Well-Known Member
Great going Helium!! Hope it floats your boat even higher.
an 'Aerostat'
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Great going Helium!! Hope it floats your boat even higher.
an 'Aerostat'
Where is this? Mumbai? Looks groovy. I heard DRDO is considering this for the eye in the sky?
A complete explanation of the amp is here:
u r most welcome, sumant. when do us dilliwalaaz/NCRvaaseez (i'm sure otherz too would be welcome) get to see and hear the beauts!?!
Hi Heliumflight
Congrats on your new 845 integrated. If possible also try out the chinese made 845 B tubes. They sounded better on my Dehavillands as compared to the standard chinese 845s. The 845Bs are marginally more expensive. However check with Viren before you try it.
A good solid platform helps the 845 amp.
Thank you for the insight Prem.
I will report out the changes to the sound, if any. Right now the 845 is placed on glass.
but what about the vibrations that get transmitted to the amp via air - after all speakers are moving air around us. The tubes too would get those vibrations directly as they are exposed.
Hey buddy
I'm so glad you are walking down the path of the glass tube...it's really the way to go for the kind of sound we seek.
Just one more thing, I've NEVER found any glass surfaces to ever be of any help to hifi equipment. They have always hurt sonics. I suggest you look into getting a wood block....try 2 inch thick. Also, try coupling the amp to the wooden block with some brass cones. Stay away from compliant/soft materials like rubber etc. to couple the amps.
You should notice a strong increase in clarity, soundstaging and tonality. It has happened EVERY time with every equipment I've had.
Fun times!
Hi Shaizada
By wood you mean pure wood (TEAK WOOD, ROSEWOOD) or MDF , PLYWOOD?
but what about the vibrations that get transmitted to the amp via air - after all speakers are moving air around us. The tubes too would get those vibrations directly as they are exposed.
Hmm Whats wrong with soft materials ? What about products like vibrapods?
Whats this think about brass for cones? Why is SS cone not good enough?