The Ten Most Significant Amplifiers of All Time

I have personally experienced the NAD 3020 over the last few days and I must well and truly say that it deserves its spot amoung the best of all time. What an amazing amp!!
Hi Capt,
Interesting article by the Absolute Sound editors each picking their ten most significant amps: Of course, one always has to be clear about what the criteria are for assembling such a list. "Best" is not the same as "significant." Can't argue too much with the list, but I expected to see one Nelson Pass design on there, my favorite ADCOM-555. Or I missed something?
There were 3 writers who included a Threshold amp in their list though.

Anyways, back to the piece. I'm not sure I agree 100% with any one writer, but between all of them, the 10 amps that I would have chosen are all mentioned.
Threshold is a Nelson Pass design.
Of course. I was referring to the Adcom 555 which Hydrovac mentioned. Since I was typing from my mobile and forgot the name of the amp mentioned and had to go back to see it, I had omitted the name. The post stands corrected now.
I think FM Santhosh had this amp sometime back. I remember to have listened to it paired with his B&W bookshelves and they sounded very good.
I think FM Santhosh had this amp sometime back. I remember to have listened to it paired with his B&W bookshelves and they sounded very good.

capt, I too have one in my stable. The Adcom GFA-555 is an excellent amplifier, simply the first of a whole wave of good amplifiers. This ss amp will give all the fidelity and power that an audiophile is looking for.
The Adcom 555 was in fact an inspiration for building my DIY 300 Watt amp.
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