Thiel CS1.6 Floorstanding speakers - HotDeal.

Hi Guys,

If anyone is interested in Monitor Audio gold signatures for around the same price, please let me know, I'll try and get the best price and post it in a different hot deal thread.

Looks like I got more enimies than friends posting this thread. :D
If you are not quick enough to grab the speakers before they are sold out, Iam not responsible. :)
Hi Blasto - Am relatively new to hifi vision and am in the process of setting up my maiden hi fi system, a long cherished aspiration catalyzed thanks to a fairly large collection of Lp's that I came into possession recently from my uncle. I pursued the Thiel sale with the Audio People but was a tad too late...they only have a demo unit to spare and are willing to let go of that one at a lesser price...wanted your opinion on whether that would be a good move...Your current announcement on the MA gold's has got me thinking again...need some advise..pls assist.
Hi Blasto - Am relatively new to hifi vision and am in the process of setting up my maiden hi fi system, a long cherished aspiration catalyzed thanks to a fairly large collection of Lp's that I came into possession recently from my uncle. I pursued the Thiel sale with the Audio People but was a tad too late...they only have a demo unit to spare and are willing to let go of that one at a lesser price...wanted your opinion on whether that would be a good move...Your current announcement on the MA gold's has got me thinking again...need some advise..pls assist.

I see you are in hyd.
Go to audio people and audition both of these speakers Side by side.
Let me know.

Thiels will require higher powered amp compared to Monotor audio. Please remember that.

BTW, were you the one who took the A1008 amp demo?
You are late there too :) Divakar took it.
Not in Hyd at present though..Working from my hometown for a month....will be back in Jun only. As regards the audition I'm going to the AP Chennai store this Sat and hope to finalize if all goes well. Since Im not residing in chennai I just have a day to make up my mind..And no remorse about Divakar's purchase as i didn't demo the A1008 :-)

Did the folks at AP give u any indicative cost for the MA's? Also would it be wise to purchase a demo set-up - the thiels?
Not in Hyd at present though..Working from my hometown for a month....will be back in Jun only. As regards the audition I'm going to the AP Chennai store this Sat and hope to finalize if all goes well. Since Im not residing in chennai I just have a day to make up my mind..And no remorse about Divakar's purchase as i didn't demo the A1008 :-)

Did the folks at AP give u any indicative cost for the MA's? Also would it be wise to purchase a demo set-up - the thiels?

Hey Keypee,

You cannot demo the thiels in chennai as they are in delhi currently.
My speakers were with AP hyd and you'd have had a demo there but I would be taking it before you return.. :)

MA all speakers are for demo.
I have posted the details in another thread.
Can the ones who took home the thiels please expose yourselves. :D
I'd be happy to know who got benefitted. ;)

P.S: Looks like there's no option to close the thread
I will start a thread shortly.. ;)
Currently sitting with packed speakers and awaiting the amp.
My Musichall will not drive them enough.

Eager to see your new setup. What amplifier you bought? Looks like you need a better amp as Wattage recommendation is 50-300Watts.
Can the ones who took home the thiels please expose yourselves. :D
I'd be happy to know who got benefitted. ;)

P.S: Looks like there's no option to close the thread

Hi Blasto - The deed's done.. checked out the MA- GS 20 & Thiel's- Settled for the Thiel's (demo piece) The AP guys reduced the costs by another 20k. one of the speaker drivers was acting up on lows...they downplayed it saying its just a nut which needs some tightening and would be attended to... but i was too captivated by the experience (and the cost) to let this become a showstopper so i went ahead in good faith :-) Now the hunt for the amps begin..the AP guys were trying hard to palm-off the KW250S...not very convincing though ..Thanks again for the timely alert on the offer.
Hi Blasto - The deed's done.. checked out the MA- GS 20 & Thiel's- Settled for the Thiel's (demo piece) The AP guys reduced the costs by another 20k. one of the speaker drivers was acting up on lows...they downplayed it saying its just a nut which needs some tightening and would be attended to... but i was too captivated by the experience (and the cost) to let this become a showstopper so i went ahead in good faith :-) Now the hunt for the amps begin..the AP guys were trying hard to palm-off the KW250S...not very convincing though ..Thanks again for the timely alert on the offer.

Hey kp, congrats..
How was the condition of the speakers?

I asked jalal to send one to Hyderabad for kunal and he was telling the one available was on display and discount and only picked up on inspection. Never thought it is 20k discount though. :)
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the AP guys were trying hard to palm-off the KW250S...not very convincing though ..

Wonder why??
The KW is the highest series in the Musical Fidelity and 250 is an all in one. Best bang for buck if you are starting with no setup in hand.

PM me the price quoted and I'll let you know if it is worth.
Yup 65 K.considering that it was a demo piece...But more by default than design as the new ones were picked up in a jiffy and i came to the party a lil late...wonder if i will get to have the last laugh though ;-)
The Thiel's were paired with the M6 first. Sounded great especially the mids and the highs- very open...found it a lil wanting on the low though. Jalal was of the opinion that a REL sub should do the trick...he then paired it with the KW 250 S and that did infuse more life to the lows but there wasn't any marked difference overall - blame it on an untrained ear :-)
Ok, I thought it was an integrated with CD player, FM tuner etc. Being described as the Swiss knife from MF.

Kaypee congrats on the Thiel! Damn good price for a beautiful speaker :)
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!