garbage.
If this is achievable then maybe i can do away completely with dust bin in kitchen provided the disposer has a 2 year warranty + AMC option thereafter.

In developed countries people prefer to be more dependent on machines then humans because hiring people is expensive. Otherwise too they prefer machines then humans, that is why it is common fitment in their houses of a kitchen sink. I fully support their thought process and i too try and follow a lot on these lines.

The washing machine which i have is American brand of "General", it's height is a whopping 11 feet.

I think most of the fully automatic machines get rid 50% of water but here the beauty is that it gets 100% rid of water and when you remove the clothes from machine they are warm, what a joy that can be.



Let me explain the kitchen sink disposer. Basically this is a small unit placed under the kitchen sink and connected to the sink outlet. It needs electric power to run. The disposer is activated by pressing a switch for a short time. It makes a very annoying sound and I think it creates a powerful vacuum, drawing any stuff (vegetable cuts and similar soft matter) with a huge force from the sink into the outlet pipes. Usually these sort of things get stuck in the trap under the sink.

I do not know how the Franke disposer works here in India. Whatever I have described above is how it worked abroad. This is a very common fitment to a kitchen sink in the US.

BTW, what is this excellent washing machine that you have? You have not mentioned the brand. The Bosch machine we have gets rid of about 50% of the water after the spin cycle.

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A disposer is most handy device. It has a 3/4 hp motor that spins plates that grind up waste food in a chamber just below the hole in the bottom of the sink. There is a rubber iris that spreads open to about a 10cm diameter to accept the food waste. You turn on the cold water and alow it to run for a moment, then turn on the motor. Within a few seconds the material is ground to tiny bits and the water carries it to the drain. Quality units have a stainless steel grind chamber, a circuit breaker for the motor, and a hex key to be used in case of a jam. Our old disposer was called "Old Loudmouth" but the new one is so quiet I thought I blundered something in the install. I know they sell 220v models in the UK, here is a data sheet for those interested:

You have provided all the vital information which i am looking for a sink disposer.

This gives me a clear signal that i should strongly consider to buy in due course through a online store because i doubt if it will be available in India.

If available here then i think cost will be much higher backed with older models and less known brands.

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Dish Washer

In my case it is nearly 6 years that i have been using dish washer twice daily, at times even 3 times a day.

In other words i am sure there is virtually no need for a domestic help for cleaning the utensils if one is having a dish washer.

The utensils can be put directly in machine after removing the food content while the utensils with hard food stains have to be partly water scrubbed.

The machine's cleanliness of utensils is so good that a domestic help can never ever match.


Mr GeorgeO
i too have Kaff dishwasher. We have used it very sparingly . primary reason being that the wife does not want to let go of kamwali bai! secondary reason being that it is almost the same hassle. I mean if we do not pre-soak the dishes , some dishes are not 100% clean. even after pre-soaking, some dishes are not 100% clean.
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Dish Washer


I am using IFB.

Please be assured that the brand which you are having is a good one.

It could be that your machine has some small technical fault.

Please let me know if you want to know something more.

Buying kitchen appliances can be really a daunting task when you look at all of the options, from energy saving to high end designer models to low cost models. Considering refrigerators, higher end models that offer dual refrigeration, on-door controls, and energy efficiency may be more important for large families.. While singles or those who do not cook a lot may prefer a snazzy stainless steel or built-in model that looks fantastic. For those who interested in buying a stove or cooktop, there are several options that includes induction, gas or electric all have their pros and cons. Most beginning cooks appreciate electric for its slow heat up, while experienced cooks prefer induction and ultimately gas stoves for its fast heat up and ability to cook under precise conditions.

dryer repair Staten Island
Cleaning Material

I have been sourcing cleaning material like detergent etc from the company from whom i bought my dish washer. I think it is better not to source the cleaning aids from elsewhere.

I have to fill up the detergent tank and it is as simple as that. In other words i can not decide how much i have to put the cleaning aid.

I have always failed to understand that as to why most of them do not use the dish washer daily especially when they have purchased the machine.


Our model is the K/D BIN 60 (INTRA). I find that the dishes are clean and glasses come out sparkling! What brand of detergent and how much of it do you use in the d/w? Possibly that may make a difference.

We dont use the d/w on a daily basis-same as you I guess, but after big and late parties or if the household help is absent for a day or two we dont hesitate to use it.
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my friends,

i'm looking for a new fully automatic top loading washing machine for a family of 4. I'm looking for a machine which has excellent and gentle cleaning especially for tender and also white clothes.

Has anyone bought a new machine recently and care to share experiences. Which brand/make is the most popular here in our forums ?


my friends,

i'm looking for a new fully automatic top loading washing machine for a family of 4. I'm looking for a machine which has excellent and gentle cleaning especially for tender and also white clothes.

Has anyone bought a new machine recently and care to share experiences. Which brand/make is the most popular here in our forums ?


A 6 kg payload machine should be good enough for a family of your size. Ensure a machine with good spinning speed so that washed clothes are as dry as possible.

If you have an old machine to exchange then LG has recently launched exchange scheme for all white goods. You should look it up.

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i buying a new ao smith water heater.

but i'm confused about the size. If one person had to take a bath under shower for 15-20 mins then what size/capacity of water heater should i buy ?


i buying a new ao smith water heater.

but i'm confused about the size. If one person had to take a bath under shower for 15-20 mins then what size/capacity of water heater should i buy ?


With 25ltr, Turn knob to LOW so you can utilise the full tank and cold water mixing not required.
pardon me but i could not follow you.

are you saying keep temp at low and then the 25 lt water @ low temp is enough for a 15-20 min standing shower ? ( without the need of mixing it cold water )

i ask this as my current 25 lt water heater even at maximum hot is not able to give hot water under shower for more than 5-7 mins ie mixed with cold water.
What I meant 25ltrs is for 20min bath under shower where you will turndown the tap for applying soap and shampoo.
If u already have 25 ltrs, then go for 50/60 ltrs.

AO Smith suggests -
Overhead Showers - 25 litres or more
Shower Panels - 50 litres or more
Bathtubs - 70 litres or more
Jacuzzis - 100 litres or more

I own a KAFF dishwasher for just over two years now and I am glad to report that it cleans all our "Indian" utensils satisfactorily. Recommended. If you have any specific questions, just ask!
@George, where do you buy the dish washing power from? I had a dishwasher installed in my apt and want to use it, but am clueless about where to start.
@George, where do you buy the dish washing power from? I had a dishwasher installed in my apt and want to use it, but am clueless about where to start.

Automatic dishwashers will clean dishes better than domestic staff washing by hand. They will consume less water, energy, and detergent too. The detergent is a special type only for automatic dishwashers. Dish detergent for hand washing should never be used in the machine. It will fill the kitchen with suds if you use even a tiny amount in the machine. :annoyed:

Important to remember is to remove most of the food from the dishes by scraping, and loading the racks so the water jets have access to every surface of the utensils. Plastics on the top rack only because many machines have a calrod heater in the bottom to dry the dishes and the heat may cause plastics to sag. ;)

Sparkle is a brand of detergent sold in India, but I never use it. I import a Proctor & Gamble brand called Cascade Action Pacs from USA. It works the best with my deionized RO water.

In use the detergent is placed in a container in the machine, and released into the water after a rinse cycle. Several rinse and wash cycles leave the dishes sanitary clean, and heated drying means you can simply put the dishes in the cupboard. I use a dish towel to dry the odd drop of water.

I like to BBQ (chula), but hate to scrub the grill. A minute with a wire brush to dislodge the large chunks, and in they go. One hour later they are clean and tidy. :clapping:

The dishwasher allows sitting and listening to music and enjoying an adult beverage.:beer:
Automatic dishwashers will clean dishes better than domestic staff washing by hand. They will consume less water, energy, and detergent too. The detergent is a special type only for automatic dishwashers. Dish detergent for hand washing should never be used in the machine. It will fill the kitchen with suds if you use even a tiny amount in the machine. :annoyed:

Important to remember is to remove most of the food from the dishes by scraping, and loading the racks so the water jets have access to every surface of the utensils. Plastics on the top rack only because many machines have a calrod heater in the bottom to dry the dishes and the heat may cause plastics to sag. ;)

Sparkle is a brand of detergent sold in India, but I never use it. I import a Proctor & Gamble brand called Cascade Action Pacs from USA. It works the best with my deionized RO water.

In use the detergent is placed in a container in the machine, and released into the water after a rinse cycle. Several rinse and wash cycles leave the dishes sanitary clean, and heated drying means you can simply put the dishes in the cupboard. I use a dish towel to dry the odd drop of water.

I like to BBQ (chula), but hate to scrub the grill. A minute with a wire brush to dislodge the large chunks, and in they go. One hour later they are clean and tidy. :clapping:

The dishwasher allows sitting and listening to music and enjoying an adult beverage.:beer:

I concur on this. Nowadays the maids do not cowan the utensils properly. As stated above rinse the utensils in running water to remove excess food particles. This will also ensure that dishwasher is not clogged up after frequent usage.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk
Sparkle is a brand of detergent sold in India, but I never use it. I import a Proctor & Gamble brand called Cascade Action Pacs from USA. It works the best with my deionized RO water.

Thanks ML. I will check them out. The procedure that the installer explained to me made it look so complicated I just didn't bother. It has been lying idle in my house for almost a year :) I have used these in the US and it *was* easy enough for someone as lazy as me.

The dishwasher allows sitting and listening to music and enjoying an adult beverage.:beer:

I have a open kitchen plan so technically the dishwasher and my music system share the living room with my books and me. The grrrrrrrrrrr-grrrrrrrr of the dishwasher has difficulty keeping up with Geln Gould's tempo. The washing machine does a much better job, especially in the spin cycle :)
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!