Thiel CS1.6 Floorstanding speakers - HotDeal.

Kaypee congrats on the Thiel! Damn good price for a beautiful speaker :)
Thanks Diwakar - Jalal says you negotiated real hard with him for the A1008 :-) As for the KW250 - It sounded ok but the cost was palatable considering the comprehensive swiss-knife functionality.
Divakar - BTW what cables are you using for the thiels? any reccos? Mr.Suresh Lalwani is letting go of a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Bi wire's...PM'd him for it..but he wanted me to do my homework before buying it :-) What say?
@Kaypee, I am using no-name 16 gauge speaker wires from Adelphi, Singapore. I just don't have a budget for speaker cables and interconnects. Suresh Lalwani's cables seem very high-end and you should go for it if it's in your budget. Most reviewers view it favorably: Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables Reviews

One thing to keep in mind is that Thiel doesn't recommend bi-wiring their speakers. It muddies the sound, they say. What Suresh Lalwani is selling is a biwired set..
you can't bi-wire thiel speakers it simply does not even have that option, whether it will make the sound muddy is secondary.

Bi-wire speaker cable can be used in speaker which does not support bi-wiring if the cables have spade connectors, as for the KW250s i think is a brilliant amplifier but one needs to move up above the thiel 1.6 to really understand how it sounds.Audition it with the CS 3.7 and it will start to perform.

I use nordost cables and i really like them, they are the most transparent cable i've used in my system.
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