I agree, there are bound to be disappointments due to omissions & commissions.

Going by the link, the ranking of products and companies are as under: -
Most voted products in the descending order.
I - Dynaco ST70 - 8 votes
II - Phase Linear 700 & Accoustic Research D150 - 5 votes each
III - Mcintosh MC 275, Mark Levinson ML2 & Phase Linear 400 - 4 votes each
IV - Marnatz 8B, Marantz 9 & NAD 3020 - 3 votes each
V - Cary Audio CAD 805, Threshold 400A, Quad 303, Krell KSA100, Krell KSA50 & Conrad Johnson Premier One - 2 votes each
Mosted voted companies in descending order
I - Accoustic Research - 10 votes for 4 products
II - Phase Linear - 9 votes for 2 products
III - Dynaco - 8 votes for 1 product
IV - Mcintosh & Marantz - 6 votes each for 3 & 2 products respectively
V - Krell, Mark Levinson & NAD - 4 votes each for 2, 1 & 2 products respectively
VI - Conrad Johnson & Threshold - 3 votes for 3 products each.